PvP to RP PvP Transfers

I have been thinking about PvP to PvE transfers for my characters and there is a lot of discussion about this. However, how likely would PvP to RP-PvP transfers be? I am starting to think that this would be my preferred realm type if PvP to PvE is not possible.

Obviously re rolling is an option, but I would hate to have to restart all over again as it would damped my enthusiasm for the game and my chosen class. Also, it is still a roughly the same server type as both are PvP.


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There is no difference at the moment. ZT is just another PVP realm so transfer away. Since you are alliance, you will have a blast there.


I’m not sure transfers are open to that server. I can only go to lowest pop servers. My question was do you think they will open transfers between these server types?

Never going to happen. Reason being they don’t want non RP players flooding a realm already full of non RP players. They don’t need any more “Mestabyou” and “xXsephirothXx” types.


You could freely transfer from PVP tp PVE in Vanilla, that includes RP-PVP to RP. I don’t see why shouldn’t it be possible again.

Unfortunately, Zandalar Tribe has been ruined. Too many people seeking refuge from horde dominated servers, or folks looking to avoid queue times on another highly populated - yet never full server have rolled there and are there to stay. You need but take a quick glance at the who list and take a glance at names to deduce that this is in fact, just another pvp server.

I’ve seen rp be ridiculed on the server on more than one occasion. It’s a pitty. People on reddit suggested that RP-PVP server launch should be delayed by a week to avoid this exact scenario, and yet Blizzard - again, did not listen.




Damn, that’s a shame. I was considering RP-PvP originally (to play as intended), but went with PvP instead. I really hope they open transfers so I can go RP/PvE then as standard PvP is not for me, or even open another RP-PvP to be used as intended that I can roll on.

Don’t make the same mistake again. New RP-PVP realm will not change it because the community has changed, the way we play the game has changed. I fear if you look for RP, you need to go to normal RP straight.

That’s a shame. I thought maybe that a new server would attract a different community. Thanks for the reply though!

I’ve played on ZT ali every day since classic was released and have not once come across anyone role playing. I’m sure there are some but it’s dissapointing to not find them. I didn’t intend on rp’ing myself but I wanted to see some. Naa it’s no different from any other pvp server, just more ali than horde.



I considered rolling there anyway.

#opentransfers please mr blizzard man

just make a new character on there at least you can level as ally as itt is ally dominated. but ye as people said it isn’t really an rp server if you want rp roll on the hydraxian waterlords

I have got all the BIS items I need and a few epics, I just want to be able to grind for gold for my epic mount and consumables for raids, I dont have time to level again, I would rather quit than reroll.


then quit. or just reroll and save your character until they might finally open paid transfers between whatever server you like. trolling isn’t that bad, i left my hardworked main to reroll on a normal server it sucked at first but to be honest you are not super behind unless you are part of the less than 1% that actually compete. we have plenty of time to level classic has only been out a few months. there is also many people that rerolled so you are far from being alone

I have cancelled my sub but I dont see anything wrong with repeatedly asking for what lots of us want, im not being horrible or trolling or anything.

I dont care about being behind I just dont have the time to spend another three months leveling and leaving all the stuff I have done so far behind.

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i know it sucks many people in your situation. i hope they open transfers for same reason to you, i miss my old main

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