PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

But we have a PvE Vendor. It’s just PvP that doesn’t have them.


When you get the rewards even if the key is depleted i’m not sure if you can’t tell it “free”

Oh and dont forget the +20% for all the Dungeon duration every two hours When you fail one :joy:

If i die against mythic boss i’m not rewarded, if i lose again other player i’m not rewarded , but i can die 2508 times in a key, over time it by 1 hours and anyway have a chance to loot or get someone trade me.

Légion Mythic + was more punisher because +15 was the Heroic gear , now it down +10 who is cleary more easier to goes (except if you dont have arms and feet … And eventualy a Brain)

PvP gear suffer too much from RNGFest because : less way to get it and too randomyz (three times the same rings in a row realy ?)

Even if u get a full “PvP set” you must hope about two thing:

  • Right stats

  • High ilv proc

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Discussion with this guy is pointless, hes either trolling or selfish, kido dont know what hes talking about or perhaps provoking all of you :thinking:

We also lose rating if we lose and we get worse gear the less our rating is so can you explain to this guy why pve is free loot welfare ?

Whats needed is a system similar to Legion but with a possibility to costumiz secondaries to a degree. Just a freaking slider to allocate some points.

Srsly I’m always encountering people in bgs with 50 or 60 thousand more health points than me. Its pvp power/resilience allover again :confused:

I dont know, apparantly i’m trolling and i have No ClUeE What Em Seying :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, you have Azerith vendor, they want PvP vendor like before when you can buy an entiere set .

But if they did this , you will have more complaint and they will add entiere PvE set then they will be more complaint because first one will find it unfair because they have less reliable sources.

You were actually right pve gear is free these people dont want too accept and they deny us our pvp vendors and they dont even do pvp!!!

In fact all PvE gear aren’t free welfare.

If i kill a raid boss , i loot , or i get nothing then lockout block it from another attemps , and if you die 982058 times you won’t be rewarded (but your bank will be, with all the repair bill)

If i lost Arena, my CR will go down and i won’t get anything , another normal thing .

But i can be the most monkey Player in universe, do stupid thing again and again and again , “complet it” and even get one high chance a part of gear because of RNGesus and other player who don’t neccesary need it .

And that same for Warfront, i can stay afk all the long , and get 400+ when the thing is up (my cloack is 410 when i was gathering wood and playing card game with someone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

PvP player definitivly need something for give another interest in this part of game, Arena participation was never been so low, BG is so dead , and RBG don’t feel fun except if u play High CR .

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This is exactly reason you believe most people agree with you. You tell everyone who disagree to go away, you suround yourself with few that agree and then you believe your ideas are good. Reality is, both PVP power and resilience were garbage systems which made gear matter far more than skill.

Gear mattering over skill in instanced pvp is more of an issue now than it was in Cata-MoP-WoD-Legion.

The system we have now is much worse than resilience.


You haven’t even reached high rating in PVP, lmao.

Gear should matter in a mmo. We shouldn’t have vanilla all over again, where you could kill people wielding lvl 1 white daggers and nothing else. Gear needs to matter. If you have no progression, why even play?

Lol. Seriously. So you’ve both gone and said because you have a CHANCE at getting loot from an overtime key, that backs up the claim of being able to net a full set on 400 in a week? What are you smoking? There is no way the small chance of loot from overtiming every key will net you a full set of 400 in a week unless you’re running mythics all day every day.

And what you two failed to address is how someone who consistently overtimes their key will even be doing these mythics. Such a performance will annihilate your rio score. No pug will take you. So guilds will be your only respite. Guilds can similarly welfare players to rating in pvp can they not? Zero sum argument.

There ARE welfare pieces (emisarries) in the game but mythics ain’t it. If you don’t perform and think you can afk in a run to gear you’re clearly playing with idiots. People will boot you if they think you’re taking the mick.

Anyway. You’re comparing apples and oranges. Mythics have several “successes” the most basic of which is “finishing the dungeon”. So whether you like it or not, completing over time is still a type of success for this kind of pve. Thus it warrants a chance of reward. Pvp (arenas) has success measured in a more binary way. A comparable example however is the fact that losing a BG can still give you a loot box with chance of gear. Reeeeee pvp welfare gear, amiright?

At the end of the day I said I believed arenas need to award higher gear for higher ratings, quite why you even suggested I tried to compare completing a mythic to maintaining an arena rating is beyond me, I never made such a comparison. They’re vastly different modes and not comparable.

Point is the claim “you can welfare your way to 400 in every slot in a week through mythic overtimes” is largely crock. You even suggested people can take hours to do a dungeon and still get the chance of gear. If somebody takes hours to do mythic, the RNG combined with the time spent would mean such a person, to get 400s in this welfare manner for every slot would need to play wow almost 12 hours a day for that week. Not very realistic is it? That’s completely ignoring my point about Pugs will not take you if you have a crap key record anyway. So you’d need a guild to oblige you to welfare your 400s in a week. Yes. I totally see how every pve player can welfare their way to 400s this way. Makes total sense.

Stop trying to compare the success of modes as if they’re the same. They’re not. You might think pve measure of success is too lenient. It is what it is. Point is only the people actually doing it properly with difficulty will get those 400s as quick as you claim every pve can get them on welfare.

If you think higher mythics are still welfare compared to arena. That’s your lookout. Each player type thinks their mode is harder and more skilled. No idea why. Wow is not a p! Ssing competition. Who gives a toss what other people are doing. If you’re not having fun because you care about other people so much then just unsub seriously.

You post on a 85 char to talk crap ? Whats the matter your 120 is 1.5 cr ? Your nex level trash

In MMO there shouldn’t be separation when it comes to stats compared to PVE.

PvP is in a horrible state right now, I cant remember how bad it was before like that. Even WoD was compared with BfA so much better.
The lack of PvP-Vendors makes it even worse. Also you gear so much harder in PvP than PvE.
This is killing the motivation instantly, you NEED to do PvE to be any viable when it comes about PvP.

Blizzard, play your own game.

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The fact that a panda from argent dawn a roleplaying realm has high gear confirms what a joke pve and its gearing is

Oh man, get me an ice pack, what a burn.

If you think this is high gear you’re completely delusional. Get a clue and recognise this is stuff any mook can buy off the AH. Man, I totally welfared myself with my mad AH skills.

If that’s what your replies come down to, I’m gonna assume you have nothing of substance to say to this panda from argent dawn. What an embarrassment for this generic blood elf death knight from kazzak (wow, see, I can do it too)

So you geared ur char from ah and you dare too talk about gearing in mythic plus ? You hypocrite dweeb its time to get back to goldshire fluffy godspeed.

I believe he meant that level of his gear is level of basic blues/boes from AH. Gear goes now up to 425 ilvl and his is less than 320. He is pointing out that getting decent ilvl gear isnt free.