Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Alleria abandoned her people, like a traitor and coward.

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Who now talks about Jaina? Im just sayng if u think that belfs wanted freely to join orcs and horde u r wrong.

The Horde didn’t destroy their city stop making stuff up.

This is what happened

Just did the embassy quest at level 80 in Dornagol and noticed these npcs all over the Alliance one.

I swear there were more high elves there than in the horde one. 0 void elves btw.

maybe in the future void elves will be void purged and become high elves

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That is extremely unlikely. Blizzard isn’t going to take away a race.

Though that doesn’t mean they can’t add more options for High Elves to void elves or make an entire separate AR.

Racism? Now that is quite the leap even for Erevien.
The Scourge exists to wipe out all life. The Undead are not a race. They are quite literally a curse. A conflict between the living and the dead.

The Scourge and Forsaken are the product and legacy of the Burning Legion.

I do agree. In game hostility and racism adds to the universe.
For example. In the Elder Scrolls Franchise the Nords were betrayed by the Snow Elves and the first settlement was wiped out with only 3 survivors. Ysgramor and his sons. They went back to their home continent returned to Skyrim with an army and wiped out the Snow Elves.
Nords hate Elvish races. In Elder Scrolls there are hostilities and wars between Men and Mer = Humans and Elves.
This fleshes it out a lot.

Now for WoW. In BGs Vulpera die first. They put themselves in BG so they accept their fate. Tauren’s have been burgers to feed the Alliance for a long time. Orcs hating Dwarves makes sense. As long as it is in game then it does not matter. The Forsaken cursing humans to their fate and fulfilling their mandate as Scourge is why the living see’s them as Undead abominations.

Trolls are a has-been race.

Incorrect. The fear of being murdered then slaves in Undeath is why both the Alliance and the Horde armies marched against the Lich King in NorthRend.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Timestamp 0:55
You are incorrect. It is quite literally a curse. The soul of Lilian Voss has been cursed by Undeath.
Sylvannas soul changed as well.

Should the High Elves join the Alliance as a race. Then the High Elves have a legitimate claim to their homelands. Blood Elves and their Horde can not deny their claim to High Elf lands.

To unite the High Elves from the scattered tribes and settlements they are now as they recover as a people. In numbers - societies and more. Not just a standing army. What the High Elves were before the Schism and what they are after.

A high elf and even Chronicles lore is according to the Titans, their point of view. And their point of view were proven many times to be incorrect.

Novels are like fairy tales.

Ewww, they are not worst, but more like monkeys.

Yes, Silvermoon could be great alliance high elven city, but maybe blue colored not red.

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They can and will. Go back to Stormwind where you belong.

No it won’t. Why are you high elf fans so greedy?

The body still undead

Silvermoon belongs to the elves not the horde. Elves should get a third faction - The Elves (all elves united)

No they shouldn’t. Being apart from each other did the elves wonders. And Silvermoon was Horde since 2007 and should stay that way. Blizzard gave you the high elf looks already stop asking for even more. I have never seen players being this entitled.

Excuse me sir but there is no logic or correlation between night elves and Silvermoon

You guys reject us thousands years ago.

Silvermoon belong to blood elves and we are allied to the horde.

We blood elves know that vereesa and her bunch of servant hate blood elves

We know that lorewise humans are racist anti elves saying our ears look like swine and donkey.

You re comparing lotr orc to wow orc and lotr elves with wow elves.

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the night elves are literally not connected to the place stop using your headcanon as facts.

When the night elves adopted druidism, they outlawed the practice of arcane magic. The use of its dangerous powers was punishable by death. However, many Highborne loyalists of Queen Azshara survived the Sundering and grew restless. They suffered from magical withdrawal, and 7,300 years before the invasion of the Horde through the Dark Portal, they spoke against Malfurion Stormrage and the druids. Dath’Remar Sunstrider, the leader of this movement, declared the druids cowards for refusing to wield the arcane. Malfurion and the druids warned the Highborne that any use of magic would be punished. Yet, in an attempt to protest the druid’s law, Dath’Remar and his followers unleashed a terrible magical storm upon Ashenvale.

The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands. Sunstrider and his followers boarded a number of specially crafted ships and set sail upon the seas. By now the Highborne were glad to be rid of their conservative cousins and free to practice the arcane with impunity. None knew what lay beyond the Maelstrom, but they eventually found the Eastern Kingdoms and formed their own magical realm. They abandoned the concepts of Elune and nocturnal activity, embracing the sun instead. They would soon become known as the high elves.

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This is the first time I’ve seen an alliance high elf with golden eyes !

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The High Elves belong in Quel Thelas. The country where they founded.
Should the High Elves join the Alliance and need assistance then the Alliance can support that claim.
High Elves once asked humans for help when the Amani Trolls invaded. High Elves might have a Blood Elf and Horde problem now.

There is nothing greedy about the High Elf race a displaced people wanting to return to their homeland.

To explain. Physical diseases might harm the body but can not effect the soul. Which is why the Undead abominations of the Scourge are a curse. Curses can and does have physical effects.
Remember the Gilnean Brigade that fought the Forsaken in Silverpine Forest. The Scourge - ahem Forsaken was murdering them then forcing them into Undeath to create new Forsaken. Garrosh Hellscream asking Sylvannas what difference there is between her and the Lich King.

The Gilnean Humans chose to be transformed into Worgen so that the Forsaken could not force THEIR curse on to them.

In the absence of the High Elves the Blood Elves are claiming the whole of Quel Thelas. In time Blood Elves will learn to share Quel Thelas but they can not deny High Elves their claim to their homes.

No other fanbase asks for more. High elves can look normal now the Horde will not give up their city just so an entitled vocal minority can be happy.