PvP System please?!


Seriously, what?

Listen, if you want to avoid PvP , go and roll on a PVE server. But coming here crying about PVP ( camping or not ) , on a PVP server, makes you look like a little “entitled” kid, who wants everything to be as he want, no matter what.

I hope they all add Phase 2 as soon as possible so I can read and enjoy your tears on the forums.

And you look like a dumb dumb who can’t read english. What are you even talking about lol, you must be mad. I love PvP. I can’t wait for Phase 2. Those are literally the words in my first post.

…and yet, you come up and saying shts like “…but the lower levels will not be able to level in peace”.

I assume you’ll roll or already rolled another char and you are scared that this will happen to you?

If you really enjoyed PVP, you will never come up with such remarks.

It’s not crap, it’s true. It’s the inescapable fact.

Maybe your peanut brain cannot comprehend that as a level 60 I have other stuff to do than to corpse-camp someone or even kill them more than once in passing or in contest over a mob/node/quest when there’s no incentive to do so.

Please tell me you rolled Horde on Ashbringer so I can farm you forever and ever :smiley: please do so if you haven’t already. Your sheer inability to comprehend even written text leads me to believe you’re not much of a pvper and I can farm you like a mob.

That’s what you seem to think you can do others posting on this forum :') and I would welcome the chance to prove you wrong.

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So if is true, what? A pvp’er like you say you are, you will never come and cry out loud about the fact that others will not be able to level in peace.

And no, I believe you’re a very, very bad PVP player exactly because of your “peaceful” remarks : Hey! People will not be able to quest in peace ( sad face ). Please don’t add Phase 2 until every causal and his mother, will be level 60 and full gear so they can have a chance in PvP.

Unfortunately, i’m not on Ashbringer, but I welcome you on Skullflame.

But even if I was on Ashbringer, you would never be able to “farm” me forever and ever lol. Please go back to youtube and learn more about PvP…PVE player!

Posting late at night :thinking: double-posting and being all aggro with peopole, I think you must be just drunk…

…otherwise I cannot imagine where you’d get the balls to talk about pvp as you are 1) posting from your retail character and 2) have absolutely zero PvP achievements, zero rated experience in Arena or RBG.

Here you go man, inspect me, go ahead :))

It’s more sad than anything, come to think of it. It’s also curious how you can legitimately believe this

First of all ironic because what would you know about true pvpers, and second of all because enjoying PvP and understanding the plight of people who haven’t played 14 hours a day, for the last 3 weeks, like I did doesn’t disconsider my opinion.

It’s not even an opinion, right now your position is: “you care about your others => you’re not a pvper” which is pathetic, really.


Wait, are you sure you quoted the right person? Seems you just want a bit of attention, am I right?

This is my character I’m usually posting. And no, I don’t play Retail anymore since, well … few weeks after BfA launch ( That’s more then a year ago hm? How time pass man! )

Secondly, my zero pvp achievements has nothing to do with what we are talking here, for pretty good reasons. One is that Legion was my most played expansion beside Vanilla. But yes, I DON’T like arena’s PvP nor RBG’s, but I love Open World PvP.

Is this good enough for you to understand that your post seeks attention at this late of the night? Yes? Good …

I’m…seriously reading your post again at this moment, and I still don’t understand wtf do you really mean.

Here, let me put it this way : You can’t ask for a delay for content, because X number of people haven’t leveled already to 60. By this mentality, games should progress so slow, that people could find another hobby. There will always be casuals and hardcores, no matter how much you wait with the delayed content.

What if the casuals of today will be level 60 by the end of the month and then Phase 2 release will be around that time, BUT, in the mean time, there will be this new players who will ask the same “Please HOLD THE PHASE 2, because we just started playing and we are just lvl 30 and so is not fair for us! Please, we will not be able to level in peace!!!” . What you would say then?! Legit question …

PS: I see Legacy has started typing after exactly 5 seconds of my post. Curios what his reply will be, because is clear that he didn’t even read 2 line from my post :slight_smile:

Poor you, backpedalling away you go.

Why even look for a fight on the forums – with me out of all people – to begin with? Get your life in order, man.

I’m not interested in your sorry excuses for not playing BFA, and your credibility went down the drain when I saw you actually had neither a classic char nor pvp experience on retail, so whatever your post entails, not my problem.

Also, I will explain how Blizzard makes decisions real quick, because playing years of retail hasn’t helped you figure it out:

Blizzard won’t listen to that guy, like they won’t listen to you, me, or the OP of this thread either.

They look at the numbers, and the levelling curve, and potentially make decisions based on the behaviour of the majority. I say potentially because that’s still unproven.

What is proven is their words: saying that they locked realms which have attained 1 layer, and are looking to do so for the others as well.

It doesn’t matter if it’s December, January or March. If they can’t lock 1 layer on all realms, phase 2 can’t begin. Simple as that.

And why would I care about my fellow players? Simple, because player loss is a real thing, and they will most likely account for it because once phase 2 begins new levels will be expected to be alts or at least backed up by guilds.

And even if you’re out only for yourself, you’d at least want to maximize the number of lvls 48+ as much as possible, to optimize the numbers of kills you can get. Duuh.

Listen, I don’t really care at this hour of your pathetic replay’s. All I know is that you came here, crying about PVP on a PVP server that people will not be able to “level in peace” ( exactly your words ). I don’t care that people will not be able to level in peace on a PVP server. Is this simple enough for you to understand how I don’t care about your QQ posts? Yes? Great …

I have a Classic character, don’t worry about that ! :slight_smile:

About PvP experience, why not roll both of us new chars on the same server on different factions and PVP at any level you want, so I can then show you my “poor” knowledge, or … non-existent one ?

Pick up a server , any you want ( well , a PvP one please if you can ) , and we have a deal.

I’ll not comment on your remaining post, because is randomly thrown to my face with nothing big more excuses.

That’s your problem, you don’t even understand I’m not crying about it. You picked on it, you replied to my post.

Your posts are messy, you’re incoherent and frankly not really worth replying to further. I simply had to defend myself from your moronic ‘accusations’ and drivel tbh

Let me put it this way :

This is where all the QQ is starting …

…and it has begun!

… and more QQ-ing

But hey! At least you tried to “hash” your hands with this one, making it like you are all for it, but … you aren’t actually.

…but then you came back with the same bullsht

Now go ahead, and tell me again, how moronic my ‘accusations’ are that you are actually indeed crying that if Phase 2 is releasing too soon, then hell breaks loose, for all characters, even for those fresh 60s ( yours ).


‘‘I dedicate my life to this game because i don’t have a hobby nor a job! everyone has to be like me if they wanna play my game, if not they must be from retail!’’

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But games are a hobby so technically he has a hobby my man. Just pointing out. No further comment.

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Isn’t the rank 7 gear only coming out in phase 6 or am I wrong?

First, there’s already a thread made my myself with blue response about phase 2 : Please don't put phase 2 to early

Second, the blue response asked opinion of users about when phase 2 should be release, and the most demand is end of 2019.

Third, Blizzard say (its on Wowhead and on all video game site that talk about WoW) they will release phase 2 “End of 2019”.

If you have nothing to do in the game (it’s probably not the case), just take a break.

“Layering sucks”, but they reduced the amount of layers.

With certainty I can tell you it will be Phase 2, the moment you earn ranks you are eligible for rank-associated gear, therefore we’ll be able to get the potions, tabards, trinkets and indeed blue and epic gear.

That is phase 2, and the itemization of said gear will be the 1.12 variant which makes it quite strong, in time for Phase 3 and the BWL launch.

Here’s a quote from a blue:


I have been following the Classic Discussion forum religiously since last year (since before the change), and at one point I remember the Blue Thread about the Classic PvP Content Phases being unpinned and consequently lost to inactivity, but I had history in posting there on my ex-retail main so I was able to dig it up. Here you go.

I like how you talk about credibility yet you try to belittle someone time after time… so tell me, what is left of your credibility?

“time after time” pretty bold of you, please provide evidence

also, your comment seems pretty out of the blue, but… i don’t really care what you think of me, actually. I’m aware my claims are reasonable and I back it up.

I hope p2 comes out early to mid december, it clashes with christmas so any chance at r14 is gonna slip away but at least we’ll get dire maul.

The people who rushed to 60 are complaining there is nothing to do. Meanwhile they’re harassing the casuals to level up faster rather than enjoy the game so they can have phase 2 and farm people relentlessly with their superior ilv.