Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Which is why I suggest they go back to their TBC days. If the Sunwell goes in Midnight, then the Blood Elves have all the reasons, plus more, to turn Silvermoon back into a TBC version of itself.

Arcane, Fire and Fel are the three primary and plausible ways to get TBC Blood Elves back. Light draining won’t happen.

Yes and no.

Jaina helped in securing and storing the Divine Bell within an Alliance City. This technicality does push the Kirin to more Alliance-leaning position.

I stand by my thoughts with that ordeal where it should have been the Shen’dralar Mages who secured and stored the Divine Bell and have Sunreaver / Reliquary Mage Agents steal the bell. It would more clear-cut on exactly who sided with the one of the two factions.

But what benefit do they get from learning Shamanism, when the Wildhammer can already do that? They are a group that had completely sworn off all forms of Magic - basically, a poor man’s pale Night Elf.

it is not what people ever asked and asking. Playable the high elves.



I hope Arator the Redeemer is updated before Midnight !

i would change tooltip of Void elves to High Elf and give them more customization and removed entropic embrace to stop being visible or make it glyphable, no need to add new race.

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Instead of removing lets instead add an NPC you can talk to to change the nameplate and either change the coloration of EE to something arcane looking or turn off its visual rather than gut an existing race.

That way Void Elf and High Elf players can both be happy.

Creating “talk to NPC to change your race” may create a problematic precedent, and besides that would be a missed opportunity for Blizzard to earn more money from race changing, so highly unlikely.

I vote for creating an allied race, with their own racial in during some trivial patch and add a few more customization for appearance. And in turn give horde their own allied race, e.g. blackrock orcs or Mokn’atal.

I personally like playing authentic Void Elf, but I also know that a lot of people play Void Elf only because they cannot play the race they rly want - High Elves.

Oooo this looks nice.


High elf vibes :blue_heart:

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That sword goes so hard…
Wish priest could wield/transmog swords like daggers.

Now playable the high elves please.


What about bloodsail buccaneers for horde?

Vereesa :eyes:



i would gladly skip right to the midnight expansion.

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Why not, they have no love for the Alliance. While you are at it, throw in the Syndicate with the Horde too as they have a history working with the Horde. Defias however is no more, most have returned to be farmers again and the rest was well killed by the player and Vanessa VanCleef. Who also went back to be Hope again to help her people.

I hope she is not Background character again as she has been since after Legion and that She is engage in the Story of War within doing, something.

Well the Mok’nathal is interested in joining the Horde during the green orc heritage armor quest so its possible. Rexxar uses Kultiran Animations so wouldn’t be hard to make them playable. Just like the broken is interested about joining the Alliance.

Well I am one of those who really want to play High elf Hunter, Paladin, Mage etc. Always since wow Beta.

But I wonder do Void elf fans really want to play Void “elf”? Looking at the customizations they been asking for since Legion its more like they want to play a Void “Creature” than a Void “elf”. With tentacle arms, claw arms. Tentacles coming out of the mouth. Fully envelope of the void. N-zoth eyes, full tentacle hair styles etc etc. The reason I gave up on the Void elves.

Or maybe its better if Locus-walker helps the void elves to finish the transformation that Alleria interrupted back in Legion and become whatever they were meant to become during the ritual. Perhaps void ethereals, as they really are Fully envelope of the Void. Sure they don’t have any tentacles… or eyes for that matter. But they do know alot on how to use the Void to their benefit as they been using the Void for a very long time.

Yes please! Though I’m a big fan of the Alteraci humans joining the Horde and restablishing Alterac.

Could have the Buccaneers and the Alteraci (syndicate) join together as one group with the remnants of the Defias who still want to pick a fight with SW.

Could be so cool!

idea maybe? why dont Earthen in ringing deeps make a machine that cleanses you of Void powers or whatever, that way void elves who want can get cleansed and be high elves in next expansion!!! Maybe that kind of machine already exsist in halls of awakening??

Whatever floats your boat mate.

Yes, elves are most popular races in WoW. People just do not like tentacles. People would love to play as Alleria who can transform into a void form.

There is actually a Titan machine in Uldum that can remove all of the void from an individual or alter its appearance down to its DNA, changing it to a diffrent race if need be. Magni Bronzebeard showed us this Titan Machine back in BFA. But there is also a Titan Machine in Ulduar where Algalon the Observer tried to use the Machine to exterminate all life on Azeroth but we managed to stop him before he completed it. But we are going back there to Northrend in the Last Titan and Ulduar.

Well I am a bit of someone who liked the classic RPG as I grew up with Classic RPG games and Fantasy. With the Humans, Dwarves and Elves fighting side by side. For me the Void elves would fit better with the Horde as the Void elves use dark magic and High elves with the Alliance with Arcane and the Light (as the Light and Arcane is common uses between Alliance races and nature ofcourse). Blood elves after the fall of Silvermoon always wanted to gain a more powerful magic resource to restore their Empire. Be it dark or not, The Void could have been the next step for the Blood elves that wanted more “power” as that was their goal back in TBC until the Sunwell patch.

So in my opinion if they had made Alliance High elves playable long ago for the Alliance and Void elves for the Horde there would not have been any fuss. Or just kept the Blood elves as they were back in TBC as they use the fel as source of power to rebuild their Empire. It would have made what was differents between the High elves and Blood elves. The Alliance High elves using Arcane and the Light and Horde Blood elves using Arcane and Fel.

But Midnight will be interesting with Uniting the scattered elven tribes as Blood elves and Void elves becoming Neutral. As we saw in the Dark heart quest there is conflict between the Void elves just like the Blood elves have been since TBC when Alleria has not kept her promise to the Void elves. Not all Blood elves agreed to join the Horde and wanted to go back to the Alliance. And those who did not want to join the Horde stayed in Silvermoon out of the conflict between Horde and Alliance. Well until Alleria came back.

Have you done the Stormwind Human Heritage Armor quest Fenelon? It shows/tells the fate of what’s left of the Defias Brotherhood. Although I would have preferred the Stormwind Human Heritage Armor quest was about Anduin Lothar and Llane Wrynn during the first war with the Horde would have made more sense as they were the first that encountered the Horde for the first time during Warcraft 1.

But I don’t mind if there are humans that banded together and joined the Horde like criminals and pirates like the Bloodsail Buccaneers (And other Pirates like The Fogsail Freebooters) and Syndicate. But needs to be story and history like the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Syndicate have so it makes sense why they join the Horde. And they are about riches and power. Similar to Bilgewater Cartel Goblins are (Or was) so Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix would have been the best to recruit them into the Horde. But he is not the Leader anymore and they have changed abit with Monte Gazlowe as the Leader.

I have, though there are some of them that, in that questline, refuse to follow the path of Hope.

So I figure there are some remnants that would still want revenge and all that. Probably more a matter of flavor for NPCs than anything serious.

While I’m sure that would have been fantastic, I also think the Heritage quest humans got was great! Its focus was more on the WoW humans storyline and its heritage rather than something that happened before the city was rebuilt. I think that was a good choice, though I also recognize that using something about Lothar and Llane would have also been fantastic.

The concept I have in my mind for the Alteraci is more that we meet up with one of the princes who turns out to still be alive and Horde players go through a questline to have him cut out the criminal elements holding his people back from being able to retake their lands. Cutting out the heads of the Syndicate so he can take control and direct his people towards a future. Bringing in the Buccaneers just gives them a place to go now that they’re considered traitors to Kul’tiras even more than they were as regular pirates, having sided with the Horde. In which case they rebuild Southshore for the Horde and use it as Alteracs port. Adding in the Defias is just for extra muscle that has a beef with Stormwind.

The Alteraci in this setup are still annoyed at Stromgarde and even more annoyed at the Alliance putting in resources to rebuild them and still to this day ignoring the Alteraci.

Suffice to say I have a lot of thoughts about it. >.>