Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024


Through a quest in-game.


Your dedication inspires all who bear the name ren’dorei–for we have become children of the Void.

You don’t even need Astarta’s book reference to see Alleria refer to herself and those people as “Children of the Void” which means, in Thalassian “Ren’dorei.”


Now its interesting, looks like a proof. I ll read it

You make the mistake to condemn the forsaken for decision there leaders made. And what else should they do then follow thoses orders when the rest if the world sees them as abominations that need to be killed.

I don’t think forcing undeath onto the Night Elf Sentinels or Highborne Mages who died defending Teldrassil was something that was out of pure desperation.

That was akin to what Arthas did to the High Elven Rangers during the Scourge Invasion of Quel’Thalas.

Sylvannas could not have done so alone. So the sins of Slyvannas are the Sins of the Forsaken. The Forsaken could not have acoomplished what they did alone. So the Sins of the Forsaken are the Sins of the Horde.

Baine Bloodhoof understood this. As the lone voice that challenged Sylvannas. “How many more times must we forsake our honour!” “Her deeds shames us all”

Clearly the Forsaken Warlock is making excuses.
They are an evil race. A cursed abominations. Some embrace it others pretend that is not the case. Which is why every single Forsaken raised into Undeath must become accustomed to the abominations that he/she has become.

They are no different than the very Scourge that the Alliance and Horde fought against.

Forsaken started out with an interesting idea and it worked well. They were a race that wanted their rights to be upheld within Northern Lordaeron; however both Scourge and Scarlets failed to see that.

It was a good angle to take the story and being able to holdout and maintain Lordaeron City, Brill and Deathknell; despite Scourge, Scarlets and rogue Demon Hounds is not something to be scoffed at.

But Sylvanas’ story was finished at WoTLK. They should have killed her off and have somebody else lead.

Alleria is not a void elf. The void elves are corrupted with void energy against their will, Alleria is just a high elf using the void magic.
She does, however, have a void form from her encounter with the corrupted Naaru, but even that does not make her a void elf.

Wrong as always.

Blizzard’s lore > High Elf fans on the fanatically, moronic level.

She directly states it as “We are the children of the void.” That means “We are the Ren’dorei.”

If you state anything against this, your an idiot.


Kill of a female character in the current year? Some would cry misogyny and the British are making misogyny a terrorist act. (I wish I was lying). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
But on another note. The Forsaken have consistently become more like the very Scourge that they wanted to separate themselves from.

I know and let’s not go there…lets all try and remain sane.

They have and that’s due to the narrative direction. I do blame that on not killing Sylvanas after WoTLK. Keeping her alive was just kicking an empty can down the road. The story was over. Finished.

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You are right the forsaken where a interesting idea but sadly blizz did not know wich direction to take with them and they used them again and again as a “evil” plot tool

They’ve taken them from one extreme to the other.

Now, they’re just humans but with less flesh.

I think, in order for the Forsaken to truly be unique and all that - we need the Scarlet Crusade to return.

Yeah maybe that could help.

I even warmed up to calia being in the picture now. First i thought they wanted to go a rightfull queen rout but with the council im optimistic.

I think Forsaken need to go back to their roots and be the “Lordaeron Defenders” but ramped up. They failed to defend Lordaeron in life so they will do anything to defend it in death.

Whether it be from the Alliance, Scarlets, Cult of the Damned, Scourge…but ramp it up.

Also, bring the core Forsaken religion back into the fold via Natalie Seline and the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow. Raise Natalie into undeath and have Lordaeron’s faith of the Forgotten Shadow echo throughout Tirisfal and Silverpine.

Put Lordaeron as their core purpose. Destroying it, by their leader and having them move to Orgrimmar was such a bad move.

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I want all of that.

Hopefully they give us a treatment similar to the nightelfes. Maybe not this addon cause it would be a bit random but when we get to midnight they could give us back our city since the whole story take place in the northern part of the continent

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Hopefully - I don’t play undead characters, but that doesn’t mean I’ll argue in bad faith for the race.

I do think their are ways to improve the race and one big thing is killing and then raising Natalie Seline into undeath. Making her a Human was another blow to the Forsaken because it really felt like they were separating the religion from it’s core race.

But I do think that “Lordaeron Defenders to the utmost” is the best path for them, moving forward.


Alleria is a high elf, and void elf, she can choose her forms. Other void elves cant.

Your just wrong.

Blizzard proves it with their own in-game quests. You are irrelevant.

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Does no one else think about how moronic Alliance High Elves are though? I mean, really think about it.

They chose a political opinion over their own culture and the font of power that not only created them, but also kept them from turning into mana-deprived zombies. No shot that they chose politics over something like that, something they worshipped for many, many years.

Willingly going out of your way to do all of that over a political stance, one that doesn’t even really matter anymore in present day, is moronic and a testament to how outdated the race really is. If you have a family with a Human, sure, but otherwise there’s absolutely no justifiable reason why a Thalassian elf would still be diehard Alliance.

Sincerely, and I mean this in the best way, play a Void elf. What you’re asking for is outdated and too similar to two already existing races to actually come to fruition.

uhmmmm void elfs are practicly blood elfs which are practicly high elves…