Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

I don’t think you know what I said… lol

Why would the high elves take over Quel’thalas? They’re already in control of it. Blood Elves are high elves.

I said that Alliance players (elf or otherwise) will probably be able to go there in Midnight and it’ll be a Bel’ameth setup. Because Lor’themar has all sorts of different reasons to invite them in, and there are additional ways that Blizzard may or may not do that.

Most high elf fans just want the paladin class (not really sure why…), tattoos, feathery hairtsyle jewelry, a way to turn off EE, a way to choose to be labeled “High Elf” and more traditionally high elven hairstyles.

Vast majority of them couldn’t care less about Silvermoon.

this thread alone proofs you wrong. High elf fans want Silvermoon to become blue again which is why the blood elf community needs to makea stand against that. MMo Champion and reddit same story.

We don’t need more elves. We don’t need more dwarves and we don’t need more gnomes.
We don’t need more humans either.

Give us gnolls and tuskarr.

Oh, I would be more scared of kobold candle than blood elves “holy” magic.

You were helping that monster from the undercity in Teldrassil genocide and many other atrocities, including spreading plague and raising the reanimating the dead, just like the Scourge did when it invaded Quel’thalas.

True follower of the light would never accept those terrible war crimes, for this I wonder is there anything truly holy in your magic ?) Or perhaps you’re secretly abusing Sunwell, by leeching holy energies from it without any faith, the same way you did with Muru ? : )

Ironic to tell about true follower of the light when you merge with shadows and void.

So your shortcut is => blood elve => horde => obey to garrosh/sylvannas.

Blood elves are independant, rarely helping army of the horde and closed in our City, Silvermoon.

And my own RP is not to be a blood elve who use fel crystal and stuff.

I was high elf survivor and I saw politics atrocities of “high elves” accepting to be human’s slaves, wife, destroying our race having babies with those human who wanted to kill us and mock about our ears saying we are swine and donkey.

By love of my people I decided to chose the right path and to ask for politic asylum to the motherland an join the red army. The True Quel dorei People

I m not gonna be the wife of a dumb human and I ll serve only my people, not the alliance, not racist humans and dwarves.

You re the private of a crazy schyzo elf who abandonned her people for having love trip with human husband. Hearing voices from void lords. Having emotionnal issues. Had a bastard babies with the race who wanted to kill us


There is people who stay, rebuild, help the people and fight for the nation

And there are others, traitors and betrayers, who decide to leave, abandon, following wrong and evil path and be servant of other races.

This thread doesn’t have the vast majority of high elf fans.

If you want to be afraid of the little old forums crews here and on the US forum and MMO champ and what have you, you can be all you want though.

I’d rather not make the breadth and width of the High Elf Community into a single monolith.

  • You still have not answered my question: is there anything truly holy in your magic? is there any faith you rely on or is it just sunwell leeching?

  • Should I remind you that most of high elves who refused to tap into fel energy were exiled from Silvermoon by Lothremar? I admit possibility that you remained in Quel’thalas without tapping into fel (as did my character) but you must’ve lived on margins on society up until Sunwell was restored.

  • Quel dorei will definitely never be slaves, they’re respected and protected by the alliance. Unlike Sin’dorei, who have been horde’s servants from the very start, here are some facts:

  1. When Silvermoon applied for Horde membership, they were rejected first, they had to fulfil Thrall’s conditions and ask Sylvanas to convince Thrall on their behalf, thus becoming dependant not only on Horde in general, but on that disgusting banshee in particular. Yes, talk about independance of Lothremar leadership, haha!
  2. Garrosh was using Blood Elves as cannon fodder, Loth’remar acknowledged it himself.
  3. Silvermoon mages weren’t just fighting for Garrosh, they were his war criminals pawns, who created a mana bomb that destroyed Theramore and abused Sunreavers’s neutrality status to sneak into Darnassus.
    etc etc
  • Your claims of love for your people are hypocritical.
    Where is your love for Quel’dorei, who just like you refused to tap into fel energy and were exiled from their own homeland? Where is your love for Quel’dorei, who fought alongside many races on the mount Hyjal and saved Azeroth (Quel’thalas included) from total annihilation by Legion?
  • You feel perfectly fine living among blood elves, 99% of whom tapped into the fel magic, the very magic was responsible for creating the Scourge that destroyed our homeland, and yet you somehow find your void infused brethren unacceptable?

Dude. Especially when your comment is that short. It’s “there is”.

“Their” is possessive. “It`s theirs” for example. They own it.
“There” is local. As in “here or there”.
And “they’re” is short for “they are”. So if your sentence ceases to make sense if you make your “there/their/they’re” into “they are”, then “they’re” is wrong.


It was auto-correct via American English.

And if all we’re throwing at me is grammar mistakes that American English takes over, we have no argument against what was actually said prior.

In the aftermath of the battle, the draenei prophet Velen sanctified the legendary Sunwell using the power of the Light The Sunwell shone once again, now a fount of both arcane power and Holy Light

Yes, I m a High Priest from a long light infused family bloodline who believe in the Light :man_elf:

but we still elves, drink for cut the thirst is normal :man_elf:

Tap no longer exist since the sunwell is restored. And lorewise I never taped or use Fel magic

and you re not an high elf, your a smurf one, you betrayed the blood elves to follow the dark psth of the shadows

high elves, like me, are welcome, in Silvermoon.

Vereesa and Voidies : Nop

You miss something about the fel using. Its not about being a demon or be friend with demons, Its just a source of energy like diesel or gasoline or electric battery.

For my part, as a Holy Priest, I never tapped or use fel crystal, my faith in the light was enough to cut my thirst of magic :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

The people is the majority, living in the city.

The people is not 10% of renegades who choose to simp humankind and dwarves.

We can talk about the purge if you want, killing sunreavers and also civilians NPCs

Remember me, which human intervened against Garitos when He wanted to kill all of us?

Oh yes, no one.

I m so happy happy during the begining of the TWW campaign to see the bartender Azurgaze DIED.

the famous “love of the people and our race” by abandoning the people, marry humans and merge our race with those who mocked about our ears and wanted to kill us.

and having bastard babies with them.

Assisting the blond b. to kill us and civilians.

“Silver covenant” meh more the “Murderers Covenant”

You re not welcome, smurfette, in our City and especially in the Sunwell.
I see no difference between you and a demonic void walker

But I can cure you if you want. :elf:

The difference between us blood elves the true quel dorei and you voidies and alliance elves is we have our sock.
We fight for City and our people
You fight for the alliance and your humans husbands

your are…


for humankind

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Blizzard is on record saying that they are faithful now. It was even posed as one of the reasons they gave the elves the golden eyes. They further indicated that the instance of Blood Elves drawing the Light from the well the way they did with the Naaru was rare. (Though still happens).

Such suprising ignorance from a person claiming to be “High Priest”, by the Night!
If you truly come from a family who believe in Light, then your parents should’ve told you, that in order to wield holy magic, you must have 3 sacred traits: Respect, Tenacity and Compassion.

You call draenei who selflessly restored your sunwell “Goats”, you have no Respect.
You rejoice at a death of an innocent civilian, you have no compassion.
The light will never answer a person without respect and compassion, and thus the remaining option is that you drain holy magic from Sunwell, like a parasite ( the same way you did with Muru).

We, Ren’dorei, are much more open minded than you, Sin’dorei.
Though we walk in the shadows , many of us know about the Light much more, than your priesthood, my dear little priest.


Greatests Of All TimeS :dracthyr_uwu:

My Mother was a High Priestess and my father was a humble cabinet maker by passion and a guardian of the city, a simple warrior.
She died face to the Butcher human prince of Lordaeron during the war and He protected us with my sister in the House and died because of the scourge when we escaped with the back door of the house.

Later when Garitos and his human troops wanted to kill us, we were roaming for wood and fruits in the woods and we saw the arrest of our people by the humans.

We have escaped and lived in the woods until the rebuild of Silvermoon.

I ve no trust in humans and anyone who are their servant like voidies and those high elf who merge with humans.

Elves must live with elves and make babies with other elves for preserve our purity and our bloodline.

And the void aka the shadows are the enemy of Belore, the sun, the light.

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Not reading + don’t care.
You’re not getting High Elves <3

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1000 gold / void elve’s scalp !

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Stop pushing this topic. Even the american elf fans gave up.

What? The NA forums has two threads currently going on top of my actual customization thread there.

High Elves have made bases and settlements outside of Quel’Thelas.
Some of them would always dream of home. The story is yet to form.
It seems that some Alliance have ambitions of Quel Thelas using the High Elves. However the High Elves are not tools for an agenda but should be comrades not just in arms but culture and more.

Void Elves…Could become a mixture of High and Blood since the study of the Void might become more prominent. Especially in Midnight expansion.

MQTGA = Make Quel’Thelas Great Again.
Blood Elves aren’t helping that.

High Elves and Blood Elves do have their rivalries. But there is no desire to completely wipe them out. Even the Silver Covenant that assisted Jaina in the “purge of Dalaran” kept Blood Elves in prison.

Prophet Velen understood that Blood Elves a race of magical junkies will have fed on a different Naaru to get their fix. Since Muuru was already a victim of the Blood Elves restoring his corpse and restarting their Sunwell keeps the magic junkies with a constant supply for their fix.

More of a tactical move by Velen.

You underestimate how persistent the High Elf fans are.
Some of these threads have ran for years.

Yeah im aware; being a whiny gamer is all the rage these days. (years)