Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Or we stop talking about high elves since it is known by now they will never be playbale.

I don’t care…this is a high elf topic and your crying about something useless and not related.

Just leave the topic…unless your an idiot.

It is related since you keep fighting windmills since the only way for your dream to become real would be blood elves losing everything.

No it’s not.

Stop being stupid.

If you want to win an argument, maybe not use antagonistic behaviour. Doesn’t win you any brownie points.

I’ve already made my arguments for High Elves, four times, not even in a playable format, and I’m not repeating myself to those who can’t be bothered reading.

Then maybe you should step back and stop.

It’s never going to happen, the time for it has passed. Void elves killed any chance for high elves to join Allied Races, especially after Velfs were given normal hair and skin.

So, we’re not to discuss ideas that we’d like to see happen? A forum is where we should be able to express what we’d like to see, freely - freedom of speech and all.

Who makes these unwritten forum rules about topics they don’t like, not being discussed, because whoever has, should be put on a forum suspension.

High elves are already in the game. You just dislike the name. It is not about the race anymore and that much is obvious.

Oh, 100%. People should talk about this if they want.

We only have two problems.

  1. This first conversation happened 4 BLOODY YEARS AGO. The fact it’s still being argued over now shows nothing less than obsessive behaviour. The time for this has passed, move on. It’ll make your life better.

  2. The fact we now have so many threads about this now tells me that this entire thread is pointless. All the arguments have been made already. All you’re doing is continually shouting the same things everyone else who supports this idea has said already.

The idea itself is up to personal debate, but at the end of the day, this thread will go nowhere, achieve nothing, and is completely and utterly pointless. It’ll never happen.

Blizzard should have closed this thread and banned future threads from being made up. It might as well be necroposting. So, to make sure I don’t make things worse from hereon, I’m blocking this thread, blocking you, and moving on with my life.

Have a great evening :saluting_face:

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They did the opposite actually.

They’ve kept this old one open for far longer. No requests went in, Blizzard did it themselves.
Just like with the Nightborne feature thread that was up for about 4 years - they kept that one open for a long period of time and allowed extra responses.

Nah, Blizzard loves the High Elf topics…and it’s great to have them. You can’t ban somebody’s wish because wanting High Elves doesn’t directly offend or directly hurt anyone. Only then, would Blizzard ban future threads; if said thread was aiming to cause direct harm to somebody, which should be banned with immediate effect.

People should talk about it and get banned at the same time? Oxymoron statement, right here.


When did they do this?
Op just comes back every 28 days and bumps it to make sure it doesnt get locked due to inactivity.

They opened a new topic themselves, regarding the same thing…but just kept this one open anyway and deleted the new one that was made.

Created by the “system” on the forums, but was deleted and we stuck to this one.

You mean the system generated one when threads hit comment cap?

This thread was made after that happened.
So they had their system generated one and this one OP reposted.

Its not that surprising that they let this one stay instead of the automatically generated one.
This one is formatted better as the auto generated ones kinda suck.

First of all, thanks all anti Alliance High elves that keep bumping the Thread. Without you, we never would had made it to 10k or more posts each time :slight_smile:

Dark trolls → Night Elves → Highborne/Nightborne → High Elves → Blood Elves → Void Elves.

Just tired of the constant compromises by Blizzard instead of given true High elves to the Alliance as playable that have been in the Alliance as for-ever. But whatever we get Playable High elves for Alliance, for Midnight. As all scattered elven tribes coming home and also Alliance has already moved in Silvermoon behind the scenes. And Turalyon is also continuing what Varian Wrynn started long ago. Talking with Lor’themar and Lady Liadrin.

Were as Void elves can then go their own way. Heck even evolve again to a different species if they want to by infusing themselves even more void.
Also there is no more High elves in Telogrus Rift anymore. Only Blood elves incase anyone missed that.

Actually we did suggest a new place, many times for The Alliance High elves. The Crystalsong Forest or The Hinterlands or Dire Maul. Take over The Ancient Highborne structures and rebuild them.

Well, it’s clear that they aren’t banning High Elf topics anytime soon. If you don’t like them…don’t enter them…?

It’s like talking to the wall.

But I remain steadfast in my view that unless a Horde Darnassian Race is coming, High Elves won’t be playable.
High Elves also won’t come with San’layn as they won’t release two Thalassian Elf races at the same time.

It is and it isnt.
They did delete a lot of them back when void elves came out and the high elf fans were the most vocal. The spam was very annoying.

But since then everyone has all agreed to keep the conversation confined to one thread (mostly) and there has been no need to delete.

Theres nothing against the rules about a single thread going in circles for years on end :stuck_out_tongue:

Deleted because they were all saying the same thing. All you need is 1.

They’d have deleted all the threads about new Nightborne features if they were spammed all over the place and new ones appeared, stating the same thing. You only need Luneara’s thread for that.

Yeah exactly.
So i wouldnt say they support the thread, they just dont care about it.
Those who hate the topic can just put it on mute and have it be gone forever.
At the end of the day, its harmless.

They cared enough to give void elves, blood elf hair colours and skin colours.

They basically said “High Elves for everybody.”