Pet Peeve: The Undying

On what basis are you assuming this? That every single person alt-tabs when flying or just stares forward? Well if they’re on a Flightmaster then I can suppose that is the case, but when they’re flying manually, they will probably have to pay attention…

Sorry, but being “Forced” to look at something, doesn’t make people appreciate it any more than being given the choice to look at it or not. I certainly didn’t appreciate my school’s efforts of informing us youth about how dangerous social media and the internet is, just because I was forced to attend those “Every” year.

Good, because it’s NOT an issue.

Apart from the Saberon hunters in Tanaan Jungle… I found the rest decent to handle.

The idea that I need to wait for a WQs to pop up in order to gain rep bothers me more than having the choice to grind and no do it at all if I want to… Or do it in my own pace.

Sure grinding is really mind numbing, trust me spending all that time in WoD in front of Tanaan’s gates or Spires of Arak fungi zone and finally going on a murder rampage upon innocent Saberon in Fang’rila who didn’t do anything wrong except existing were not fun… At all… But WQs (without grouping addons we had back in Legion) is just as terrible.

I wish MoP dailies were back.

Wow No, Totally No. That’s an assumption, I -love- checking out the zones from the air, you can really see the artistry that has went into it. Krasarang, Stranglethorn, Gilneas, oh man there are so many zones which look great on the ground, but then you get to see them from the air and you fall in love with them again, and you see features you just can’t see on the ground and really appreciate the sheer effort that went into some of the environments…


Its been awhile since one of brigante’s posts fits on the screen of my phone.

Heh heh, Yeah, Fair comment. (There’s another one by the way :stuck_out_tongue: )


I had a read at this thread and it gave me the feeling that I’m about to have diarrhea.

That one Blood Elf Death Knight really strikes me as a rude petulant child.

The whole ‘You don’t appreciate the world from the sky!’ argument is so much horse muck.

I stop appreciating the world from the ground far more, far more quickly. Why? Maybe because all the wonderful landscape is littered with pointless, irritating mobs that have an aggro range that extends into the next county? So I’m basically rushing through like a mess of mount legs and constant swearing, trying to get to the next quest. Am I appreciating the world design then? No, if anything I want to see the mob-placement dev so I can give them a slap!

From the air, meanwhile, I can cruise about and, when I see something cool, buzz over to examine it at my leisure. This was basically my whole experience with Northrend; I would zig-zag around scouting out all the things that made me go “Ooh, thats cool, what’s that?” The Oculus, for instance, was very much a breathtaking discovery. Ice Crown itself was stunning because, even with flying, the thing was MA-HOOSIVE.

Maybe if the devs stopped making ground travel such an obnoxious hassle (And no, trash mobs are not ‘but it’s gameplay, git gud’, because they lend nothing to the story, they’re not challenging, and classes with stealth can just bypass them entirely, i.e. they are not mandatory) then maybe this ‘argument’ would have so fething merit, rather than being an elitist, old-school circle-jerk.


The whole “stick to the roads and you should be save from mobs” also often gets ignored…
Or they simply don’t put any roads into a place and you stand there, at the beginning of the expansion, with your freshly dinged shadow priest. Feeling like an overly wet one-layer tissue paper.
Only to discover that the place you’re supposed to go to is up on a cliff.


Like it wasnt enough that the freaking heating in this house doesnt work and we’ve been stuck without warm rooms or water for the past three weeks, the windows being single-glassed and half the garden being taken by a lot of weeds in the form of bushes and the nearest shop being 4km away, the garage gate just decided to break too

In fairness, I can see both sides of the argument here. The “there’s only one true way to play a class/archetype” crowd is annoying as heck, but D&D is a team game, and so you should consider which class options make you more likely to succeed as a team.

For the record, one of my 5e characters is a bladesinger wizard and most of her spellbook is filled with utility and control spells. (And frankly, damage spells often just waste precious slots on something that martial classes can do better.) But I still took Fireball because everyone expects wizards to take Fireball. And let’s face it, large-scale AoE damage is one of the areas where wizards far outshine martial classes, and encounters are balanced with that in mind.

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Peeve: blizzard AI suspending me from forums and not even sending a letter to an email, explaining what FOR. :japanese_goblin: Low-energy effort, reeeeee


He escaped the gulag…


Pet Peeve: Babies that silence discourse.

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Suramar at night from the sky is one of the most beutifull thing I ever seen in a game
(If you are familiar with Aion, only Sanctum come somewhat close to it)
Suramar is simply amazing and I could easly spend an hour (while waiting the darn LFG to pop) just watching that beauty


Playing through the Mass effect trilogy for the 6th time…

Got the Quarians decimated and saved the geth… Tali didn’t survived the suicide mission. I felt very bad…

Now a wow related peeve :
War Mode scaling. I thought that freshly dinged 110 were scaled up as to not be annihilated by random auto attack by other players but now they can very much do that -_-. There’s nothing fun in being just ganked…

And to those who’ll put the usual argument of “You can turn it off!” Yeah no, I’m not interested in slogging through BfA leveling considering how meaningless it is. “It’s part of the risk!” One might say but the thing is there’s also the possibility of null (escaping) or success of beating you enemy… If there’s 95% chance of losing 2% of winning and 3% if evading… You’re very much more likely to run back to your body several times before you get to a win or evade.

Finally ganking. I keep hearing one side does it more than the other but you both do it. Suddenly when everyone sees that their numbers or level difference can ensure an easy victory… All of you turn on the predatory senses to get those alone with no pack.


Loathe ganking. Leveling my Mag’har in the jungle and get done by a Dwarf, twice in about 30 seconds (shaman, self res, apparently it was a bad idea).

First one I just thought “ok, fair enough, whatever. Kill move, fair cop.” second one was just annoying, more so when I clicked on this pathetic Dwarf and found they were ten levels higher than me.

Who’s so rubbish they have to actively gank. twice, somebody ten levels below with the excuse of “sorry, couldn’t resist.”

Yes. Yes you can resist. Or do you do every dumb idea that comes into your head. If not, you can damn well resist and go pick a fight where the person can actually fight back. Which I -thought- was the point of pvp, a competitive event between two players of relatively equal footing to see who wins.

Apparently not, apparently it’s a “who can be a bigger fluffmuffin” fest.

Wanted to comment on something from the General Discussion side again: This comment:

Hell. No.

“Hell no” mainly on two reasons: Vashj’ir was not a very popular set of zones, as people were reporting feeling dazed and confused due to the whole 3d sided combat against the foes there, like a naga above and below you and so on and such. Personally I never experienced this, but I can imagine some people feeling like that.

Secondly: Underwater worlds are terrifying, especially now that we have Old God Giant Squid mumbo jumbo. I’m willing to wager that a fair amount of Horde players feel dreaded to go do the underwater expedition quest for the War Campaign, as it is dark there, and the whole “Predators are attracted to your light” thing didn’t make it feel any more welcoming.

Might just be me. I did have terror moments in Subnautica despite being immortal there.

And on another note: Still could effectively “Skip Content”, as you say in your delusion that flying = skip content, because people would just swim away from the thing they want to avoid… Only potentially slowly unless we get our seahorses up to speed.

Only actual issue is area-target spells don’t work there well.

This would be a -good- thing.

How would this be a good thing?