PvP System please?!

I am not going to quote every little bit you said, it’s out in the open in this thread, but it seems you do care, else you would not bother to reply, though guy :).

I don’t really understand the argument that some people make that they need to reach 60 before phase 2.

  1. There will always be people leveling.
  2. You picked a pvp server, so you’ll get exactly what you wanted.

Some people* Forums are hardly the correct measurement of the entire playerbase.

One doesn’t make a series, and it is wise to defend yourself against false accusations. But otherwise… yeah.

Try world/trade chat. And I’m on an rp realm. The story is the same everywhere. We knew what we had. People chose to rush and a lot of those people are now complaining. Mostly because of lousy streamers who are popular for who knows what reason.

I think this quote is fake because it says in the loading screen

" Take everything into moderation, even world of warcraft"

So i dont think they would make a system that forces you to play so much.

The majority of the players on every server are still somewhere between level 35-45.

Blizzard have to wait for those players. If Blizzard release P2 too soon, those players will be farmed into oblivion and eventually quit playing.

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It is not like you get any enjoyment from rushing, not from my experience at least, it is tedious for most part to rush and minamx, then at the end what is waiting you is disappointment and emptiness, games are not meant to be played like it.
I understand people have obsession with being better which leads to all sorts of crazy ideas on how to make game easier to get to the “top”, but have they really not noticed how they basically destroy all of immersion with game in process, idk , maybe there are people who are just fine and can still enjoy game like it , not me, from my experience trying to play like some nolifer,elitist has ruined my game immersion to many times.

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I leveled on the pvp server in the times when you probably drank milk for a lunch mate…
But majotity of the people still aren’t 60. So it’s still too soon. Give it a one or two months from now and it will be fine

No you did not…mate! I also played Vanilla and I can care less that you can’t play longer now to level to 60.

Yes, the majority is not level 60, at least I give you that, and I also …agree with you that Phase 2 should not take more then 1-2 months from now to release.

But if you would of read the forums, you would see many people saying that they should hold on Phase 2 until “they” are level 60 and with decent gear, because if not, they will get owned on a PVP server. Plus, many said that Phase 2 should release even next year , Feb, March, etc. which is pathetic.

That’s the problem right here. Why should Blizzard hold on content because they are scared that they will no longer level up in peace on a PVP server?!

Well they are giving you guys Dire Maul …i think next week?..so you are getting your content…No need to rant here.
The classic team has all the data they need to decide when is the best time to release the phase 2

They shouldn’t…we can agree on that…

I didnt thought the post went through, there was an error after posting.

Glad to see it did.

I dont get the argument against it. Low lvls going to get farmed? By whom?

You dont get any honor for killing grey lvl players.

You get less honor for killing green lvl players.

Actually, lowies will benefit on pvp servers because there is MORE PVP.
If you dont like that, dont play on a PvP server?

Low lvl players will save an additional 10g on their 60% mount and an additional 100g on their epic mount if they reach rank 3.

Dire Maul already released by now, and what does it do?
Help fresh 60s and/or people in their 50s to gear up quicker while offering more variation and choice.

Since when is this a bad thing?

I get why they cant release world bosses before layering has been dealt with (a huge amount of players has to still quit), but the PvP system isnt necessarily bound to layering in any way.

When 90%+ of the population plays on PvP servers and theres no, like literally 0, system in place that rewards PvP, I do believe we have a problem.

Personally: I play this game for the PvP. I lvl for it, I do dungeons and raids for gear I can use for it. Thats why I chose a PvP server.

Looks like some have forgotten that thats how the game was for PvP enthusiasts. If you want to get gear for no reason but raids, I would recommend Retail where you can do just that.

Do pve for gear that wont do sht besides in pve so you can do more pve for better gear that will get scaled in PvP anyway.

Release the PvP System already. Please.


If you want to PvP. You can otherwise you are NOT a

Farming loot from PvP watered it down.

Listen we do not want to be farmed, we are not some crop that you can go and harvest as you please, phase 2 will come when we are ready .

Phase 2 wont be out till they are confident the player numbers are down enough so they can remove layering completely without having insane queues.


Ready how?

What exactly do mean by getting ready? Reaching 60? You can pvp before that.

There will always be people better geared than you, and quite honestly, me. Thats just how vanilla worked.

So what exactly is ready?

If you want some even playing field classic isnt the place to be. This isnt the game that hands out a baseline: everyone is equal gear.

This is the game that when it got arenas in bc it locked gear with superior stats behind ratings.

Whatever you think is going to make you “ready”, wont be there anyway.

Edit: If you cant hold your ground against better geared players and/or slightly higher lvl players, youre going to get farmed anyway. No offense.

Learn to wait for phases.

Reaching level 60 would be good start as beside Hunters everyone else gets penalized for level difference,also I do not really care about my situation, but others , lot of new players and they got introduced to game soft way, I think it would be to huge shock if they got put in fire pit before they are at least close to level 60 .

Why is that?

I did pvp all the way up to 60. Even though I knew there was no reward for it.

Actually as it stands now you get punished for pvp as all it does, besides having some fun, is costing time.

Often people dont even fight, they rather just die and wait for you to leave cause there is no incentive to even try.

In classic you can pvp in low lvl brackets, Bgs did pop in all lvls from 10 to 59 and theyre always fun, balance is way better on low lvls than for example in retail.

Its actually FUN to pvp while lvling and even more so when you get rewarded for it.

For people who dont like that : there are pve servers for a reason.

I doubt that for someone who is leveling few honor points will be worth of being stuck in zones for months because of every person passing them trying to kill them, or even better camping them, especially after layers are gone and we will have very ,very crowded servers.