PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Your opinion is noted, and discarded.
When it comes to Classic-era, there is no opinion to be had. The game is not in development stage anymore. There are no decisions to be taken anymore. Blizzard said it would be a re-creation of what Vanilla Classic was, as close as possible to the original. That’s it. Static, for ever.

Your opinion is not useless, though, it is useful for SOD/Classic+

Are you playing SOD? Feel free to comment on that one, it is still in development stage, decisions are still being made.

Chronoboon… Layers… Multiservers… Chronoboon again… etc…

You lose

Yes, that is what I have said before, Blizzard has betrayed their word.

That’s the whole point of me writing those things, Blizzard betrayed their word. That is what I am denouncing here. I wouldn’t be writing what I wrote if nothing had happened. If Blizzard didn’t betray their word.

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