Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
One of those people then.
No different to going to a Metal Music festival just to express your dislike of Metal Music and the fans that enjoy it.
Go ahead. You can stop gaming any moment now.
What are you doing here then?

Its happening in wow midnight this thread needs to be put to bed

Arthas destroyed his own kingdom first and our incompetent king Anasterian did nothing to help humans of Lordaeron and thus when scourge came to our gates, our only potential allies had been undone.

Garithos was a scum, but so was Dar’Khan, who sold our defensives to Scourge, and Kael’thas who used Sunwell to summon Kil’jaeden. Acknowledge the flaws of your own races before pointing to others.

“your own race”

And you claiming that your part of the people snd having right to be in Silvermoon

Gotcha :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Oh yes, you do care, otherwise you would not have been here.

If queldorei race is introduced, the huge chunk of blood elf population will defect to The Alliance, this happened with introduction of void elves and this will happen again, because a lot of blood elves have no affinity to the Horde.

You’re welcome to keep on raging and denying it, it pleases me to see it.

Depends of who is gonna be the leader of high elves

If one of the two crazy sisters = no

Depends of the political view

If its for see a woke quel dorei city and culture and promote mixed couple and allowed having banies with humans and welcome them : no

We are in the better place in the motherland with red comrades

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Yes I do care.
I care about people’s whining and that’s why I come here to feed off of their unhappiness.

I have scrolled down alot I didn’t see any high elf stuff there really.

They manage to go quiet for a few days generally. They’re still quite active and around though.

Last response I think was two days in one of em. Some of the others a bit longer.

Blizzard already gave in twice I doubt they will do it again. Just take what they gave you already and be happy.

I am happy with what I have already for High Elves. But others want some other things so I put together a compiled list for them. (And I’m not going to complain if Blizzard adds more in any case.)

Much of it is quite reasonable all things considered. Tattoos and jewelry options for instance. New hair options.

I also put together a rather expansive Void Elf customizations thread which expands upon much of the communities desires with the Void Elves themselves.

I also have one for the Blood Elves though for some reason blood elf players are very lax in requesting anything at all despite them needing so much more than they have.

Or blood elf fans aren’t as greedy

Blood Elf fans can’t even stomach their model being reused. Greedy enough. lol

We don’t ask for extra faces or hair. We don’t ask to have access to Stormwind. We don’t ask for our leaders to talk crap about elves we hate. We are chill most of the time really. We are happy with the stuff we got from Blizzard until now. As long as we have DHs and Paladins too our numbers stay stable.

Actually this is a surprisingly common ask by Blood Elves. :smiley: Tattoos as well.

What I find is that when Blood Elves actually try to help themselves they want the same things everyone else does. But they spend a great deal of their time trying to tell high elf players and sometimes void elf players that they can’t ask for things rather than actually tell Blizzard what Blood Elf players want.

They shoot their own feet as it were.

Blood elf fans aren’t entitled Like high elf fans.

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high elves and voidies are rebels separatistes.

they need to surrender or be killed.
we need to execute order 66

selama ashal’anore

Blood elf fans help keep the HE and VE threads at the top.
It’s thanks to them that the HE and VE threads are visible ! :+1:


Says the entitled blood elf fan who is so entitled that they think they can tell other people they can’t ask for things. :smiley:

Blood elf fans are the most antithetical to themselves fans I’ve seen.

Indeed! They do a wonderful job supporting High Elf and Void Elf fans through keeping those threads near the top.

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All of that is to say - at no point can High Elves be made playable if they are so dependent on Blood Elves, like they have been.

Throughout WoW and especially ever since WoTLK - High Elves rely on Blood Elves to get attention in order for them to get attention.

The Purge of Dalaran really was a Blood Elves vs Humans thing first; but High Elves were just there for extra Alliance support.

Playable High Elves must be void of all things “Blood Elf” just like every other allied race. Crystalsong Forest and Shandaral could make for a perfect High Elven homeland, with a splash of ancient Highborne thrown in.