Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

they doing whole expansion for elves, we must get them playable finally and put this topic to rest.:slight_smile:


Looks into a mirror - “I’m a quel’dorei, right? Sure, I am.”

Am I a joke to you? :heart:

I was there when it was made

I m really curious about where did you get this idea :turtle:


Btw high elves already exist, they are called Blood elves, we are 90% of quel dorei survivors

Last 10% are lost high elves who marry paladins/mages humans and having bastard babies and few others crazy void elves.

They have no more culture, city, etc
2 famous sisters, one is hearing fark voices from the void and the other one has mental issues

We have leaders
We have the City

We have everything, even a paladin order.

We are 15 000, they are 1500.

We are quel dorei and glory for the sin dorei !

From turtle wow they have high elves there me snd my girlfriend Play there :blush:

I suggest you to edit your post asap

Can those type of threads be considered a cyber stalking? You dudes are like creepy weirdo who keep showing near kid’s playground and demanding to get something that makes no sense for you to have or to want, if you are normal human being. Stop. Get some help. Mcdonalds want you to have a live. lmao

This thread doesnt break rules

Your comment did, you re insulting. Threating my people and me as weirdos and mental sick persons who need “help”

Do not whine if elves, on this thread, will report you :dracthyr_lulmao:

We are legions

:man_elf: :elf: :man_elf: :woman_elf:
:man_elf: :woman_elf: :elf: :elf:

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Why should i? She asked me a question and i simply answered

I dont think that mentioning the name of a p.serv will not getting you in troubles…

Be safe pal

Why’s that illigal?

They’d first have to make high elves

because as long as you can only pretend to be a high elf through customization options, that’s all they are, a customization option

actual changes on whats playable on a void elf will always be based on the fact that its a void elf.

I know they promised every race for every class but in the same breath they created dracthyr which was 1 race which could only be 1 class and nothing else.

Sure they’re breaking them open now but even then they’re not giving them all classes
and they are still introducing new playable races like the earthen, again, without all classes.

If they can’t make all classes fit on a race from the races inception on, I don’t think that promise was one that has a lot of value today

Same way that Void elves will not get a high elf heritage, they already have that as void elves

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please shout it loud so those at the back can hear.

we have enough elves

Kneel before pointy ears, hooman.



People are still going on about this nonsense?

Imagine if we have this in midnight !



You have void elfs customizations to make them high elfy.

Unless you want Blizzard to make an exception and just suddenly give tons and tons of an “extinct” race.

I have an elf girlfriend i don’t mind elves one bit

Yes please, Queldorei and Sanlayn for everyone.

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