Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

But thats the whole point. Instead of making a seperate race just add a glyph or w.e to change it for people that wanna play high elves not void elves?

And again if its possible to use holy magic as a “void” elf then why not this?

If someone wants to play a high elf, thats what a blood elf is.

Im not okay with my race being invaded by people who hold no love or respect for it.

The most i could conceed to is making the racial a choice between a proc one a minute, to an active ability with like a 3 minute cd.
That way void elf fans could at least have a choice that benefits them as they could get their dps boost in their burst windows.
And those who hate the race just never have to activate it and effectly dont have the racial.

If humans can be mages, why not give them a racial ability to burst in to flames? Because it has jack all to do with their race.
Like the light has jack all to do with being a void elf.
Actually giving a light racial is worse because its not just out of place and random, its the antithesis of the race.

That would be to remove all Elves besides night elves, since night elves were the first playable Elves in the WoW IP.

But we’re cooler

Doesn’t matter…Night Elves were the first playable so if we’re removing any elves, then it’s Blood Elves, Void Elves and Nightborne.

Its not, thats why void elf high elf customisations dont share eye colors, belfs are horde exclusively high elves arent.

Idc i just dont want to be a High elf holy priest that gets engulfed with void magic every so often

But people dont hate the race, they love the race but this one thing makes it annoying to play but there is no other alliance options

Main character syndrome xD

Because there is this spell called Combustion?

You cant be a void elf if light never existed in the first place

Sure sure tell that the VOID elf paladin and the playable holy priest, clearly blizzard doesnt agree with your point anymore.

So now youre just playing dumb with me.
Or maybe its not an act. I honestly cant tell.
Either way… awful idea that will never come true.

Its not an awful idea else this thread wouldnt be a thing. Its coming with solutions that would work for both parties (besides your crying as) without making allied race # 17 thats just another race with other customisations

I dont like the idea of being able to turn off the racial but i didnt call that one out as laughable.
Only the light one.

All im reading is, i dont like this thing that would have 0 effect on me but because its not what i want no one else should get something they could be more happy with

And all im hearing is an awful idea that will never happen.
I should leave you be… but it really is just so awful a suggestion it needs pointing out.

Sure go cry in your corner about “me me me me” stuff you wont be missed

Im not crying though.
Thats the thing.
I have my race. I know your wish will never come true.
I have what i want.
And you… well you dont. Nor will you.

I will get something i would like sooner than later, we already have gotten the non void elf customisations, we already got showcased a void elf paladin, soon we will just get the next thing disbaling or changing the awful racials :slight_smile:

Okay so why are you here? besides to just call other people stupid because they want something different from you that wont even effect you

As i said, your suggestion was so bad it needed to be called out.
That was all.

Will you get something in midnight to help rp as a high elf? Probably.
But it wont be a light racial.

are you just straight up stupid? Thats not what im asking for. Im comming with suggestions that would fix the void illusion that pops up every 20-30 seconds.

Its not else i wouldnt have suggested it as a 2nd thing if the 1st wasnt possible

Explain to me how its stupid? What are the options realisticly.

Either add a new race, keep the race and racial

but the raical visual is the problem so how can we potentially fix it? Make it disableable, if thats not possible what then? Make a light version of it for the people that dont wanna have their character RP ruined by void magic (even if they dont roleplay its still important for many)

It was your suggestion.
It is what you asked for.
I even quoted the part where you did it in case you somehow forgot already.

Again you still havent explained why its stujpid besides it doesnt fit void elves, which is the whole point we dont want to be void elves its compromises to make it more than useable for high elf enjoyers that will require less work than a full new allied race

And at the same time we have a lore void elf paladin in the game now which is straight up impossible in lore prio to now, u can go look up the alleria audio drama on yt warcraft channel.

Meh, “first playable” is just as abritrary of a criteria as “cooler”.
Ban uncool elves, make high dwarves instead.

Jesus why is this thread still active.

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