Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

But hey, look on the bright side.
So long as you dont think alliance high elves should actually happen, theres common ground here.

It’s not that I don’t think they should happen, I just think it’s unlikely to happen considering we’ve got 2 thalassian elf races and 2 darnassian elf races.

There’s no chance a 3rd is coming for either…and there’s an even slimmer chance of 2 thalassian races coming at the same time (high elves and san’layn.)

I think we can have a rework for quel doreil character creation

Thalassian elves >

  1. Blood Elves - H
  2. High Elves - A
  3. Void Elves - A

And another new race

But about nagas…

There are few issues like… Walk/rubàn animation, mounts?! Armor? Etc

If High Elves are playable I want a real elvish new city for high elves and a new
King and/or Queen on the throne

And definitely no veressa or alleria as queen

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One simple reply: no

tbf maghar, dark iron, kul tiran exist.

But i would prefer if they just allowed us to disable the void one or chose to make it like holy instead of void. Could be nice

Let the void elves change their racial to the light… thats gonna be a hard pass.

cool, u dont have to use it but it wouldnt harm anyone to be able to use this if they wanted to, besides closs minded people that only want it their way i guess (like you)

It will never ever be a thing.
So no one will use it. Thank god.

god im glad i never have to have a conversation or probably read a post from you again :slight_smile:

You have 12 posts.
I doubt youll have many conversations with anyone here again.

yea mb i got a life, sorry i dont spam 50 posts a day like you

Thats cool. Go be free and do other stuff.
Your ideas are still awful.

Light themed racial for the void elves… what a joke

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Non void customisations for void elf already exist, are you stuck in legion or something? Also if its so bad why can they spec into holy priest?

Have you been to telogrus rift recently?
Theyre canonically void elf customisation for void touched void elves with void powers.

yea u forgot about that one void elf that was spamming paladin spells during The Harbinger questline? or are we just gonna ignore that one

And her paladin power is a racial trait of hers now?

And a void infused elf using holy spells makes sense to you?

But yea ur guild names might explain it you pretty well

Can we just remove all elves beside blood elves and start from scratch with renewed humility and fear of having opinions?

If they made them neutral and added void elf hair styles etc sure

Dumb from a character perspective but not impossible.

But its not a trait inherent to void elves.
Void powers are.

To give them a light racials would be to redefine what it is to be a void elf to the exact opposite side of the spectrum.