Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Current High Elves are too divided to form a race. In theory, some of the High Elves might have seen what would happen in future and they might have migrated to another World/realm with a more powerful magical source. If they come back, they would know siding with alliance or horde didn’t brought anything but division. I don’t think they would side with any but remain neutral. Spell Breaker of warcraft 3 could be a nice class.

Blood elves are Horde that is not going to change.


please breath assure, because they will be playable in the midnight expansion.

nocturnal creatures , trolls were a different race living near them.

Did they ban you from MMO Champion? How is Aucald doing?

Blizzard isn’t doing copycat races anymore. They gave you the normal elf looks for void elves already. I they make anything playable in Midnight it will be Etherals or Amani trolls.

I hope they will finally make third faction for all elves.

new playable races: Sanlayn for Horde and Queldorei for the alliance.


Why should they make a new faction? And force thousands of players to leave their guilds? Gameplay comes before story that was always their motto. The different elven groups grew apart from each other over the time. The elves have never been better when they are not a united force. The last time they had their empire it almost doomed the whole world. Be glad blood elves and night elves admitted their mistakes and learned from them.

Also the Horde and Alliance would die without their elves. Since they are the most played races for both sides.

Haem Erevien, i changed my mind about HE but we must admit that HE ll be playable at 99% in midnight

If they dont what feature for midnight?

We already have enough elves on both factions. We don’t need another that Looks exactly like blood elves but with blue eyes. Give forest trolls or etherals instead. Also who said every new expansion needs a new playable race?

Midnight = the elves (HE, BE, VE…) will unite to defend Quel’Thalas.

The horde and the alliance will be united to defend Quel’Thalas.:handshake:

They should have thought of that before neither breaking the faction barrier for good or skipping over the single most obvious allied race.

Disgusting, sounds like my little Pony online

Everyone has been friends since the end of the 4th war (BFA).:people_hugging::revolving_hearts:

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Wrong, if you try to enter in stormwind you ll be attacked by guards.

We can have expansions without adding new stuff. Just ask WOD. It is possible.

Arator is/was primarily neutral. I think he joined the Blood Knights now, but he just had friendly ties to the Alliance because of his parents. He canonically lives in Silvermoon.

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edited instead of replied now post gone

Arator is not neutral he is an alliance paladin of the Silver Hand.

Yea that would be optional but honestly thing they wont do it cuz its to much work, but maybe it will happen at Midnight who knows

He was neutral. He joined the new Silver Hand which is comprised of literally every Paladin order like the Sunwalkers.

Now that he joined the Blood Knights, he’s closer to the Horde if anything else.