Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Technically Jaina Proudmoore was the only confirmed human present at the “purge of Dalaran”. It was more Elvish rivalries.

Incorrect. High Elves had their own presence - settlement and force that was independent of Blood Elves.

I agree. Their connection to nature - a rejection of fel, seeing what became of Blood Elves - High Elves Paladin Shaman Druids could lead to that. Show that they walked a different path to the Blood Elves. Also show a separate force and or population that can absorb the Silver Covenant.

If only. OP kept the old one alive by bumping it several times to prevent an automatic lock.

Both insignificant when compared to the Silver Covenant.
The Highvale Elves were just a poor man’s, pale Night Elf…except Night Elves did everything they did, plus had a city and an entire culture.

The EP Lodge High Elves eventually became just like the TBC Sunfury Wretched Blood Elves

The main group of High Elves under Windrunner have always been dependent on Blood Elves to get lore. Their entire existence in the first place was being opposed to Blood Elves.

Jaina and the Kirin Tor started it, with Stormwind Priestesses and Guardsmen eventually patrolling the statue of Antonidas.

High Elves were just there because that was their existence to start with. Oppose the Sunreaver Blood elves. You could remove the High Elves and no real story would have been lost, because the Kirin Tor and Stormwind Humans would have it covered.

But Thalassian Elves have never truly been about Druidism or Shamanism. If anything, Shamanism has always been a more Horde thing and it would be far more likely that the Blood Elves would learn it > High Elves.

No, I say that the Blood Elves lean more into the magical obsession, such as Arcane, Fire and Fel. High Elves have a more controlled love for the Arcane and Light.

If I was entitled I would start daily threads that Blizzard should resurrect Kael’thas since Bob sucks.

You have and you did…

Or you could play a belf. Or a velf with pale skin and blonde hair. Since both of those look exactly like and are helfs.

Not in a very long time due to lack of support.

But you are still exactly how Fenelon describes the fanatically, moronic side of the Blood Elf fanbase.

The echoes of said fanbase from 2013, where they were literally going nuts over the Purge of Dalaran.

We went nuts because we usually get killed or can’t solve our own problems.

You lot went nuts because you chose to and then became a laughing stock.

No we are angry that while Garrosh is dead Jaina was never punished.

Continued laughing stock to me…and yet the same idiots tell Night Elf fans to just get over Teldrassil.

Purge of Dalaran was one of the best red vs blue storylines ever, because it actually had winners and losers. Blood Elf moronic fans need to take the L on that one and actually use their brains for once…realise that the Blood Elves were involved with one of the greatest storylines, revolving around Horde vs Alliance, to date.

Never has their been a storyline that ever reached the epic levels of that.

We could have had it in BFA…maybe have Night Elf vs Nightborne. Moon Guard helping smuggle Night Elves into Suramar and undermine the Nightborne rule, so Thalyssra removes the Moon Guard by force. The Alliance fully gain the Moon Guard as a fighting entity and Suramar is now fully in Horde control.

The fantasy youre suggesting for high elves is the fantasy that the blood elves have right now.
You cant just take their theme away. They have eyes that glow with the holy light and everything XD

Blood elves were far more interesting in the tbc days, but those days are long over.

Their story went done once they replaced the legendary fire mage leader with a no name ranger.

This is easy to explain. The elements have always had their own minds - will and consciousness. When the Orcs genocided the Draenai the Elements disagreed with what the Orcs were doing so the Orcs lost their connection.
Shaman’s strength and such comes from their relationship with the elements. Later on Thrall reconnected the Orcs to the Elements of Azeroth but Draenor’s elements is another story.

So. Seeing what the Blood Elves, magic junkies that they are done to Muuru could be a clear warning to the Elements. As Elemental magics could just be another fix for Blood Elves. Remember despite having the Sunwell some of the Blood Elves chose to get a fix of Void Magics.

The actual “purge” itself was a High Elf and Jaina operation though.

Highvale / EP lodge - Theramore survivors. Gathering the scattered groups of High Elves could forge them into something better. Something more.
Their potential not yet realised.

Except the “Handling Horde dissidents” that many incorrectly call the “Purge of Dalaran” the Alliance was not actually present. Jaina Proudmoore membership to the Alliance was in Battle for Azeroth. Not all humans are Alliance. Like Calia Menethil that was murdered by Sylvannas.

Trolls are not members of the Horde despite taking part in Horde military offenses like in the Swamp of Sorrows.
Similar with High Elves.

Wildhammer dwarves are long term friends, allies and neighbors of the High elves.
They are heavy into shamanism and could easily teach them.

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To be fair you start threads like that a lot.

High elf fans continue to support each other so they continue to make their threads.

I’ll admit I do wish they’d keep it to one thread on the NA forums. Can’t speak much for the EU side of things as I only pay attention in the one thread for high elves here at a time.

This is why I think Blizzard should bring the Highvale in alongside the Silver Covenant and Void Elves and get them interacting. The options for druid and shaman through the Highvale could be amazing!

You know what screw it. I give it a shot. Keep your eyes out for my next topic and plea on Blizzard to give my man Kael’thas another chance.

Honestly there’s as much of a chance of him showing up as there is for Sylvanas in Midnight. Have at it.

The three Windrunner sisters will certainly be present at Midnight.

I would like to see a reunion between Alleria and Auric.