Your opinion is noted, and discarded.
When it comes to Classic-era, there is no opinion to be had. The game is not in development stage anymore. There are no decisions to be taken anymore. Blizzard said it would be a re-creation of what Vanilla Classic was, as close as possible to the original. That’s it. Static, for ever.
Your opinion is not useless, though, it is useful for SOD/Classic+
Are you playing SOD? Feel free to comment on that one, it is still in development stage, decisions are still being made.
Yes, that is what I have said before, Blizzard has betrayed their word.
That’s the whole point of me writing those things, Blizzard betrayed their word. That is what I am denouncing here. I wouldn’t be writing what I wrote if nothing had happened. If Blizzard didn’t betray their word.