Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Silvermoon is the home of all Thalassian elves, Lor’Themar will welcome the high elves and void elves to Midnight, his people must unite to defend Quel’Thalas. :handshake:

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HE are 1500

We are 15000

HE have nothing to claim, they abandon and betrayed us

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No they aren’t. They chose to remain with humans instead of helping the rest of their people. Their entire story is being the hardest human fangirls possible. They are simps. That is their thing and why they exist.

Humans are welcome in Silvermoon, they can peacefully visit their half-elf child.:people_hugging:

okay you are a forum troll it seems gonna ignore you now.

This is the reality, WOW novels are canon.:hugs:

There’s probably not too much thought on Blizzard’s behalf when comes to placing NPCs but it is not wise to send a bunch of Void-infused elves to an embassy when you’re fighting against the force they’re known for studying and using.
It is unwiser if the main villain resembles these elves, don’t you think?

no filthy alliance human is allowed in Silvermoon. It is the city of the blood elves and will stay that way until the alliance apologizes.

This “vocal minority” thing is weird.
The High Elf fans are consistent. Adding High Elves to the Alliance will not take anything away from the Alliance or the game. It is even a chance to build on existing lore. While the Blood Elves followed their King Illidan Stormrage what did the High Elves do?

The friendship with the Wildhammer Dwarves and Bronzebeards is well known. Did the High Elves make a connection to nature? Perhaps High Elf Druids, to reinforce the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves.

So much can be done. But yes the question of the High Elf homeland will have to be addressed.

Void Elves were also few in number yet managed to set up an infrastructure - young society of their own and even build an army to wage war against the Horde in the 4th war. The precise numbers of High Elves is not yet known. They can replenish their numbers - societies - and strength again.

The Tauren are not few in number but prove themselves as part of the Horde as they rebuild.

Name the title of the novel that you are referring to.

Blood Elves can not deny the claim that High Elves have to their homeland.

Blizzard will not take away the blood elf starting zones just to make a handful of high elf fans happy. Stop being delusional.

Only the Bloodhoof tribe originally aided the Horde. after Mulgore was conquered the other tribes followed. If you ask me they should just let Magatha take over and get rid of Baine asap.

blood elves already had druids before you are talking nonsense yet again.

90% of the survivors are blood elves, 9% are alliance traitors and 1% are void blasphemators

the betrayers have no right about Silvermoon

And no humans

Blood Elves can not deny the claim that High Elves have to their homeland.

If vereesa is hang on a Rope : Yes
They can also have another city in another place

No voidies

This is where you are wrong. It is not “taking away” something from the Blood Elves. But adding to Quel Thelas through the return of the High Elves, The very Elves that built the country in the first place.

The Grimtotem would cripple the Tauren. They will wage war with the Horde forcing Horde to take them out.
You always chose bad leaders. Paths that lead the Horde to ruin.

Blood Elf Druids does not exist. Blood Elves became fel junkies. The green eyes were a strong part of that for some time.

High Elves makes sense. They did not embrace the Fel and have a strong connection to nature. High Elf Druids or Shaman demonstrates a racial difference. Others differences can be demonstrated as well.
Appearance - clothes - architecture and buildings.
Horde buildings and fortifications are very…Spikey. So demonstrating how the Blood Elves have changed as part of the Horde also adds to that.

Compared to the more pretty and properly structured Alliance buildings and fortifications.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: is Blasphemator even a word? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You use “betrayer” to loosely.
When the Blood Elves that dabbled in the Void needed help. Their Blood Elf kin cast them out - left them for dead - possible slaves to the void.
Yours is an Elf species used to turning their backs on others. The “Purge of Dalaran” is the only thing that kept the Blood Elves as part of the Horde. Something confirmed by Lorthemar Theron and former High King Varian Wrynn.

Vereesa never turned her back on what the Blood Elves once was.
People miss their homelands.
The diplomants can work things out. Its peace time.
But what must happen first is a new ruler or sovereign of the High Elf people then uniting the scattered populations of High Elves. Some of them were bombed with Theramore but there are others.

The Void Elves already have Telogrus Rift.
Nothing wrong with the High Elves returning home. The current occupants will have to get used to it.

blasphemers, sorry not my mothertongue. My bad :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Vereesa never turned her back on what the Blood Elves once was.

She hates blood elves

Since the schism there is a rivalry between High and Blood.
Elvish rivalries happens I guess.


elves who betrayed their own people because human approval was more important to them. High elves are alliance first and elves second.

It’s exatly what it is. You being ignorant won’t change this obvious fact.

My pardon once again you show zero lore knowledge

You have void elves who can look like normal high elves already. Blizzard made enough compromises for your sake.

Vereesa is that you? Must be comfortable talking from the highest horse possible never forced to make pragmatic choices for mere survival.

Literally the only difference is the color being red instead of blue.

That is just the Orcs.

bias talking. Blizzard never put the effort of real world building for most Horde stuff ever.

Umbric and his scholars would be dead without Alleria. Void magic is by far the most evil magic that exists and far more corrupting then even fel.

Every high elf that crosses the border is to be killed on sight.

And they will stay there.

Not your choice to make. You folks are so entitled its embarassing.

Hell no, I m :switzerland:

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Blood Elves turned their backs on High Elves. Turned their backs on everything that they once was.

Incorrect again. Blood Elves will still be in Quel Thelas. The difference is that the High Elves would have returned to their rightful homes.

Freywinn…is an oddity.
So much happened when the Blood Elves followed their King Illidan Stormrage.

Except Alleria is the only known High Elf to dabble in the Void. The rest of them have not. Blood Elves who are known for being magic junkies. The Void was just another fix - Just another high. Some vices are more dangerous than others.

High Horse has nothing to do with it. This is what Blood Elves chose.

You should actually learn more about Elvish history. They are creatures of magic. From the Trolls they became Night Elves - Then the Highborne population of High Elves created their Sunwell. The magics of that then changed them from Night Elves into High Elves. Now they embraced the Fel - Some of them even changed to Fel Elves or Fel Blood Elves.

So with the introduction of a new kind of magic. The Elves of World of Warcraft have changed from the High Elves that they once was.
Perhaps Blizzard Entertainment has forgotten about their own lore. Just like the infamous red shirt guy at the 2010 Blizzcon.

Blood Elves have been speaking Orcish for some time now. Influenced by Orcish and Horde culture.

You prove my point. Traitors is more fitting to the Blood Elves.
Why should the Void Elves that were betrayed by their Blood Elf kin show loyalty to the very people that left them for dead?
The Fel actually ruins everything. One of the most potent forces of destruction in the WoW universe.

Alliance will protect the High Elves from the bloodthirsty Horde.

Void Elves have found their home. They are just Purple Blood Elves in the eyes of many Alliance. High Elves still have a claim to Quel Thelas.

That depends. Diplomacy first. But the High Elves must reorganise not just their society but as a people before things can move forward.

So a snowball nation then.
-41.8°C being the coldest temperatures have dropped in Switzerland’s history. But still European nation and people :thinking: :+1:
Think Erervien is German.