Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Sorry can you rephrase, i didnt understand most of that haha

Your skin is blue so… you play void elf model for be a void elf and not a high elf.

What does motivate you to play this loreless race?

I like being emo XD

When I joined wow i was a blood elf priest and so always found the void cool.
When void elves came out, it was just the emo void version of the race i already played and thought they were badass.
I love their racial proc effect, i love their voices, i love the effects on their mount and heritage armor, i love their space rock.

The fantasy of being a regular elf is just boring and lame in comparison.

You play for the shine and colours.

We are a people we need to be united.

And 90% of quel dorei are blood elves with great leaders, a beautiful city, paladin order, beautiful countryside.

9% are a bunch of traitor who follow a crazy sister who love human mages and she destroyed her bloodline

1% were blood elves and betrayed us and follow a crazy b. Sister hearing dark voices and follow orders of shadows

I play for the fantasy of being a person corrupted and changed by the void, fighting back the whispers driving them in to madness, and using it as a weapon to save azeroth.

The other elves… stuff 'em.
They can burn in the light for all i care XD


Then you re my nemesis and my mission is to cure you by the holy fiiiiiire :fire:

Bring it on, meet me in silvermoon at midnight.

I ll be there

Utc 0 or +1 ?

Alleria :purple_heart:

This cartoon design is ugly as f.

But we can be tolerant, after all we are talking about a little indie game compagny with few dollars in the pocket

She abandonned her people
She abandonned her son
She abandonned her husband.

She embraced the shadows

LOL what a great “hero”

Yes we did, that you have a terrible memory is not my problem. The Blood elves however as I said multiple times they were never meant to be in the Horde. Blizzard changed the entire lore to make “any” kind of sense why they join the Horde to make a few Horde players “Happy” for crying about unfairness of player population. So Blizzard gave an “Alliance” Race to the Horde as there was no Elves in the Horde in wow Vanilla No High or Blood elves as Blood elves was enemy faction hostile towards both Horde and Alliance however there was High elves in the Alliance as there has “Always” been. And there was one player that found out not all Horde players was “Happy” back in wow vanilla that Horde was getting Blood elves playable into the Horde in TBC as they feared that Blood elves would ruin the Horde.

But the Blood elves are there in the Horde, Fine all we ask is be given what has always been “in the Alliance”. And that is High elves playable in the Alliance.

…they already have…aka the Nightborne. Night elf → Highborne/Nightborne. The Highborne are “Night elves” that was intrigued by magic and started playing around with magic instead of nature. And Nightborne are Highborne that had use the Nightwell as source to survive in their Isolation as their magic shield couldn’t let Elune’s Light in. So… your wish is granted, just like that game journalist who begged Blizzard to get to play Night elf in the Horde. He got what he wanted too. But as I said before that im not against Nightborne joining the Horde as it gives the Horde a Dark elf race or a Drow race which makes sense and they are very much alike to the Blood elves. Power is power and Drink alot of Mana wine.

Alleria will probably save her people at Midnight.
You should start respecting her !:grin:

She s no more one of us, She is a demon serving the void.

She s not allowed to come in our city.

No that was a reasonable policy since a game with only 1 faciton would die out in time.

Of course they were. 17 years and counting still. Human and high elf fans being salty will not change that.

Quel’thalas stopped being alliance all the way back in Warcraft 3.

A handful of people not enough to justify a whole playable race. Void elves are the compromise. Take it or leave it. Blizzard is not entitled to give in to any demands now.

No one feared that. The handful of smelly dude bros who actually had fun playing muh honor savages were the minority always. Undead was the most played race before TBC.

Which you have now in all but name actually.

Another elf race to show the petty lines between factions or being ugly to justify being part of the team are days of the past.

Alleria visits her son in Silvermoon.:laughing:

nowhere in silvermoon

Arator lives in Silvermoon !:man_shrugging:

so tell me exactly where is he.

I m actually in silvermoon. I can’t find him.

He lives there in Silvermoon “behind the scenes”. The game has not catched up/updated with the story and most likely won’t until Midnight. Lady Liadrin has welcomed him in with the Blood Knights after Turalyon had a chat with her.


The Blood knights are hostile to paladin from alliance.

Arator is an alliance paladin.

that’s stupid