PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Ever seen that Oprah giveway meme where Oprah gives something to everyone?

«You get Rank 14! You get Rank 14! Everyone gets Rank 14!»

Ranks (not just 14 but all of them) used to be actual ranks, players competing against each-other for honour points, ranked against each-other weekly (and progression based on that actual ranking). That’s exactly why it was so hard and so precious to reach the holy top Rank 14. And if you stopped you would only stay Rank 14 for one week, because you decayed back to rank 12 the next week.

What happened to World of Warcraft? Yeah yeah retails etc… but NO, this is Classic-Era! It’s not supposed to be Classic+, or SOD ! And certainly not retail!
Common! What’s next, Naxxramas gear farming trash mobs only?

This is killing the game.
It’s killing part of it that’s for sure.

Parts are being killed one by one, little by little, smoothly… slowly… a very snall change here, another small adjustment there, here in that corner we modify the mechanics, over here we change the formula…

Except those new PvP-GIVEWAYS (yes, not PvP ‘ranks’ anymore, don’t use the word ‘rank’) are not a small change, they are a BIG change. And a change aimed at one of the most famous games mechanics that made the identity of Vanilla !

How about a special renewable quest where I can farm legendary Atiesh staff by killing a great number of trash mobs… but without having to actually kill any boss?

You know, same philosophy… let’s remove the competitive aspect, let’s remove any accomplishment requirement, let’s just make it dumb farming with guaranteed loot.

December 6 UPDATE

Now they even removed decay entirely. You can get Rank14 playing 1 week per year, without loosing your progress.
Can we get a Naxxramas raid where I can damage the bosses just a few percent%, then I die, and when I come back I did not loose my progress and the boss health is not back to 100% ? :clown_face:


The only thing that was hard about it was the amount of time you have to put in, the old ranked pvp system was interesting but not well designed.

Should they give it for nothing? No.

But it should not remain the same, it is not healthy to have to play that much for a rank in a game.

I’m pretty sure there was more cooperation rather than competition during Classic and in current Era I believe it is just a grindfest of doing 5min Alterac Valley a ton of times.


You don’t have to play, it’s a game. Nobody forces you.

And yes if you want to be RANKED at the top, then you have to play more than other players, that’s what “rank” means. That’s how it is supposed to be. Just like any competition. Like playing for Olympic games, you suffer pain to be the best.

Cooperation? Let’s assume that there was somehow. Then Cooperation is an interesting part of a social game. It’s fair game. Servers who are able to co-operate deserve to pull-it. It’s a team game, it’s interesting, it requires cooperation, with some people not-cooperating creating difficulties, some power-fights, some stubborn players, etc… it gives life to the game, multi-player game. It’s good.

Now? It’s like purchasing game-time token with gold, except this time you purchase gear with “time”. All you have to do is dumb game-play time. No merit. No coordination. Just solo. Not even with ranking.

I say let’s do the same for Atiesh, give me a way to just play a lot, alone, solo, and farm Atiesh. Why not?
Seriously why not?


Okay, I don’t think I can have a serious conversation with you, based on how you argue it will be utterly pointless for me to even try.

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You cannot honestly pull that argument, while simultaneously purposefully ignoring the remaining 95% of my answer which actually did fit your argumentative criteria.

Just ignore the first sentence and go with the rest. But pretending I didn’t write the rest won’t cut it.

The reason why you conveniently ignore the remaining 95% of my answer, is because you know I’m right?


It is not healthy to stay in front of a computer for hours. Let’s just delete WoW?

Whether it is healthy or not is off-topic.

It is not healthy for Rafael Nadal to play tennis as much as he does, it gives health complications on the knee, on the elbow (ever heard of “tennis elbow” injury?)
Should we change Tennis rules?

There is a time in video games development where such questions could potentially arise, but Classic is not in the development phase anymore. That time has past. That boat has sailed.

Classic (which became Classic-Era) was advertised as being WoW Vanilla. This is its purpose. Don’t take my word for it, that’s what Blizzard itself said.

Now is not the time to discuss the merits of how it was anymore.
You can discuss the merits of Retail if you want, and try to create changes in the future. Retail is still in the phase of development. Classic-Era is not. And should not.

Let me ask again: should we cancel New York US Open and Paris Rolland Garros tennis tournaments? It’s not healthy for players to train that much and play that much tennis in order to win those tournaments, so we should change the rules to make it easier to win the trophy? Yes or no?

I did not quote the rest because it was all just a bunch of asinine arguments, I do not consider you worthy of my time, it is as simple as that.

There really is nothing to read into.

You are welcome to have a discussion with the numerous people on this forums that likes to engage in asinine conversations.

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Cant be bothered to read all that nonsense. But what happened to ranking? My understanding is that they simply removed the weekly decay. Have you ever ranked in classic wow? I´m not one for making things easier, but investing ludicrous amounts of time does not equal difficulty.

I can imagine that one still has to play a very long time to get to rank 14.

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If you define difficulty as a physical effort, then lifting 100kg is difficult and playing video games never is difficult.
There are various definitions of difficulty.

It’s about rarity and effort. It takes effort to invest ludicrous amount of times, because it is mentally painful.

Also, it’s not just decay, the entire formula does not take the relative ranking versus other players anymore.

Hey should we allow people to obtain Paris Rolland Garros tennis tournament trophy just by playing tennis for a pre-defined amount of hours weekly? Let me know your answer.

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Speaking of off-topic.

Retail? I did not mention retail at all and it is something I have not played for years.

If you wanna grind AV for 10 hours a day and think that is peak gaming, good for you, but I consider that really lazy game design and it could be much more enjoyable.


Well, I can´t really grasp how long it takes to rank right now. I managed to “only” get to rank 11 back on Elysium with the original rank systems. Anything past that was not possible with a 40 hour work week. Getting to rank 11 was stressful enough, so the removal of the weekly delay would be a good thing in my book.

If it´s a complete farce right now, then it´s obviously not a good thing.

You are confusing “off-topic” with “using external references that address the same question in order to convey a point”
My sentences about tennis are on-topic, they directly address the point you made.

Again, Classic is not in development phase. It should be the way it was, just as Blizzard advertised it would be when they drew people away from private servers.

If only this was a small tweak… but this is a huge change, there used to be a few Rank 14 per server. Now it’s 90% of the players. It used to be a rare trophy, obtained by those crazy enough to seek it, competing against other similarly crazy players. Yes, you had to be properly crazy to seek it. And you had to be crazier than the next crazy guy. There was competition (or coordination, anyhow there was a social aspect to it). Now it has become worthless.

Your game design ideas are very welcome for Retail (or Classic+), which is still in development phase.

Exactly. It was nearly impossible. There was rarity, and thus prestige, in holding those weapons in your hands. When you saw someone with them in Warsong’s you would say “They have a Rank 14 in their team !”

People are routinely pushing all their characters to rank 14. They start with one, then do the second one, then do the 3rd one… they routinely push all their chars to rank 14. That’s how sad it has become.

You clock-in, do your fixed amount of honour, then you clock-out, you loot.

It’s like farming pre-raid blue-BiS. Soon enough people will say “you need your Rank 14 gear+weapons in order to join our raid group”, that’s how common that stuff has become.

You won’t even «want» to have Rank 14 anymore. Will have fallen so low, become so common, people won’t even seek it anymore (but will be forced to, as a pre-requisite to join raid groups).

It’s a disgrace.

the former ranking sytem is bullsh*t imagine having a system which punished employed or married players and rewards unemployed players lmao.

even in the new sytem you have to spend hour upon hour. don’t worry players who are really busy IRL still won’t reach R14 because it still consumes too much time for them.

on top of that Naxx exists which offers better gear so R14 shouldn’t be that hard to reach anymore. they should have changed the system already 2months after naxx with R15 which is the only rank to compete and only 1 player pro faction can reach it which offers and bonustitle and a mount or something.

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Someone is a crybaby god damn

You mean a system where you have to spend entire evenings raiding with 39 other players, and cannot afford having a baby to take care of, a dinner to cook, a few kids to keep an eye on, and employment job to do during the day? Ok so you mean World of Warcraft Classic Vanilla. Yeah mate, tough, that’s the game we love, the game we asked, the game they said they would give us.

You want to make development suggestions? Be my guest, make your suggestions to Retail. In the meantime, Classic is not in development anymore, it’s purpose is to be as it was, just like advertised. Both PvE (Naxxramas) and PvP (rank 14).

Can you see how all the things you said could be said about raiding hours per week for Naxxramas, having to stay in focus during the raid, not being able to go afk, etc?
And that if the same reasoning applies, it means we should nerf Naxx as well and make Atiesh obtainable by just playing solo long hours?

But we never got what it was, what we got was a half-crappy version that tried to emulate Vanilla.

Classic has been in development since they released it, tons of changes, you cannot mean you think the half-baked turd we got was actually vanilla?

Your sentences about tennis are mostly just silly, but if you think that is a good way to have a discussion then lets agree to disagree.

Also account sharing, RMT, and all the good stuff. R14 gear was at SoM launch and quite a lot of people went for R14 early on. This resulted in an extremely toxic, rigged system with lots of RMT and account sharing. Not to mention typical bracket fixing. Blizzard did use the ban hammer and it was brutal.

Nobody cares if someone got R14 in Classic. Nobody cares about raid speed clear in Classic. This is an old game that some try to take way too seriously. And if you see someone deck down you never know if he bought that or not, or more precisely - how much it cost. The game and players have no integrity here, no “moral high ground”.

People cheated and will cheat so Blizzard changed it. If you have a problem that it’s not your version of Vanilla, that the recreation isn’t “true” then direct your issues to the player base first.

You mean all those people who cried to CHANGE vanilla? I totally agree, 100%, crybabies who couldn’t “win” the game and asked the rules to be changed instead. Just to fit them.

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Speaking of difficulty when its only farming

No skill,just farming

Getting challenger on LoL is hard. Finish a mythic raid is hard

Farm 20h+ a day isnt hard,its just stupid and boring

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