PvP System please?!

And how are they getting camped?

By whom?
60 wont camp players that dont reward honor any more often that they do now.

And by players on your lvl? Well theres obviously a PvP solution to that. Like fighting back?

Im not sure how the horde/alliance ratio is on your server, but there is absolutly no way any lvl 52+ will be able to quest on my server when phase 2 hits. The only solution will be dungeons.

It is not solution , it is just doing pvp and being stuck in zone, if you want to level to 60 and not stay in zones for months it is not what you will do.
Well , that is if you care about getting to level 60 .

Do you think noone is going to lvl after phase 2 anymore?

There will always be people lvling.

Or are you implying there should never be a pvp system on your server because of your faction balance?

Im sorry to say it that blatantly, but you dont make sense.

Additional note: faction balance is a serious problem Blizzard should adress. And my server is, thank god, quite balanced.

I did not say none will get to level 60 , but it will take way more time, especially for first months of Phase 2 and allot of people will not like being stuck in leveling zones for months just because of it.

Yes, it will take more time.

As it should be on a PvP server. That Server type exists to do PvP almost everywhere, anytime.

People that want to level in peace, should choose a PvE server.

But taking a PvP server and then arguing that theres too much PvP is kinda ridiculous.

Well normally you do not have full server will tryhards who have read every guide under the sun how to farm people more efficiently.

The majority of players is always bad.

Theres nothing to worry about.

If you ask me, the pvp system shouldve been in place since day one.

We didn’t. Blizzard told you the phases, general content and general schedule.

It probably should, it would make it more smooth, but to late for it anyway.

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Thats why i chose the word “if”.

Im sorry that youre so afraid of PvP.

Maybe reroll on a pve server? I suppose that would fit you better.

Silly boy, had full epic set in vanilla. So quit with personal insults. When all I am saying is:

You can PvP as much as you like right now. There is no need to rush, it will come with time as will all the other phases. Crying on the forums and begging “please”, is just pathetic.

Im the one with the personal insults?

How ironic. Just reread your last post.

It takes 3 month for a handfull of ultra nolife tryhards to even get to r14.

This means that even IF (and it doesnt) the PvP System would release tomorrow it would take those few until mid january to reach r14.

Idc about what you had someday in the past. This post is about now.

And right now the PvP system would be great additional content for everyone.

From nolifers down to the people starting fresh. This includes you.

Everyone but people that dont like PvP would benefit.

Couldn’t agree more…when it is due to come out. Not before.

Classic will be “over” so fast if everyone got their way on GIEF CONTENT NOW MUMMY BLIZZARD.

There are dozens of these threads, some for PvP, some for raids.

They all follow the same theme, similar to my 4yr old.

Lol, idk how people who would be stuck at leveling would benefit from it, I guess it is easy to say it when you are level 60 , well almost level 60.

Im 60 since some time. The forum didnt update my char (Im 60 for like 2 weeks now).

It benefits people lvling who’re interested in doing open world PvP. Which they should be when they choose a PvP Server to lvl on.

Also they get a PvP trinket so they can finally do something against certain classes. They safe 10 gold on their mount at lvl 40.

They can already climb ranks before hitting 60 so they can get a powerfull blue set and pots earlier than without it.

So yes, I do firmly believe that everyone, lvlers included, do benefit from the PvP system.

I dont understand the mentality of “People leveling will suffer if PVP system is released”. No. THats part of playing WoW.
I am leveling, I want there to be an incentive for Hordes to fight me.

This is World of Warcraft. a PVP game. if you dont’ want PvP before level 60 i.e. not outside of organised pvp, then you can roll on PvE server.

Hopefully Phase 2 comes soon now that Dire Maul is out. But I am really fed up of questing in Horde areas and Horde players don’t bat an eyelid at me because they have nothing to gain by fighting me.

I want the danger, the fun, of PVP.
Yes I know it means getting ganked and corpse camped. That’s part of the game.


There is a clear cut distinction that has to be made when comparing the PvP system with a new raid tier.

One gives players of all brackets something more to do. Brings more War to Warcraft. Only, quite literally, a handfull of people will ever complete that content (R14). Additionally this content lasts for the entirety of Classic.

The other (that beeing new raid tiers) gives content only to a portion of 60s while 60s already are only a small portion of the playerbase to begin with. It doesnt help anyone else. It only allows a larger group of players compared to those few reaching R14 to get further ahead of the curve.

This is not simply a “gimme gimme gimme” mentality post, this is a well argumented and thought through demand.

Nooo, gimme some time to get to 60! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m almost there!

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