Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

It is assuming they would be their own thing.
But its a hypothetical to see if them saying theyre high elf rp options could ever be undone in your eyes.

Well, I don’t think they would be undone because I don’t think High Elves will be playable as a stand alone race - especially when high elf mage npcs are using void elf hairstyles in the Earthen City.

this thread has no purpose anymore since the thing they wanted was actually implemented.


I thought this was the trailer for the Allied Races (High Elf and Amani Troll) from the Midnight expansion. :laughing:


I’ll be honest, I see only 2 solutions to this

Blizzard doesn’t add even more non void elf customizations to void elves and just leaves that as is
they split it up into two distinct races with full features of starting zone, racial, heritage set, etc.

I simply do not think any other two options are realistic, because if you keep adding high elf customizations to void elf, at what point does it stop feeling like void elf?

That should absolutely be avoided at all costs, for void elves to start feeling like a different race entirely then they are in their core and what their zones, heritage sets and racials were designed around.

I do agree nowadays with the idea that High elves are not a playable race as long as they are not their own race, they are a preset of customization options at best. Being a playable race comes with several base things which the high elf customization presets simply do not have

Doesn’t mean I think this means high elves are immediately entitled to their own race, thats up to blizzard to decide what they want to do with void elves and high elves

As for your high elf holy priest that gets engulfed with void magic every so often; thats just a discipline priest

Cope. We already have four playable elf races, two of which are literal model copies of one another. High Elves are already playable in the form of Blood Elves, and Void Elves should just be given a glyph to disable the visual effect of the racial.

Of all the new and interesting races to add to WoW, a race that is already playable is not one of them.

Since the Dark Heart patch, void elves with a High Elf/Blood Elf/Darkfallen appearance are officially canonized.

I’m not sure what you mean with that, isn’t it just illusion magic being applied?
illusion magic is already canon
hell there’s quest where you fool people with halloween masks and fake wooden tree props

Atleast give some sources because honestly I cannot recall anything of the like,

Go to telogrus rift.
There are void elf npcs that use the normal skin and hair customisation.

The undead skin is a 50/50 one as theyre not actually shown as a void elf, just one undead named elf npc whos very dedicated to alleria

Telogrus rift has been updated with new void elf NPCs.

I’ll check it out then
still weird I can on some level as horde but I obviously overlooked things

Does the tooltip not show a race for mouseover?
I’d think its weird if void elves can look like San’layn as its the result of a completely different force
‘featureless’ void elves make more sense then that

Now Void Elves can also be non-Void like Alleria, so they can legitimately receive new High Elf customizations or share customizations with Blood Elves (hairstyles).:blush:

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I wouldnt go that far.
Just because they CAN look normal, doesnt mean it should be encouraged.
Void elf identity should not move towards normality.

I prefer to be a void elf like Alleria, it’s officially possible but I also need new hairstyles with braids, tattoos, jewelry…

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Alleria is a weird case as shes sorta the worst void elf going, as made clear by her recent questline.
She doesnt exactly embrace the void.

It will be interesting to see where she ends up by the end of the saga.

I hope she ll die with her son, sister and nephews

Then after we can call back our lost elves and make the pointy ears nation great again

I will be honest, i did lose a fair bit of respect for her character after the harbinger questline.

She gets made sad by the void, says she doesnt really work with the void elves, doesnt know the name of one of her most devoted followers, then refuses to use her powers to kill a fake illusion of turalyon.

She has time to win me back since shes the star of the show now, but if she does die… i wont be crying

I think Alleria will be the leader of Midnight’s elven reunification.:bulb:

Dear Moritz,

Please feed my curiosity.

You re apparently not playing the smurf elve model for be a High Elf or you ate to many blueberries.

What doest motivate you to play this race?