Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

First playable is undeniable fact.

You cannot like fact, but fact is fact.

Secondary and thirdly Elves would be the ones who are erased…just like we have in SoD.

Because some people don’t understand the words ‘it’s never gonna happen’.

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they gave a lookalike to make the people happy yet they still demand more. You can’t make anyone happy when they keep acting like a child throwing a tantrum.


This reasoning is highly insubordinate and will be reported to the Regent Lord.

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Void elves are the compromise. They will not give Silvermoon to the alliance just because a handful of people are vocal about it.

The Regent Lord is under the law of Chris Metzen…and Chris Metzen has authorised for Season of Discovery, Hardcore and Classic 1.12.1 to remain with the first playable Elves.

Only idiots would argue otherwise.

Uhm, no void elves in Classic 1.12.1, very weird. :thinking:

The thing is that this thread has been going on FOR YEARS. No matter whether you agree with the idea or not, the time for it to get implemented has passed.

No Blood Elves or Nightborne either…very ‘not weird’ because Classic doesn’t contain those races as “playable.”

Yes. They already have high elves but they won’t admit it since they want all things the blood elves currently own too. They will not be happy until the eastern kingdoms are fully blue.

This conversation is very weird

It’s basic common sense.

You just don’t like it because “remove all elves except blood elves” is laughably stupid and can’t happen because the Warcraft IP doesn’t allow it.

the original WC elves are the night elves but SoD is classic so it is stuck in time forever.

But I wasn’t serious :sob:

Of course I would never ask for the removal of all elves except blood elves.
Only night elves should be removed, because they were the first, and as well all know the first will be the last.
Bible > Warcraft.
I don’t make the rules

Actually…Night Elves weren’t the first. Dark Trolls were the first.

this is exactly the kind of answer I’d expect in such a topic, thanks for keeping the standards high

Trolls are not elves.

Lore, Metzen and Blizzard say your wrong, but that’s not a shock to anyone.

Elf fans are usually wrong about most things…because Elf fans put feelings above fact. Unlike me - I put fact first

Trolls came before elves. Elves stole troll land. Most elves are evil colonizers.

Ok whatever…your waffling on about a different tangent which I don’t care about. Go and cry in the corner, little Timmy