PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

I assumed that he had lots of gear because he had written a diary on mythic plus gearing and all of a sudden i find out that he is gearing from ah and didnt even do a single mythic plus that is funny af xD

You’re aware you can see my achievments, yeah?

You haven’t been at high rating. Your rating is nothing special. People like you is the reason why I don’t play rated PvP any longer, so many toxic people like you that thinks they’re some kind of gods at PvP.


What we really need is better class design. Its been complete dog for some classes since WoD and movement has gone through the roof and straight to the moon.

Movement is not an issue for me the combat being slow is the issue.

Global cooldowns for defencives and offensive spells like recklessness etc

Yes we have a vendor for TR. That is a PvE vendor.

How was it a barrier to entry? Honour at least when I PvP’d under the old system reset at the start of every xpac, and each new season.

You had to grind out your honour to get your blue gear before doing arena. Then you did your 10 matches every week and got your piece every week.

This kept everything on a balanced skill based playing field. IMO WOD had it best as your gear from PvP was reasonable for world questing / heroic raiding and excellent for PVP. It was also accessible to everyone who made any effort.

What isn’t acceptable is that for instance right now BiS for a PvP healer is the trinket from Mythic 1st boss PvE. I have the heroic version and it rocks in world PvP. The whole RNG, higher ilev chests forcing you to push rating early, and no vendors is ruining PvP.


I actually find the GCD really annoying for rejuve on my druid, especially when trying to put two stacks on multiple players. However there needs to be a balance between fixing it and allowing classes to be one button DPS macros.


They already stated a 10 now its like a 15 in legion ,most people where doing 19/20/21+ end of legion for the challenge .

Only if you choose to use it .

One thing is people are agreeing with you but your to blind and toxic to see it .

US thread with 1400 posts on the subject. Literally anyone who only pvps hates the gearing system in bfa. I just gear up with +10s since they arent too bad and Id never even done them before :s

The guy who made it is also a streamer and awc caster


I didn’t read all 93 posts but it seems to me getting pve gear is too easy, not that getting pvp gear is too hard.

In no respectable pvp game you get some gear to make you better than others. You all start the same and win with your skill. No real pvp player plays wow

Its a barrier because if you don’t pvp every week you’re done for.

Imagine doing the regular pve progress then fancying a bit of pvp 6 weeks in. You’re screwed. Much fun.

I’d agree to a certain extent there. However the same could be said about PvE progression in WOW if you fall behind early on. I didn’t take up BFA until the middle of the xpac and more or less had to forego last seasons M+ due to zero RIO rating and a lack of people to run lower keys with by the time I came back.

Right now my 392 druid would have difficulty being accepted to a group because it is so far behind due to lack of playing it. So be it PVP or PVE you really can’t afford to miss the first six to eight weeks.

As is if you are a PVP and PVE player you have a massive advantage in those first few weeks as well with two 410 chests to proc from. So early in still has very much the upper hand.

What benefit or fun is there in a second form of gear progression? I don’t see it.

It separates the two. If you just want to PVP right now you are going behind if you don’t PVE. I didn’t play Legion, but it wasn’t the case before. Also I believe the guilds doing the world first race were PVPing to get that first weeks 410 chest, not to mention Limit transferring for the Overwhelming Odds quest.

The only thing I can think of where using PVE gear in PVP is concerned was Shadowmourne on my warrior back in WOTLK.

Literally anyone who only pvps hates the gearing system

That’s maybe the problem, game isn’t played only by people who ONLY PvP, I always liked to play all types of content, but having separate PvP and PvE gear would basically make it impossible because my effort in one part of the game would be rendered useless in another part and I don’t have time to grind twice as much. This would drive many people away from PvP and I’m not sure that’s the desired result. Also WOW is a single game, why it should have different gear for various aspects?

But I agree that the way the gear is obtained should be adjusted, having 2k+ rating to get heroic gear is overkill in my opinion, it’s much easier to get heroic gear, maybe not from last few bosses which tend to be harder, but overall yes, just compare 3v3 pug without voice vs heroic pug without voice, if people know what to do, they can smash the raid even like this, but pvp is much harder this way.

Btw is there any statistic data how many people who raid have heroic / mythic gear and how many people who pvp have equivalent gear from pvp? (raid progression vs arena rating) The percentages could be used to adjust the rating / ilvl distribution. Right now PvP gearing is just worse and harder, that’s the fact we all agree on I hope.

PS: I refuse to talk about Warfronts, they are not PvE, they are mindless free gear for anyone.

Yes, because this character is my only character. Obviously. Never done mythics in my life, obviously.

Seriously. You’re not even trying to hide how full of dung your opinions are. Maybe try to actually back up your point with something other than inspecting people’s armory and hoping to sling dirt at them. Oh no, you slagged off one of my recently dinged alts for their gear quality, HOW EVER WILL I RECOVER?

As other said: this is low gear from AH to facilitate my gearing process. If you think what I’m wearing in any way encompasses gear worthy of being called high level you’re off your rocker. It’s part of the journey to gearing, not a means to bypass it. I still can’t believe you think that anyone would consider my gear high level. Let me do the hard work for you and take away your next iron-clad argument: my gear is trash and AH welfare. Takes nothing away from my earlier points.

Also, irony of being called a weeaboo by a blood elf DK. You’re literally a walking anime parody.

Then they should also give gear through pvp, otherwise it’s not acceptable.

Current system:

  • If you want to have good gear for PvE, you have to play PvE
  • If you want good gear for PvP, you have to play PvE
  • If you want to gear up a new character, you have to play PvE

I feel like there’s something wrong??


There is nothing wrong. Vast majority of content in game is PVE.