PvP Rank Pools Hotfix Coming 14 October

And poolboosting is still possible. You just can’t do it solo anymore. Crosserver poolbosting as it was done back in march will still be possible. What this change does is just to fix an obvious exploit. People who used it should just be happy they haven’t been banned long ago.

You don’t get it, do you? The system is fine. Rank 14 isn’t supposed to be available for 5+ people every week. If you can’t accept that you are playing the wrong game.

Yeah like I also said, an army only needs 1 Grand Marshal.

I don’t think a system where you can be standing #1 for weeks on and still not achieve Rank 14 is fine, ever. This is the case with smaller population realms. I never said they should be available for 5+ people so I am not sure where you are getting that from.

That should be fixed addressing those population issues by merging dead servers, or offering free transfers away from them. Not by allowing rampant exploiting of the game.

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Thank you very much, for what?

In vanilla we werent forced to spend 5 hours in an AV queue, play against 90% premade groups from other realms…

you are only fixing what helps the players… but you are not doing anything to help the players are you?

Typical Blizzard

So, at the end, you agree that the system is broken. If it wouldn’t be, then no fix would be needed.

The pvp system is fine. The classic server populations are not.

its linked together both are fine or both are not fine… so make up your mind if you agree or not

Rampant exploiting is not fine under any circumstances. No amount of broken server populations, or pvp system will change that.

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well if oyu read my post on this theme you would see i agree

I really can’t understand how Blizzard don’t learn from previous mistakes. Can’t you see that the only people that want this hotfix are the ones who have no clue of how the pvp system works? Pool boosting allowed us to cooperate with each other in order to progress together just like PVE does. You are about to break the fix that the community has found for this horrific system and nothing else is being provided in return. People keep saying that ranking with pool boost is easy, they have never done it I can ensure that. Ranking is always exhaustive with or without pool boosting, the difference is that with pool boost we have a chance to get rank 14 if you have a job. If the company has learnt anything from the many mistakes you have made you will not proceed with this hotfix but if you do it will only remind me one more time why I keep quitting Blizzard games since Cataclysm.


Why dont you listen? you do NOT know better.
even the victorians understood the saying that the customer is always right.
most of your customers are calling this a mistake. Idiots.

well on this topic i saw one good video… NEVER SAY YOUR CUSTEMERS what thy wann, aka you think you do you dont :smiley:
its basic managment knowledge… in any other company managment would be fired…
in my country we had long ago world wide succes bussines man maybe you heeard about " Tomaš Baťa" maybe you wering “his” shoes evne today. And healways said: “our custemer our master (or how to say) and this were 70 year ago … somehow blizzard managment is stuck in 19 century. :smiley: no wonder company shares are constantly droping :smiley:
reading blizz anoucments is always fun. Thy say thy do hot fix but no explaining or no plan for low pop realm no comunication nothing.
Kaivvax is totaly incompetend person… same as customer support whne i asked if this change is added before or after honor update thy werent able to tell anything.
When i asked what thy will do if soem on low realm abuse system by blockign bracked 1 after he get r 14. He said " i dont uderstand your question” he had no clue how rank system work.

Damn I’m so disappointed in Blizzard right now…

How can you be so out of touch with your community. How on earth can you decide to make such a huge change affecting all ranking players so sudden after it being in the game for more then 8(!!) months!

About 4 months months ago I decided, I wanted to rank up and I was dreaming about at least rank 13. Finally getting my hands on my that gear that was untouchable 15 year ago, and now it seems it might still be… I started off fairly casual and since one month I have stepped up a notch, playing for more then 30-50 hours weekly to get to the specific bracket caps. Finally after all those months I am one week away from rank 13, and then this “hotfix” gets announced. I am playing on a very small realm but with quite a few dedicated PvPers around my rank, more than there are spots in Br13 and Br14. Around the Battlemasters we already notice many less players, and the poolsize at the moment is already a lot smaller then it used to be at this time in the week… It makes me wonder if there even will be a Br14 spot…

And who does this help now that so many have used the same method previously? Why change it now? And why so sudden?

I will be trying to get standing 1 this week, it’s the only choice I have to achieve my goal. Doing nothing else but PvP, cutting down my sleep to 4h per night, eating behind my PC. Great respect to those early rankers who had to go through this in early vanilla for multiple weeks. I can’t imagine how it must have been in this toxic system that was created.

Please Blizzard, please start listening to your community.


R.I.P. WoW Classic PvP.
Blizzard is a big disappointment

There are so many fun things to do in classic. I believe pvp was boring af in the way it was. It was embracing toxicity in the community with all the pvp mafias.

Support for classic is so embarrassing, bugs fixing follows no clear logic and happens way too late.

Shame on you “blizzard”.

You can still do that. What you can’t do is make 500 characters per week on a single account. Now you are limited to having 50, with a maximum of 10 per server. That should be more than enough to keep a boosting “community” going.

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Mate you clearly have no idea of how WoW Classic operates maybe you are a retail player or just a new player. In Wow Classic we cannot invite or interact with players from other servers except for battle grounds the servers are isolated silos. Asking for players to go on the internet searching for a way to contact players from other servers to fix local issue is just a ridiculous proposal.
Before you come here saying what is good or bad get to level 60 and try to rank up yourself. I promise that if you are minimally intelligent you will change your mind.

Just wondering, how will this affect a non active/casual pvper who wants to get to rank 8/10? I get somewhere between 15-30k honor per week.