Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

His parents are the greatest heroes of the alliance. He was in Honor Hold back in TBC. With the same argument you could say Aponi and Liadrin are not Horde. Get real.

Yes, he is on friendly terms with the Alliance because of who his parents are. He never actually joined it. Do you really think he’d be permitted to live in Silvermoon if he did?

Yes because unlike Vereesa and her personal anti blood elf hate group, Lor’themar and the other bs are nice people who don’t do racism based on faction.

Then they would invite the remaining High Elves back too. They also banished the Void Elves. Arator hasn’t joined the Alliance or Horde in any official capacity. He’s in the Knights of the Silver Hand, a now neutral organisation.

They are already back and being allowed to pilgrim to the Sunweel my dude. Only Alleria is banished because last time people died.

They are allowed to visit the Sunwell as it’s considered a birthright for both High Elves and Blood Elves. That’s as far as that hospitality goes. Alliance affiliated High Elves obviously wouldn’t be allowed to live in Silvermoon for practical reasons.

That is already more leverage then any Horde race has inside alliance cities. Given any other time the HIGH ELVES tried to kill the Sin’dorei on sight.

Id say she is.

There seems to be more than one way of becoming a void elf.
The way the original lot became void cannot be repeated, yet we know they are gaining new members over time.

It doesnt seem like the how matters so much, if youre an elf that absorbs a lot of void and now has void powers and glows blue… youre a void elf.
Alleria fits the description and is their leader.

I am a extremist and fanatic high elf priest who side the good part.

And this Arator is a bastard, an hybrid.

Not a pure blood like us, noble blood elves who dont merge with hoomans

He must be purged by fiiiiiire

maybe just elves will reunite? I personally have no interest allying with horde except taurens and elves.

You do know this isn’t an RP forum, right?
There is an actual RP forum for that.

Hmm I don’t know. After watching that trailer and thinking the other day. Is Blizzard setting her up as the next Arthas? Setting her up on the Arthas path.

Arthas wants to purge a city and gets abadoned by his best friend and his loved one and he gets defeated by Mal’Ganis and believed “Power” could only defeat Mal’Ganis → goes look for power to save his people and founds a dark power. Use the dark power on Mal’Ganis and wins and ner’zhul gives him more and more power and slowly and slowly falling into darkness. And after Arthas kills his father, Ner’zhul had fully control over him.

Alleria and Turalyon gets defeated by the Legion, Alleria calls for the Void and uses the Dark power (The Void) to save themshelves and she gets rejected by Turalyon for using the void (Altough he never said that when they were standing near her statue in Stormwind. He said he trust her fully but whatever) and she abandoned her husband. She believes she is controlling the voices but is she really? or has she just fooled herself and she is really slowly, slowly falling to darkness. That a different Void lord is taking his time controlling her. And in war within she will crack and she fully falls to darkness. I mean in “Dark Heart” quest she failed and Locus-walker was disappointed in her. So maybe she will fall and become the new villian in the next expansion that attack Quel’thalas with the void.

So what does Arthas and Alleria have in common, They believe a dark power could save their people/Azeroth. Well sure Illidan also used a dark power but he was able to control his dark power as he “was” the child of Light and Dark. No Arator is not Child of Light and Dark as he was born long, long before Turalyon was infused himself with the Light and Alleria infused herself with Void. Their powers can jumped to Arator long after he was born because thats not how things work.

So N’zoth’s vision seems to come true but instead of Stormwind it will take place in Quel’thalas. And Turalyon and Arator could not stop her in N’zoth’s vision but we didn’t see Sylvanas and Vereesa in N’zoth’s vision so maybe they can stop Alleria from going all Void mad. Or maybe with all four can stop her. And both Sylvanas and Vereesa are in that trailer.

The Void lord that gives Alleria void powers is most likely a different Void lord, a rival to Dimensius. Binding his time to slowly, slowly take control over her.

The Void elves was also angry at Alleria as she promised/Her deal was that she would train them but she has not done that, So the Void elves loyalty to the Alliance will most likely break (that was the deal that if Alleria would teach Void elves then they will fight for the Alliance and she has not kept her promise) and like the Blood elves (As they always been in conflict on which side/faction they will stand with since TBC) in Midnight will become neutral.

Because… This is a lore subject?!

And stop playing devil’s advocate

You know that the rp forum part is dead

So discuss it like the actual human being that you are. :blush:

No, I don’t. I have never and will never go there.
But even so; this, the general discussion forums, are not for RPing.

Maybe you could get away with making a thread specifically for that purpose?
Just throwing out an idea. :blush:

In that sense I agree that she is void and elf so void elf is a correct label, my comment is mostly the idea that Alleria is a grade above the rest in regards to void, the idea that she’s something more then the average void elf, while still falling under the umbrella of void elf

Question is :

Who s gonna be the king or/and the queen of the high elves

Anasterian is dead, Kael thas is dead and same thing for Lyandra.

The sunstrider family is extinct

Sylvannas was already an “Arthas 2.0”, I don’t think Blizzard will do the same thing with another Windrunner sister, it would become repetitive.

The leader of the elven reunification (HE, BE, VE and darkfallen) = Alleria

she doesnt have royal blood

she betrayed her race marrying a human and gave birth to a half elf.

she abandoned her people for a travel trip with her paladin human husband

I prefer make peace with amanis than seeing this b. on a elvish throne


I beg to differ.