PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

If nobody gives a damn, why are they all rushing to get it? …

Nope, I don’t. If that’s what you think I want then I can see the misunderstanding.

I don’t want to be praised.
I just want the joy of having something that others people want, but cannot have. And I have it.

And I’m not shy about this, that’s the most important part of the concept of WoW MMORPG (there are other important parts of course, but this part is the most important part). If it were only about skill, we would have Arena gear for free, everyone BiS, and the game would be named Tekken Tag Warcraft where players play for Arena ranking and that would be it, a skill-only game (I would actually play it too).
Or if it were just about team-play fighting bosses (without loot) then it would be called… Left 4 DeadCraft (I would probably play it too).

The fact that everything in WoW is about loot, and is about the rarity of the loot, is the most important aspect of WoW. Think of it, it’s everywhere.
You loot something very valuable and powerful, you don’t have «praise»… it’s not about praise, you simply are the one having the thing that other people want. That’s what it is. That’s where the joy comes from for the most part. That’s the backbone philosophy mechanism of WoW.

in general I still won’t find the time to Que for current 500k cap as well cuz of work but it’s possible
Saturday/Sunday this Valley weekend I spam a lot of maps, Monday I continue after work for some hours and tday again ( cuz didn’t have to work ) while this 4 days I made my 500k cap from 0% rank 11 to 12 right now
if you got time to Que for a hole week it shouldn’t be hard get this 500k

I rushed it to get the R14 weapons as fast as possible because i was still stuck at krolblade/mirahs song with my warrior. but couldn’t care less about R14 itself or the title. the old pvp system was garbage for many reasons but you refuse to believe because you are mad.

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Exactly, you rushed because you wanted it.
And before the change, you could not have it.

You said it all.

As I said, it’s not about praise. It’s about having something that others want, but cannot have.

It was garbage in the sense that very few people could access Rank 14.
And it was beautiful and great… exactly for that same reason.

I predict this: Rank 14 gear will soon because so common it will be pre-raid requirement, people will farm it like they used to farm the blue-BiS pre-raid before.

Except now, it is T2-equivalent (or T2.5), and there is no need to worry about loot %percentage. You have certainty that you will get your high-level epic, playing solo. Nice.
Well done blizzard, true to the Vanilla spirit.

Can’t wait for the next change, can I get the best PVE T3 gear with certainty, playing solo, without having to worry about loot %chance and without being in competition against anyone? Since we’re at it… That’s a change you guys would be in favour for, right?

Before the change i was only a few weeks lvl60 :skull: (didn’t play in 2019)

and again it’s not that easy. even with the change we have only 3 R14 warriors in our guild. but it’s healthy. i don’t complain in retail that not many people can reach the highest title. because it was actually skill gonna respect that. but in classic it wasn’t skill but time which is cringe. what makes things even worse are the behaviors of minmaxers. botting,poolboosting,accountsharing,selling spots. some even payed tranfers to rank on a dead realm lol.

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Always missing 75 000 hks. One years of PvP 2019-2020 until TBC release.
Always missing hks. Back our HKS stolen. Thank you

Guys IMAGINE ranking A G A I N in Season of Discovery and see your next HKS farming DISAPEAR.

Just imagine.

even with this broken pvp system i have a solution: huge amount of honor when you win a game, nothing - if you lose. In my option that will fix most of the problems…

Well you literally can’t please everyone, no matter how or what. Take the L and say ‘ah well it’s a game’.

Take this advice OP. I don’t know what’s going on around you but this really isn’t worth this amount of effort, it’s not an argument or fight worthy of any of your time. It’s not going to change back and coming here breaking down every reply with walls of text is far too much of an investment for such a trivial matter in life.

It is, after all ‘just a game’.

And then people will falsely report you if you arent rushing.

After all the information i gathered, the current ranking system is a far cry from what it was so this means nothing.

the original ranking system was crap af
I prefer face ppl on gear in PvP and everything wich let Vanilla be Vanilla but gains ppl for Que is welcome in my opinion
befor the new system came only WSG works
now you get Que pops for all maps whitout bonus
ye, most ppl Que Valley cuz of Ranking but it’s still better than the useless unemployed system befor
still you need to spam a lot of maps to get R14
I rly like that getting R14 happens on yourself and not on any pool anymore

Is there any gear set (or some other item) that you always wanted but could not have (maybe since Vanilla in 2006), and that 15 years later you finally put a lot, a lot of time and effort, massive pain, nights not sleeping etc, and that you were so happy, as happy as someone can be on a video game to finally obtain after suffering so much?

Something that was a source of pride within yourself (even though you know it’s actually socially a shame to spend so much time being a nolife, but the pride of having put the effort and having finally accomplished it, finally be a member of that small club of people who has what so many others want and that you yourself longed for so long, finally having made it on the other side after so much pain and effort).

Maybe the Scarab mount farming the 40k Silithid Carapace Fragments, before someone else banged the gong? And after an unbearable effort during 5 weeks farming day and night in constant fear that someone else would bang too soon, and hurrying through the quests you managed to bang the gong at the last minute and your 5 weeks of agonising efforts finally paid-off, finally part of that small club you always wanted to be part of since 15 years ago?
I don’t know your personal story, but it has to be something you really suffered for… and a source of joy you carry with yourself every time you think of it.

If you did go through something similar, then tell me what items, and now imagine how you would feel if Blizzard suddenly betrayed you saying those items are now obtainable in a massively easier way, and everyone rushing to get their hands on it… …on all their characters!

I’m not saying it’s the same thing, every story is different, but imagine that feeling that you would have. Not the context, not how it compares to my situation, but just the feeling for a few seconds, imagine you click on the forum right now and see such blue post announcing it. Imagine you see all those players rushing to easily get what you had to tremendously suffer so much to get. Not just the items… but that hard-earned feeling that you were part of a special club. They took that feeling away. They took that joy away. They took this away forever.

Maybe you didn’t invest a painful amount of effort and time in anything in that game, and that’s fine, you’re a sane person, but then unfortunately you can’t understand the feeling of loss.

It’s just a game, of course. It’s just a forum post.
But the feelings are real.

Well judging by how things are going.
It would not surprise me one bit if you could not buy gear directly from the blizzard store soon.
So bypassing any need to buy gold/ have other players get the gear for you.

Just give it like a year or so.

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I’ve seen people happy with the changes on the net :wink:

It’s not a current version of WoW while the original system was very problematic creating a lot of RMT/Account Sharing and was for few selected. SoM got many players banned early on when they were “grinding” for R14 gear.

you said it all…

finally it’s the end of that cringe VIP dictature, these guys gatekeeping a PEGI12 game, what a shame, just go kill some ants in the forest if they need to feel that power(less?)ful

@OP you can get Atiesh without killing Kel’Thuzad if you got enough gold… :face_vomiting:

Don’t even try mate, the crybabies got what they wanted once again. History repeats itself they say, it gets proven right here. All the trolls came about bringing up nonsense arguments for their cause of getting free epix, it’s no use.

Unsubbing is the only thing left to do.
(Now my account will be banned again from posting for a week after saying that)

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i challenge you the mighty shaman to level a paladin 1-60 without boosting in classic Era and we gonna see who’s a crybaby

It’s the end of Era, how players gonna rank? maybe a team of 40alliance/40horde on discord giving themself the AV victory for free?

Ok their gonna be enough players maybe, but for howlong? delete the decay progress is undodgeable for the longevity of the game

Yea true, I remember feeling that way about games and in particular WoW. That was before it was all plotted out and a “completed game”.

Oh, also…I was 13.

Use that energy for something that’s not a videogame and you will find Joy and purpose, I promise you.

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It’s a good thing to feel strongly for a game. We pay for it. Nobody should be sorry about being passionate about something they pay for. That’s what Blizzard works for, they want players to love it, to be passionate about it. That’s what the game is for.

If you’re not having strong feelings or strong emotions for a game you have been playing since you were 13 and are still playing and paying for… then the joke is on you, mate. Why are you still playing and still paying? You’re the one to be sorry for, not the other way around.