PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Yes, I guess that’s what posting in this forum is about. We know Blizzard doesn’t read. Those issues are directed at the player base.

People care when they see you in battleground, just purely for practical reasons.

Purely from a practical gear level point of view, the whole reasoning still stands.
That gear was rare, now everyone has it on their 3 characters. They ruined it. It’s the new “pre-raid-BiS” indeed. Merely a requirement to be accepted in raids.

considering the fact that you still have to spend a lot of hours the epics are NOT free. but for classicandys everything which isn’t an unhealthy grind which requires you to divorce your wife is free…

In retail when you see someone with high rating you know he is cracked. because no amount of time can safe you here. you need to be good or you’re hardstuck. THAT’s how ranks should be and not that “thing” from classic


Not sure where you have seen that or are you just dramatizing?

On Era, I did two characters - year and 1,5 years ago, and the guilds were chill - hit 60, ZG, maybe an AQ20 - some in top gear, others freshman. Then shared MC/BWL PUGs with another guild that was split-running for bindings and the like. No guild on the server required PvP R14 gear for anything.

Agree with this 100%.

I’ts not free, but it is CHEAP, especially compared to how expensive it is supposed to be. See what I mean?
It should be much, much more expensive… to the extent that yes, you have to divorce your wife.
It’s not up for debate, that’s HOW IT WAS. That’s it, end of story. WoW Classic.
Geez… I’m ok for any suggestion but just do it on retail or on Classic+, not here on our holy Vanilla. That’s not even a small tweak… it’s the sacrosanct unreachable impossible Rank 14 we’re talking about here. It’s part of Vanilla identity.

Would you say Atiesh is “hard” to obtain? No, it’s not hard, you just need to be crazy and do Naxx a crazy amount of times. There is no “skill” involved other than pressing 5 buttons (especially if you are a mage).
Or maybe it is hard, depending on your definition of “hard”. Doesn’t matter.
That’s it, that’s WoW Vanilla, that’s how it was, that’s how it should be forever, Classic-Era.

Or should we allow people to obtain Atiesh just by killing a very very very high number of trash mobs every week? Yes or no? Every week players who killed a sufficiently high number of trashmobs will get one «Splinter of Atiesh» (need 40 to create the frame). No need to kill any boss anymore. A very large number of trash mobs, so that it is “not free” as you would say. How about that? To make Atiesh more accessible to more players. Honestly, shall we?

Vanilla PvP Ranks are one (if not THE) worst systems ever created for WoW.

It creates a “PvP farm meta” that is the most boring gameplay ever created. And it only reward honor x hour, no skill, not even hours played, only Honor per hour.

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New system is much much more reasonable than the old one. Besides, the ecosystem around old honor ranking basically created clandestine forum to ensure as many people get rank 14 as possible, for right price of course.

Baffling you even asked tbh, aside from the old “it’s not how it was in vanilla /yells like an angry 12year old”

Blizz themself have stated their reasoning for this change.

The old system not only encouraged but required extreme nolifing. Not to mention the ranking mafia who decided who would get rank 14 each time.

The new system is still grindy, which is should be, but it’s just not as timegated.

Your comparison to killing a raid boss which takes 2 hours in one evening doesn’t even hold up in the slightest.

“Get off my lawn this is MY rank 14, you kids these days don’t know how tough it was for the likes of me back in 2019 …never knowing the touch of a woman …I even had to sit in the same underpants for 3 weeks!!!”



Extreme, yes. Glad you agree. Extreme is rare. So the old system made sure Rank 14 was rare indeed.

Do you realise that there is no ranking of players anymore, that players are not competing against each other anymore?
It’s one thing to make it easier, it’s another to completely kill its meaning.

One raid boss in 2 hours? I guess you have no idea how long it takes to obtain Atiesh then. Go google it. I give you a hint: seen many people with it around?

Despite your sarcastic tone, the truth is the essence of WoW is that players pursue the dream of obtaining the best gear possible, and there is prestige in having it. There is prestige in having gear (or any item, mounts for example) that most people cannot have. Yes, it is like this.

You can try to make fun of that vital aspect of the game, but you would be making fun of yourself because you’re playing the same game.

So yes, the prestige of certain type of gear/mount/items is vital to the game. Removing its prestige is removing an important part. It’s ruining the game.

But you didn’t compare it to the entire atiesh grind, you compared it to requiring a KT kill. Just read your title again maybe?
Everyone and their nan is well aware Atiesh require a whole lot more time and effort than just a KT kill, so your comparison is still not on point.

Fact is you’re an angry dude who is angry stuff changes for the better. And no that is not an opinion, seeing almost anyone with a brain agrees.

The title cannot be too long, so a choice has to be made to make it short. And it must also grab peoples attention. The title is the title of the post. The post is what matters.

Mate you realise you are attempting (and failing) to contradict my post by… ignoring what is written in my post? Common, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Let me copy paste the relevant part of my post again here:

How about a special renewable quest where I can farm legendary Atiesh staff by killing a great number of trash mobs… but without having to actually kill any boss?

You know, same philosophy… let’s remove the competitive aspect, let’s remove any accomplishment requirement, let’s just make it dumb farming with guaranteed loot.

But this is your problem and what people have been telling you throughout both the threads you’ve made. It is not and has never been prestige and that’s especially so in the 2019 classic “era”.

Let’s take Retail for example, if your pumping glad R1 on solo shuffle season after season then it’s quite likely you are “prestige” in PvP. As for PvE, hitting high keys mythic or mythic raids, yea…prestigious.

Now in classic it’s a 15+ year old game and the specific aspects of “prestige” you are talking about are nothing more than time sinks. You have all the information you need due to it being a 20 year old completed game, it just requires time.

Last night I happened to be watching someone do a “no hit” run of the entire soulsbourne catalogue back to back (crazy I know)… then I come to the WoW classic forums and find someone labelling R14 in classic WoW as a “prestigious dream”…cmon? …really?

No offence but I feel in your world/life you were able to commit the time required and obviously see that as some kind of flex to be proud of, I can tell from your use of words such as “dreams” and “prestige” when playing this old videogame.

I’ve seen people sat at rank 3/4 run through high warlords in duels outside of org, back peddling grand marshal’s struggling against a MC geared rogue at methinil harbour. It’s just one person having more time over another and as we are all adults and experienced gamers now it’s quite easy to understand how time sank into a character does not equal “prestige”.

Also take note, you are playing in the legion client with no spell batching. Sometimes things change for the better, lot’s of (usually QoL) changes have happened on this “version” of the game so constantly shouting “this isn’t original Wow!” is simply a moot point.

It’s really not worth your time to keep making these threads ranting about a time sink, honestly. This isn’t a hill worth dying on…

Now even after saying all of that I understand your points on the fact that there needs to be gear that is aimed for in both PvE and PvP in theme park MMO’s…but this, in essence, is why we have retail. The very thing you want happens in retail, season after season. You need to understand that you are affectively playing an old, finished, completed and dated version of the game, a “remaster”. There is no new levels or content and thus ‘prestige’ or ‘dreams’ to reach. Its done.

Stop taking this so serious mate, I have literally zero stakes in this, I just find your arguments and comparisons not adequate enough, nor is your reasoning to warrant making not one but two threads about this on a game forum. Get some fresh air.

opinions opinions, of which you’re in the very small minority. Blizz changed this system back in early wow when TBC came out and they changed it again now because some lowlife players ruin it for everyone by gating who can play when.

Guildy of mine got a temp ban because he was runner up for R14 and an entire discord decided to falsely report him.

You also failed to refute any of my arguments… It literally required you to nolife at your pc for weeks on end, which is just unhealthy. Another guildy of mine that made it his goal to achieve R14 actually did do it. Afterwards he literally said ‘never again’, and bashed the system.

Sure stuff needs to be competitive in a pvp environment, but the old system was too much over the edge. If you can’t see that I’m not sure any further discussion is worth it.

Again I have no stake in this. I’m not the one who angrily made two posts on the forums about a change that was already implemented months ago, which is funny to me.

it destroyed pvp on so many levels Nolifing,bracketstacking,selling spots,botting,accountsharing…

I disagree, it is prestige. Prestige is : anything that people want, but can’t have.
It was hard in that sense: people could not have it (because they had a life). If you don’t like the word “hard” then you can make up a new word and call it “fard” doesn’t matter, the point it people wanted it and could not have it.
In that sense, Rank 14 was the among the hardest thing to get in the ENTIRE game.
(I said one of them)

It has nothing to do with skill, and nobody pretends otherwise.

Basic simple life pricinple: people want it, but can’t have it. That’s all. No skill, no nothing, just that. And it was a beauty.

Disagree, the entire purpose of WoW Classic it to play the game as it was. Even the cinematic was time going backward. It is its reason to exist.
The fact that some changes happened is no excuse to let more change happen. Not an excuse at all.

Also don’t understand how ranking can happen without ranks. Making it easier is one thing, removing the entire ranking of the players is a huge change that removes an entire dimension to it.

And so one can legitimately wonder if such deep changes could be applied to PVE gear as well, to make it available to more people who don’t have it.

Mate, of course I am in the minority.
I am in the minority of those who actually had Rank 14.
The majority did not. The majority (not all) wants it. The majority is happy to take it when it is offered.
Hell yeah I am in the minority. People are happy for it to become easy so they can easily get very high quality epic gear. Talking about minority/majority is spot-on. That’s problem.

Apologies but your argument does not contradict me, and thus there is nothing to refute.
I already agree that it is unhealthy and requires to be nolife for some time period. That’s the very reason why so few players had this rank in the first place. Hell yeah.

As said elsewhere, the point is so many people would have liked to have it, but could not. And that’s how World of Warcraft works. You know, like having some fancy shiny rare mount (the Zulgurub tiger or whatever). That’s how this game works, having things that other want but can’t have.

They ruined it.

The problem is the majority benefits from this change.
But just like in real life, governments make changes (usually taking away freedom) that the majority agrees with. Except it’s not the same majority every time, and at some point they make a change you will not want. And you would wish all the other changes be undone in order for this one change to be undone too, but it’s too late, because you let those other changes happen back when it benefited you. And step by step… everyone lost.

Honestly i just see a crybaby who’s sad he cannot flex with his rank anymore

You realise the whole change was triggered by crybabies who cried because they did not have the means to access the top Rank 14, right? And cried for blizzard to CHANGE Vanilla for them.

So yes, mock crybabies as much as you want. Mock them please. I’m all for it. I’m with you.

When u’ll realize no one give a damn about a rank 14 player ,you’ll be good

No one is in awe in front of a guy who pass 20h a day farming honor

U wanna be praised ? Get good in PvP , dont just farm 20h/24

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