Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

I can agree that she is a Void Elf. She is one. Says so in all media and from the devs and her own lips. :smiley:

You are welcome to believe whatever headcanon you want to.


I think calling Alleria a High elf is a bit of a stretch. Just looking at her new model eyes would make you doubt she’s the same elf we met long ago.

More we go into TWW quests we can see that Alleria has changed quite a bit, especially because she wields the power of the Void now and is very tied to these powers; I go as far as saying she is more of a Void elf than my character.

A Void elf is someone that has been transformed and merged with the Void and Alleria has been through that.
Even if she has white skin she’s a Void elf.


Purple Blood Elves are not High Elves. Since the schism they both walked a different path. Changed genetically shaped by their own histories. A return of those that once stood alongside the Alliance not those that jumped ship from the Horde.
It is like counterfeit money. You know that it is not real no matter how close of an imitation it is.

Let’s check in with the source material, shall we?

Guess we can’t agree on that, no. She’s a Void Elf.


I mean did they jump the ship or where the Allianz just massive dorks and racists to them?

Lets just say that the Alliance and Horde have a lot of history.
The Blood Elves are constantly turning their back on people. On the Alliance of Lordaeron because Garithos was mean to them - On Illidan Stormrage - On the Alliance who helped them against the Amani trolls - On th Horde because of Garrosh Hellscream’s campaign and the divine bell questiline, With Both Lorthemar and High King Varian Wrynn confirming that Jaina’s “purge of Dalaran” is what kept the Blood Elves as part of the Horde. Now Blood Elves turn their backs on other Blood Elves because some of them got involved with the Void. So Purple Blood Elves turn their backs on other Blood Elves.

Why would the Alliance be so welcoming of purple Blood Elves?
The High Elves are more trustworthy and have a closer history to the Alliance. With most High Elves having a bond or kinship with the Dwarven races.

Garrithos was not “mean” to them he was outright racist and threw them at every work and every danger he could find.

No wonder they had not the best impression of humans

Garithos was a Human Supremacist. Garrosh Hellscream an Orc Supremacist.
Humans took a pounding at the time and it would take some time before they actually recover. Most Lordaereons ended up as Forsaken Undead abominations. So the road to recovery is still something humans walk until current WoW.

You agree with the assessment on Blood Elves. Always turning their backs on people and organisations.

If Blizzard wants to bring in High Elves. Then perhaps make “Void Elf” not a racial thing but all Elf species that dabble in the Void and not a slave to the whispers can become “Void Elf” but steer the Horde away from it.

Some High Elves can join the Void Elves but most do not. Can turn Void into something like a hero class such as Death Knight and Demon Hunter.

Hey dont you call me an abomination.
We might be a little rotting but the forsaken try there best. Btw again humans being not nice to a diffrent race but this time i can atleast understand it a little even so the forsaken are not to blame for ehat they are.

A void heroclass sounds awesome btw

I will explain it this way.
The threat of Undeath. More specifically slavery as part of the Scourge. United Alliance and Horde. To go to Northrend and stop the Scourge there or see their homes and cities fall, forced to fight and kill their friends - comrades - families - country men.

Undeath is still a curse. Always will be. The soul of Lilian Voss in the Scholomance dungeon demonstrates in part this.
Once the Forsaken will not wish this curse on anybody. Now the Forsaken are inflicted this curse on as many as they can get away with. Just like the Scourge.

Death is inevitable. But most would rather stay dead.
The Forsaken are what the Burning Legion made them to be.

Void hero class can lead into the upcoming expansion. With the Windrunner leading the charge. But other races inevitably dabble in it. Learn to control it.

More should be done by the Alliance to make sure that they do not become Undead abominations like the Forsaken.
Like the Ret Paladin in Legion that would consecrate the graves with the Light so the dead do not rise. The Light did not allow Death Knights to force Tirion Fordring into Undeath.

Other forces and intervene. This way Forsaken don’t farm the dead of all the other races.

Haem excuse me people but for clarify

Alleria is NOT a void elf

She is a high elf, champion of the Void

Is body didnt change like the player void elf.

She can use void powers but her dna didnt change

She s the opposite of Turalyon and he s not a light forged human or a holy creature.

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Yes my thoughts. She still is a high elf, even in war within, she is blonde high elf with blue eyes with no indication about being a void elf like other void elves.

Blizzard disagrees. As far as I’m concerned, that’s what matters.

No she s not, she didnt turn into ethereal form/consistency

Void elf means void from the void.

Alleria doesnt come from the void

Blizzard novels > Gabriela-Hyjal

You and Moontear can disagree all you like, but it’s headcanon and/or wishful thinking at this point. Alleria the Quel’dorei ceased to exist years ago.

Novels are not a game Lore.

Novels are not canon

They very much are.

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I would say the forsaken influct that curse on others out of pure desperation.
There numbers cant be strengthened by other means and with religious fanatics around be it from the alliance or the scarlets that want to snuff them all out they have no other choice then to bolster there ranks.

And for me a very important fact is that not every forsaken is a soldier or a scientist researching means of war. Many fosaken just live with the curse and have not harmed a single soul since they are free from the Scourge and still most alliance folks condem them all the same.

Proove it :dracthyr_lulmao: