Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Yeah but they also undid that by canonising them as void elf customisation.
So who knows what their intent and end game is at this point.
Maybe they dont even have one.

They really didn’t “undo” it.

They literally had an interview, prior to Shadowlands and they basically said “Yeah, it’s just High Elves for everyone…” then, they heard about the hair colour thing and added some blood elf hair colours. In fact, they did the opposite of “undoing” it.

Derailment and fighting(rule breaking type) is often what gets threads closed or worse.

Spamming constantly is another thing…but spamming the same things over and over again, just in different forums. Blizzard didn’t have a hard stance on this during 2013 when every Blood Elf fan made the same pointless thread about the Purge of Dalaran.

Now, they do and it’s better.

There are now void elf npcs that have normal skin and hair while being void elves.
Theyre just void elf customisation now.

Sure you can rp with them all you like, but it doesnt change the fact theyre canon for regular voidy void elves now and not just rp for high elves.

So i dont think it counts.


I go off what they said directly before SL. Blizzard’s word is law, like it or hate it.

I go by the npcs that exist :stuck_out_tongue:

Irrelevant, when they say “High Elves for everybody” in an interview.

Oh yeah 100%
I was mainly refering to back in the day when youd have like 20 threads active at a time.
It was kinda ridiculous. I dont miss those days haha

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Thats not quite what they said but i get your point.

My point is they have clearly backtracked on what the customizations mean.
Or at the very least, doubled up on their usage.

Its not a case of “this is a high elf option and not a void elf option” any more.

Doesn’t have to be specifically highlighted that one’s high elf and one’s void elf.

We all know exactly why Void Elves got those features and they confirmed it in an interview.

Just to be clear, you do know there are void elf npcs in telogrus rift that use those options now yeah?

No you did not. You kept demanding the blood elves joined the alliance instead just like Alleria and we blood elves are tired of you all being unreasonable all the time.


But, the reason behind these features wasn’t because of those NPC’s. It was as basic as “High Elves for everyone.”

They didn’t just give these blood elf features because of some throw-away NPC’s that we hardly see.

What their intentions were then doesnt necessarily apply now.
They didnt have to go out of their way to show void elves using them.
They made a point of making them canon void customisation.

So yeah, they can be used as rp tools.
But since void elves can canonically look that way, its just as valid, even more so imo, to treat them as void elf customisation and not high elf rp customisation.

But we are also going in circles now as neither of us will budge lol

You can’t expect people to just change interpretation of them because of a few NPC’s we hardly see. The blood elf features on void elves will always be seen as “High elf features” because that’s how Blizzard sold them originally.

It’s quite basic and only a few are trying to overly complicate it. “High Elves for everyone.”

You can’t market something as something different, 3 years after the original release. That’s idiotic.

Its hardly overcomplicating it.
Void elves can have white skin canonically. So void elves having access to white skin is what you would expect.

But hey, agree to disagree.

And you ignored the basics of what I was saying. It’s too late for you to try and change their marketing now or to try and convince people to see them as “void elves with white skin.”

Blizzard sold the features as “High Elves for everyone.” You can’t try and change that now. They will always be seen as “High Elf features” regardless of feelings and npc’s.

Yes you will always see them that way i get that.

Fine then, follow up.

If they added high elves as an allied race for the alliance, completely stand alone and separate from void elves… would you still think those skin tones are high elf customisation and not a thing for void elves? That there are now two routes on the alliance to play high elves?

That’s now assuming that high elves as playable will be a thing. I don’t think they are…but that doesn’t stop ideas on how I can play a High Elf, without the tool-tip indicating I’m playing a “High Elf Holy Priest.”