PvP System please?!

It’s not a new raid tier.

Its a cool dungeon and the pvp system that adds content to almost everyone regardless of lvl.

  • 2 world bosses.

Important: when blizzard decided that phase 2 would be open pvp ranking only, and added the better pvp gear earlier than originally by arguing that only a handfull of people would achieve that gear before phase 3… they also kinda said:

Phase 2 has to last around 3 month at least.

So for everyone whos 60, or close to it: there wont be a new raid tier for around 5-6 months.

Or phase 2 is going to get cut short.

Layering sucks.

Edit: just like Blizzard did release Dire Maul early, they should release the PvP system early if laying cant be removed in the foreseeable future.


The moment Phase 2 hits, if you’re on a PvP server (which is an overwhelming majority of servers and thus the object of the discussion) then all hell breaks loose.

There’s no more levelling in peace because even sub lvl 60s can benefit from Honor and early ranks.

Suddenly, there’s incentive to corpse camp that guy. And why wouldn’t you? You can kill him many times until he stops giving honor. And honor is great for you, because you can just hit 60 with Ranks 3 or 4 then it’s a breeze until the sweet blue gear starting Rank 7.

Literal free gear, that’s what Phase 2 is.

I honestly can’t wait for it, but as you can see I have been 60 already for a little while and we have to recognize that the norm or “the curve” shows that the majority of people are around mid 40s to 50s right now. And the moment Phase 2 comes there’s little hope for those fresh 60s or still levelling 48-ers to farm in peace anywhere since they will be the objective of the new Phase.


Hell will break loose when phase 2 releases, but that is actually vanilla wow, I dont know why they release content in phases, and that it takes also so long. But when phase 2 comes out the toxic will be real on PvP servers, people will corpse camp u for honor points, and they will stalk u , and u have to corpse run and waste ur time alot by doing this. all neutral leveling zones will be occupied by pvpers, normal new players wont get a chance to level their character in phase 2. But this is how Classic WoW is , it will be a harsh cruel open world in azeroth with phase 2.


Rushing phases will though decrease the overall potential lifespan of Classic WoW.


Exactly as it was back then in 2005-06


Hell no, the vast majority of us are still leveling. Keep them sweaty try hards who want to farm us for honor away until the slowest of us has reached 60.

I think Blizz understand this.

Next time, why don’t you try “coming” second, eh champ? :wink:


Free character transfers are still open, if you want to level up peacefully, transfer to one of the dead realms!

Just chill out rly.

Phase to will come at the end of 2019 as spoken in another thread already.
2 months. Enjoy ur rushing content :slight_smile:

Too many retail players, sick of them, hope they quit the game sooner!


so idd. before phase 2 and 3, all the retail “pay2win/pay2play” are back at their place.

you also forget 1 thing

10 bosses in mc, a little trash
40 players, once a week.

IF u hat bwl, and world bosses
You would still farm mc.

You will do farm mc, to your eyes poop out m8.
Enjoy it, this is classic. YOU will FARM mc the next year!
and therefor u quit ur guild when ur done. (i can tell already) - screw the team

Yes lets have all the phases now, all the gear now, all the bosses now, all the … ooops nothing left to do. You’ve rushed to 60, demanded all content and your next forum visit will be to declare classic is dead now youve done it all.

Just go chill out, good things come to those who wait.


They should release phase 2 hell phase 1 should have never been released without DM Shaman can finally grind some gold.

Yeah, I’ll never understand what’s going on in those minds either.

I know there is one raid available, I burn all the content within 5 days of /played and then I whine all over the forums begging for new content to entertain me for the next 5 days, then repeat until it’s time to beg for a new F R E S H. #logic

I’m still a level 42 and have lot to do before they open phace 3 and so are many other people…Why the rush? You have 2 years before we ran out of content and it’s few months since the release…

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Rolling on a PvP server and yet, you come up with this sht?!

There should never be “peace” while leveling. If you want that, go to a PVE server…

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Is not about the rush, is because Blizzard needs to keep players, playing Classic, no matter the level. And for those who already “finished” the content, is … ok to give them more, since Phase 2 is not affecting lower levels in any way shape or form, no matter X or Y is saying.

But if you are going to say that you can no longer level in peace, should I remind you and anyone else, that you already made a choice to roll on a PvP server?

If you want to level in peace, go to a PVE server.

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It’s interesting why ‘‘slow’’ levelers want to degrade the ‘‘faster’’ levelers as if they’re some disgusting creature, it honestly just makes you look insecure and sad if you do that… Not everything has to be an us vs them, you know…

Pathetic mentality.

Try hards or not, they still have the same right to ask for content as you have to “hold on” it …

In your haste you forgot levelling can happen via dungeons, it’s ok.

Right now the portals aren’t camped that bad, but they will be in P2.