PvP Tuning -- 27 April

Are you serious ? Mage are by faar the most tanky class.

They are unkillable and that’s not normal.

25% shield nerf is fair tbh

LOL. No destro lock nerfs.

are you drunk?

I don’t play fire ever but the blazing barrier change is pretty dumb - fire already flops hard when you sit on them - why reduce their defenses even more? This is insane…

How can people claim fire mages are tanky? O.o you can dispel all their defensives. They flop super hard when focused. Are we even playing the same game? Fire mage is my favorite target in arena beause they die fast. LOL

i agree with that. fire only works in 3v3 atm and all you said about defensives is true

Maybe some mage bias? Tbh i managed to kill mages twice this season since theyre and have been unkillable for years.


I don’t see the following in the post but surely you must be looking at and thinking about:

  • Nerf Kyrian Priest dmg
  • Nerf dmg of arcane mages pvp talent Arcanosphere
  • Removing all new pvp trinkets and adding an updated version of [Unchained Gladiator’s Shackles] instead?
  • Disabling all tier items in pvp cuz of how extremely broken majority of them are?
  • Nerf dps specs healing. Or is your vision of a balanced game to have for ex. ele/enh shaman or ret paladin to output more healing then the healers while they at the same time do more damage than the dps?

If not, I think I speak for the entire community when I say we’re expecting a 10+ pages long pvp tuning patch note to fix this mess.


You are not wrong. While against classes with 0-1 purges Fire Mage might seem too tanky, against classes with purge spam the mage can be literally considered naked, especially against Priests that can Mass Dispel even Ice Block.

A good compromise would have been reducing their survivability in PVP (already happens), but also making some defensives undispellable as well. That means that Mages would have normal survivability against any classes and not be super-tanky against one part of them and super-naked against other part.

also why are mage defs nerfed when no one cares about OP defensives on hunter, DH or feral

I wanted to see the following changes this week …

  • Nerf 4 Set Destro Lock (Remove the stun or add a DR on it at least)
  • Nerf the Fury heal reduction, 40% is just too much
  • Remove the Echoing resolve pvp trinket (Or add an internal CD - 1 min at least)
  • Either remove the Resonator or Be able to use Eternal aegis when stunned.
  • Nerf Kyrian priest dmg
  • Nerf the mage Deathborne
  • Nerf hunters all spec dmg, they have insane CC (they can’t outdmg every class in the game).
  • Increase the holy priest fade CD
  • Remove the Holy priest Res Leg from arena

These are essential to make the game playable …


Would be nice if they buffed disc a bit. Its probably around mw levels of bad although the OPness of holy probably hides that.

Mistweaver is criminally underrated


It would be a lot shorter to answer what wasn’t or isn’t wrong with fire mages. :wink:

There is a reason. Mages are too strong!

We are clearly not playing same game. You have some secret next expansion beta already or what?

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Because they are? This reminds me how the mage community started howling about the Triune nerf and how it would ruin mage pvp.

And somehow the mage rep has gone up instead of down. :thinking:

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ya cause most people didn’t know how good DC was yet

I told them people would play it, got called names.


ya we experimented with it before the nerfs and it always felt really strong

Hunters succesfully casted feign dead against the nerf hammer for another time. :clown_face:


Well, the person responsible for the balance is incompetent. Those nerfs on holy priest doesnt help. Thats very sad. You need to do something with their legendary that give them second chance. They have too much instant heal and saves.