Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Don’t make me link it again. I’ll link it, don’t you test me.

Here comes the racism card again. Can you do literally anything else?

Let me break a secret to you. According to the Sylvanas novel Alleria was a huge disappointment to the family and failed all her tasks which is why their mother raised Sylvanas to be her replacement instead. that is how great my queen is.

Alleria is a void elf. And yes all novels are canon.

My biggest gripe with the Void Elves as a roleplayer is the lack of customization.
Just give them Blood Elves hairstyles and I’ll be happy. :blush:

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Erevien you dont know what racism is so be quiet, by respect for people who really suffer of racism IRL.

By the way even if it was racism its RP and its totally ok. The in game lore has racism between in game races. NPC, story etc.

Or maybe do you think that blizzard is racist ?

What do you think about this NPC

who litteraly says, if you re a troll player, this sentences :

  • Why do we ally with filthy stinking trolls? The only good troll is a dead troll.
  • I do not think enough attention is being paid to those trolls. They could swarm in here anytime.
  • Does anyone need any supplies to down the trolls? Any troll will do.

and there are plenty of things like that in game lore / quest.

So stop pointing people as racists, racism is to define ladder superiority / inferiority between different ethnicities.

And RP racism is allowed.

And for me, as this NPC, trolls are an inferior race and we blood elves are ubber ones.
And This is RP and logic, trolls are the omo-erektus of the blood elves then they are inferior and we are the evolution.

I m pretty sure you have no problem, when your eat your steak or your chicken, to defines this species as enough inferior as you to be eaten

If a human player define elwynn sheeps as inferior then there is no problem for a blood elve to define trolls ( for exemple ) as inferior.

And you know what about this NPC? If you re other race than troll he s OK to sell/repare to you and if you re a troll you have only those sentences. Thats clearly racist to refuse to sell something to a different race and its allowed by Blizzard.

To [trolls]

Be gone filthy creature. Why anyone would tolerate your filth is beyond me.

To others

How may I serve?

Trolls are the greatest race in all of WOW so and racism against them is unjustified. Also the undead are not abominations they just suffer a curse they had no choice on when the scourge forced them to it. I will collect your tears when they make Amani playable in Midnight :smiley:

Its not a curse.
Worgen were(wolf - KEK) former from a CURSE.

Forsaken were former humans who DIED and TURNED and RISED as ZOMBIES and others UNDEAD units (the scourge)

When arthas loose, for a while, his power some of scourge’s units with sylvannas were release and got back their own will but they STILL UNDEAD

The forsaken racial is to eat dead bodies, like ghouls lol…

The forsaken are born from a disease → people DIED and RISE as walking deads.

They are litteraly abominations

I will collect your tears when they make Amani playable in Midnight :smiley:

I bet you 3 token when midnight is out that you re wrong. Deal ?

They dont want to live in tends as hobos wants Silvermoon and now more than ever after they heared will be updated!

They self identify it as a curse so it is infact that, a curse, end of debate.

I invite you, if you have Ebola, to go in an Hospital and tell to the doctor “its ok i self identify as a simple headache” :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

They are undead and undead are not a curse because in game, you can decurse people.

SPOILER ALERT You cant decurse an undead and make his former living body back.

Check mate.

Silvermoon is Horde forever since it’s the Capital of a core race and starting zone.

Honestly I think we gonna have a N/S Korea lookalike with the actual left part who stay destroyed. Rebuild for Traitors elves with their human husband with a middle borders with HE and BE guards like North/South Korea soldiers

its impossible to have peace between HE and BE because of the purge and also the hatred of Vereesa for BEs

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Silvermoon would never be on Horde side if Sylvanas did not forced Lord Lor’themar. Horde orc were basically slaughter them and they killed Sylvanas brother but in lack of normal common sense because she was dead and full hate did not think too much when she forced belfs to join horde.

No one was forced. They asked to Join.

No is not just asked read little

Yes they did. You obviously didn’t know lore. The black Mail was for wotlk. The elves were already fully integrated at this point.

Erevien is a troll spy.

But He s right, at the beginning, Night elves sent spy + dwarf spy because they didnt trust the blood elves and didnt want them to join the alliance because of the fear of the burning legion past friendship.

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U dont seems dont know lore even there is quest where Lord Lor’themar says will give chance to horde to try .

Yes and Jaina did something evil in Dalaran.

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But they also did not wanted to join Horde like that is easy horde whod destroy their city and Alleria went in Outland to fight with them kek.
They did not had that much choice and Sylvanas was pushin it.