Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Well that questline to take out the leaders of the Syndicate for the prince might be a problem as the leaders are all dead, killed in wow vanilla and the new Leader is Unknown, same for the secondary Leader is Unknown except for Master Ryson. And cutting out the criminal element from them, they would no longer be the Syndicate. The only problem for them to take back their lands are the Ogres in Alterac mountains that has taken over their capital. But we might get an update/revamp of Northen eastern Kingdoms in the future one day than just Quel’thalas is going to get in Midnight.

Speaking for myself, I do not fancy the idea of void creature and I like the current state - a race that is simultaneously pretty and frightening. Just wish we as void elves had a bit more customization options, including tentacles blend with hair cut.

My biggest complain about void elves are our veery poor lore. I wish Blizzard could enrich it, both retroactively and for future events. Alleria being the central character and not giving a damn about the people she is supposed to lead makes me sad =(

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That could be a very believable scenario, but frankly not needed.

Not sure if you know, but lorewise there are more high elves than void elves in the game.

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Void Elf lore could have been much better had it actually been tied to the Sunfury Blood Elves in the Netherstorm. Instead of linking it to Dark’han Drathir, link it to Prince Kael’thas and his Blood Elf Astromancers who were actively studying the void and arcane energies of the Twisting Nether.

I get why they linked it to something very “Quel’Thalas” related, but I think they should have gone for the “other-worldly” approach and actually created a race, born out of the returned Sunfury Blood Elven research…teleport Tempest Keep or the Mechenar to Telogrus Rift and showcase the advancements of the old Sunfury on Outland.


This, being so long after, Would probably be dealing with new leaders. We know they’re still active as recently as BfA and there is no indication that they’re entirely gone.

Correction. I was thinking of Ogres not Trolls.
Ogres aid in Horde offensives bit not Horde members.

The “Purge of Dalaran” is literally the only reasons that ALL Blood Elves did not join the Alliance.
Jaina Proudmoore always kept Kirin Tor seperate from the ALliance. Telling High King Varian time and time again that how she runs the Kirin Tor is her business. Meaning that there was zero Alliance influence. Maintaining the neutrality. The Horde broke the neutrality.

Closer connection to nature through the elements.

Damn, that’s just a brilliant idea, mate, 10 out 10!
I totally forgot about Mana Forges and Astromancer Sallarian!

I remember doing quests around Manaforge Ultris, where the Kael’s greed for energy went too far and it created catastrophy and we had to deal with the void incarnate. I really liked those quests! Imagine doing introductory quests in Netherstorm and Tempest Keep with Salarian.

Alas, the retards in charge of Void Elves legion stories probably never played TBC, it was was at that time that Metzen left and Danuser became a lead narrator.

Your idea is 20 times better than the garbage we were given.

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Sorry, I’ve been abroad since Monday and got back this afternoon.

As much as I do like my idea surrounding Void Elves, I think their are tweaks that can be done…but I just think that the main centre around their intro, especially being former Blood Elves, should be the Arcane.

So yes - have a group of Thalassian Magi and Warlocks explore the darker sides of magic, (aka the Void) through Astromancer Solarian - perhaps have a Shadow/Void Priest re-create an echo of her as a “redeemed” form of guidance for the Void Elves.

Perhaps transporting the entirety of Tempest Keep to the hidden rift known as Telogrus would be too much, but maybe teleport the Arcane bastion of the Mechenaar.

That way, we still have that very core theme for Thalassian Elves, of “Arcane Magic” as well as the new thing in the “Void.” But we have to remember the first void elves…they are former Blood Elves, Sin’dorei, Horde characters…but the main thing is that they were former Blood Elves…surely, former Blood Elves should look at former Sunfury Blood Elf activity in order to gain their knowledge. Going with Dark’han, the elf who betrayed Sylvanas, Anasterian and the rest to Arthas…it makes the Void Elves look extremely bad.

Yes, I know going with Kael’thas/Solarian research would be bad, but neither of them would have turned out the way they did, had it not been for Dark’han and Arthas.

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I understand those who would like High Elves as an Alliance race. Questing on Azeroth, I keep running into High Elf NPCs as if Blizzard wanted to rub it into our face that we will never get to play them. They are present in Stormwind too. There aren’t too many of them but they still have solid numbers.

Jaina broke neutrality first when she met alliance leaders for a war council against the Horde in Pandaria. Stay true to the facts not Jaina propaganda.

You’re trying to rewrite history again?
The Blood Elves assissted Garrosh Hellscream which led to him attacking Anduin Wrynn that could not defend himself against Garrosh.
The Horde and Blood Elves destroyed the neutrality of Dalaran.


Jaina was directly working with the alliance to hide the divine bell. You are lying the moment you open your mouth.

The Divine Bell was a Horde operation and questline. If Garrosh secured it then it would not have been through Dalaran. Until the Blood Elves assisted their Warchief in Horde operations.

There are so many high elves in Dornogal ! :exploding_head:

  • Kirin tor
  • Silver Covenant
  • High elves probably from the 7th Legion in alliance embassy

A good high elf is a dead one :elf:

Well its Like I said that Blood elves was looking any kind of new magical source, be it dark or not after the scourge had destroyed Silvermoon to rebuild their empire. And they tried everything from necromancy, blood magic, fel and now Void so the Void would have been the next step for the blood elves from fel. But Blizzard made the mistake using an “Unknown” group of Blood elves that never heard or seen in Warcraft story or lore.

“Power is power, Its how we use it that matters!” Aethas sunreaver

I can agree to give Void elves Xal’atath eyes and tattoos or if its markings on her skin as well as Allerias eyes but not the other stuff I mentioned as they would turn into a different race that they were initially created to be. Void elves are suppose to be “Elves” and not a Void Creatures. I understand that some people are just fascinated of the Void and not Void elves themshelves. There are some Hairstyles that Dracthyr has that would have been perfect for the Void elves that is new and different from the Blood elves, Giving the Void elves long elven hairstyle that’s different from Blood elves long elven hairstyles. But there was also short hairstyles that would have been great. Also they gave the Dracthyr two tonded hairstyles which they could have given the Void elves as well. I can give the Void elves another chance if The Cosmic void magic is not evil like the Old gods purple corrupted void magic.(We still don’t know yet as Cosmic void has not been explored yet, just that we know it exist. Maybe in Midnight we know more about the Cosmic void) I do like its blue magic with ice. If the Void elves would leave the Old gods corrupted void magic (as the void elves are so heavy focus on the old god corrupted void magic in the game) and instead focus on the Cosmic void magic. Its cool with its blue/star/ice magic. As the Alliance High elves do use more Ice magic and the Blood elves use more Fire Magic. I quess there still a way for Blizzard to save/fix the Void elves. Giving them more lore and story and more focus on the Cosmic void then the old god corrupted void magic (Evil). Maybe in Midnight. I don’t know void elves were not what we asked for but they do have some interesting things going like with the stars and ice but we still missing the “Linked” tied to the Alliance High elves. Maybe been better if it was Alliance high elves study the void (Cosmic void) and not a random Unknown group of Blood elves no one heard or seen in game or lore or story. Or if they make it so that Magister Umbric followers study the the old god corrupted void magic (Purple void magic) and the Alliance High elves study cosmic void (Blue void magic) so there be an option. But they both Blood elves and Void elves might become neutral in Midnight so we can choose to play High elf and Void elf in the Alliance and Blood elf and Void elf in the Horde when all scattered elven tribes unite.

Well Void elves were last minute decision after giving the Nightborne to the Horde as Blizzard have been doing their best not to give the Alliance High elves playable all these years, but that didn’t stop them for teasing us High elves fans over the years with carrot on stick. There was no time to give them a rich lore and story, Their own Culture, traditions, language etc etc but we got what we got. In BFA when N’zoth attacks would have been the perfect time for Void elves to prove their worth and Alleria, both was neither present at the time. They might get a second chance in Midnight.

Alleria has always been a lone wolf, compared to her sisters. That’s why she never gave the time to train or lead the Void elves even if that was the Deal with the Void elves so its been Locus-walker that been teaching them. It will be up to Umbric to lead the Void elves, As he always have. Alleria, she said that the Light has only giving her pain, sorrow and loss but during war within she might change her mind that the void might not be the answer for her. Or remind her of her deal with the Void elves.

Well I didn’t say the Syndicate was gone. They were just leaderless as nothing more has been written about them. They might get more story and lore now that Blizzard will update old areas. Also you might get competition getting the Alteraci capital city as you know Turalyon is trying to retake the old Human kingdoms and rebuild them for the Alliance and the most likely candidate Turalyon would have in mind to rule the Alterac is Lord Ravenholdt and give the command to Lord Ravenholdt as He is part of the same tribe of Alterec as the Syndicate and been at odds with the Syndicate and is more loyal towards the Alliance. So it would make sense that Turalyon retakes Alterec mountains, that way he can keep an eye on the Horde in the North. Alterec would be a strategic point for the Alliance for future faction war with the Horde. They have already retaken and rebuilt Stromgarde and Turalyon gave the command to Danath Trollbane, They also retaken Gilneas (secretly with the help of the Horde) like the Forsaken has taken Lordaeron back (secretly with the help of the Alliance) and the Forsaken would need all Forsaken to come home and rebuild Lordaeron, and Calia Menethil managed to convince The Desolate Council to give back Gilneas to Greymane as a suggestion of goodwill. Could also mean Hillsbrad foothills is no longer part of Forsaken in the future and will become part of the Alliance again. Also the Kirin Tor have retaken and been rebuilding the Old Dalaran crater area since Cataclysm so might be a brand new city of Dalaran there later on.

Well everyone known that the senior devs have been Horde bias since launch of wow. Telling us for years there is not enough High elves to make them playable even though there was plenty as there was High elves everywhere in Alliance areas (Blood elves were hostile towards all races in Vanilla. Horde and Alliance like as they were their own faction), Named High elves. Then after outcry of Horde players wanting to have a pretty race to balance the server population and gave the Horde an Alliance race in TBC (They could have made a new race that used arcane magic wildly that made sense to be in the Horde but the devs made it easy for themshelves and choosed an Alliance race to give to the Horde). Like W T H Blizzard you said there was not enough High elves to make them playable then you litterly gave Horde Blood elves out of nowhere. Yeah the devs admitted long ago before TBC came out they changed the entire lore to make any kind of sense why the Blood elves would join the Horde and kept teasing us High elves fans. And so they made the Sunwell patch just to rub it in our face again “There Alliance, there is your High elves” that we never asked for, we never asked for them to change the Blood elves as they were in TBC when power meant everything to the Blood elves.

So Blizzard in WOTLK created the Silver covenant to quiet us down (They thought) but then We ask for the Silver covenant to become playable but Blizzard never did but they made them part of the story for wow, representing the Alliance High elves in the stories several times in the expansions except for Warlords. Then they “tried” to quiet us down again by trying to make the Silver covenant into “bad guys” in purge of Dalaran (Everyone knows why Blizzard did that and also with a “carrot on stick” that Varian tried to get the Blood elves “back into the Alliance” side but because of bad story telling Varian just gave up on the idea for Blood elves to rejoin the Alliance because Jaina Proudmoore told him so?)…it didn’t work we still kept asking for the Silver covenant to become playable. Then in Legion we got Void elves as they had to do something when they gave Nightborne to the Horde when both sides asked for Nightborne but they didn’t not want to give the Alliance what has been asked for all these years since wow beta (Everyone knows why, Horde bias). So we got Void elves that has no connection to the Alliance. An unknown group of Blood elves. Kicked out for practicing the Void when the Blood elves were known for years after the fall of Silvermoon for practicing all kinds of magic. Even evil dark powers.

And that is what void elves are missing, the link to the Alliance and that they are using dark powers which does not fit in being part of the Alliance as all the other races have something in common. Like the Light, arcane magic, nature, order. The Void elves goes against everything the Alliance stands for. So its been difficult to accept the Void elves as a compromise for the Alliance High elves as the Void elves have no connection to the Alliance. As the Void elves are like what Blood elves were back in begining of TBC and is more connected to the Horde then the Alliance. Its why the Void elves are so weird as an Alliance race. Do void elves have connection to the Light? No. Connection to the Arcane magic? No. Connection to Nature? No. Connection to order? No. they connected to chaos so more towards Horde as they accept anything for survival or that was the Horde ideal in the past. Any connection to the Alliance? No as this group of Blood elves were never part of the Alliance during the war with the Horde back Warcraft 2. These elves lived in Silvermoon and never took part of the war with the Horde and after the fall of Silvermoon the studied the void to be able to use the corrupted Sunwell to help their people but as we know now that Kael’thas shut down the corrupted Sunwell so their people could move back in to Silvermoon and rebuild. And at some point Umbric and his followers got exiled for studying the Void (For some reason). When they like every other blood elf, was trying to find a new source of power to rebuild their Empire.

So in other words Void elves would have made more sense for the Horde as they have no connection to the Alliance. They fight for survival and using a new found power, the Void. They are pretty race and use magic wildly, dark magic that is. And the orcs has connection with the fel and it will always haunt them forever so the Horde has connection with dark powers, being Savages but sure also nature but not so much with arcane magic or Light so Void elves and their void powers would have make sense taking that race spot for a magic race for the Horde (well before TBC with Blood elf paladins and Cata when Taurens got Paladins aka Sunwalkers)

Blood elves have however a connection with the Alliance as they were part of the Alliance one time and High elves still worked with and stayed with the Alliance after Warcraft 2 despite their Elven King ordered them not to interact with the Alliance. And now they become more and more like the High elves they once were so they don’t make much sense anymore with the Horde. They are for the Light (connecting to) the Alliance (As it was the Humans that help them learn about the Light 1000s years ago) and Arcane magic = the Alliance when they before was practicing Fel magic (Connected to the Horde) Arcane magic…well = the Alliance as no other Horde race practice arcane magic before well except Nightborne but they joined the Horde much later on and the Nightbonre has no connection to the Alliance either so the Nightborne makes sense to join the Horde (Has no connection to the Alliance, use arcane magic wildy and mixed it nature magic to created something new and is a pretty race…sound familiar to what I said before?) and a very similar to the TBC Blood elves, “Power is power, its what we do with it that matters” and I have not said otherwise about that. Nature = well connection to both Horde and Alliance as both practice nature magic but in different ways. High/Blood elves are connected to the Highborne and they are connected to Night elves as Highborne was once Night elves that practice arcane magic that was fascinated by arcane magic from the Eternity well and later on changed their race name to Highborne as they saw themshelves superior to Night elves. And the High/Blood elves Farstriders are connceted to the Night elves sentinels. So overall the High/Blood elves are more connected to the Alliance than the Horde.

So if Blizzard had made Void elves playable on the Horde and Alliance got High elves playable on the Alliance there wouldn’t been a fuzz and these threads would not been necessary. So in my opinion Blizzard screw up back in TBC when it comes to the Blood elves and Void elves and could have done this better.

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Wrong- Jaina was working with the alliance the whole time. I played remix so your lies won’t touch me.

No they don’t. Blizzard gave you a compromise. They will not add another carbon copy race just so the alliance can have even more elf stuff. Use a normal skin on your void elf character and be happy about it.

Entitlement is entitlement. Blood elves will never leave the Horde. Suck on that.

Hillsbrad was a Horde leveling zone since Vanilla your personal cope won’t change anything.

Create a new character. Play through the Mists of Pandaria again. See for yourself.