Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Lol its 32C° here now :frowning:

Abandoning razy people whos research causes active harm to society is not a bad thing.

Blood elves are Horde and will never leave. Accept that and move on.

No the void is worse

I think the elves left a bigger mark the other way around.

No they are actually able to move forward and left the idea long behind that high elves who willingly sided with humans over their own nation will not get a prize just by existing in your head rent free.

Of course it does. High elf fans are by a large margin the most arrogant and entitled people you will ever meet. A plague on the community at large.

That problem was solved the moment the Sunwell came back.

and a real Druid.

Lord Illidan. Unlike the alliance an actual good friend. because he gave the elves a chance at revenge on Arthas.

Hun, Turalyon was there…

Lor’themar is rather open to allowing people to come by. I doubt he’s going to tell the Alliance High Elves to bugger off after Midnight.

Of course he will. Making starting areas endgame content just to appease raging high elf twitter trolls is the worst marketing move you can make.

There is no reason to have blood elves and high elves in the same city.

Only High Elves or only Blood Elves.

the 9% must merge with us and become blood elves.

Silvermoon is not a city for humans’s simps and alliance servants.

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Winter is coming. Give it time.

Void Elves were not crazy. The magic junkies just underestimated the Void. As most do since very little is known of it. Despite the Black Empires - old gods and void lords.

You should tell that to the Blood Elf leader Lorthemar Theron. It is canon that due to Garrosh Hellscreams campaign in Pandaria for the Divine Bell which he was wanting to use to forge a new army.
More specifically the Blood Elves that died along that campaign. Lorthemar Theron the leader of the Blood Elf people was ACTIVELY in talks with former High King Varian Wrynn.

Blood Elves owe their thanks to Jaina Proudmoore that they are still part of the Horde. If not for the “purge of Dalaran” then the Blood Elves as a people will have (once again) turned their backs on something. Turned their backs on the Horde.

You can research it yourself if you don’t believe me. Old vids of the “purge of Dalaran” are still out there.

The Void enslave. Leaving possibility for freedom. The Fel destroys completely both body and soul leaving nothing left. Fel even harms creatures of the Fel such as demons of the Burning Legion.

Nope. Everything that was once High Elf about you Blood Elves has been completely swallowed - digested - pooped out by the Horde.

Hmmmmm former magic junkies? They are still dependent on the corpse of Muuru though. Yes the Naaru that the Blood Elves drained forcing him into a Void state then murdering him. Velen purified his corpse and jumpstarted your Sunwell.

No Sunwell will cause another withdrawal symptoms of Blood Elf magic junkies. There are withered forms of Blood Elves still roaming the plaguelands and other places.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Lord? Illidan was practically the King of the Blood Elves. Sunstrider chose his leader just as Prince Erazmin abdicated rulership of the MechaGnome people to Mekkatorque.
Face it. For all of the history of getting kicked out of Night Elf society as Highborne then changing into High Elves - then turning your backs on High Elves and becoming Blood Elves.
Illidan Stormrage is evidence that Blood Elves still desire Night Elf rulership.

Doubt your numbers are correct.

Not servants. Friends - brothers in arms - allies and fellow country elves.

You’re probably right about the high elf npcs. Still I find it strange when they could of just gone with ‘Silver Covenant Magi’ instead to mirror the ‘Sunreaver Sorcerors’ in Horde embassy. Seems more deliberate to me.

I would of thought this expansion would be prime void elf race building material. I mean we’ve already got Alleria as a main story character so why don’t the rest get involved. It’s not like any of them are more void infused than her lore wise, so I’m betting they’ll show up in a patch two, since we did a few quests with them in the Harbinger questline.

Also, the main villian has already been shown to be able to disguise herself as any race, Archmage Drendon being the example, with no one none the wiser. So similar appearances would be a moot point at this juncture in the story.

Absolute moronic part of the high elf fanbase.

Under no circumstance can playable high elves ever have Silvermoon. At no time can High Elves come AT THE EXPENSE of Blood Elves.

High Elves must be totally void of all things Blood Elf and must be completely on their own and away from the Blood Elf homeland of Quel’Thalas.

We need to build a wall with borders patrol to avoid alliance and high elves to come.


Elves were a mistake.

An an elf player, i agree.
Theyre not worth the headache.

High elf fans won’t be happy until blood elves get deleted and their race has all of Quel’thalas. That is what happens when you feed entitlement too much all the time like blizzard did it.

Lots of reason. They’re the same people for one. The Story has em coming together for two…

The Sunwell might be threatened so all three groups (maybe four if you count the Darkfallen separate) could easily come to defend it.

So many reasons for them to be there together and to live there. Not the least of which is that Lor’themar has already invited High Elves to come home. lol

you didnt get me.

I ll make an analogy.

Today Scottish people are part in the UK, they have UK passport.

We, blood elves are the “England” and we have the kingdom and we are the majority.
alliance quel dorei are the scottish people. They can merge with us but they need their blood elves passport. (its an example, dont be offended, scottish people, I know you guys are proud dwarves warriors with axes :dracthyr_uwu:)

If they dont and if they add playable high elf there is a problem.


Blood elves stay for rebuild, to fortify, to fight for the people.

Others left as traitors and humankind’s simp and slaves.
marrying human paladins / mages and have b.babies

You guys, alliance quel dorei, have NO RIGHT about our city.

Keep your human husbands and your short ears babies and go to Northrend.

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Silvermoon is literally a Horde rep you can grind for. It’s Impossible to remove it from the game Code.

Did you forget who restored your precious Sunwell? Did you forget who gave your petty paladins the power of the light after your dear prince betrayed you?

Excellent idea, swapping colors from yellow and red to blue and turquoise. And perhaps giving purple shades to one of the districts to accomodate their Ren’dorei brethren.

The whispers in my head also tell me that we could build reservation camps outside of the city (the same camps Alliance built for the orcs after 2nd war) to accomodate our Sin’dorei Brethren.

No, Its Velen.

Goats are allowed, there is enough grass for them front of the city.

Excellent idea, swapping colors from yellow and red to blue and turquoise. And perhaps giving purple shades to one of the districts to accomodate their Ren’dorei brethren.


I dare you to try to land your smurfs feet in our city and the Holy Fire will burn your ears. :fire: :fire: :elf:

Has nothing to do with what I said…

And “impossible” is a strong claim. lol They’ve removed reputations before. (Note: I don’t think they’d remove the rep though regardless of what they do. rofl)

You want the blood elves to suffer so the high elf fans can eat good by taking over Quel’thalas. Which is never going to happen. They will not p.iss off just so a vocal minority of helf fans can get everything they want.