Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

I did it and you are obviously lying. Jaina was close to the alliance war efforts and broke neutrality long before Garrosh found out about the divine Bell.

You convince yourself of a lot of things. Even if I play the evidence in front of you. You will not believe it.
The Horde did nothing wrong. You probably convince yourself that the Horde never began a war on Azeroth as well.

This thread of raging alliance diehards who are not mad about high elves but the fact their team doesn’t control the whole world. That is your true goal. You believe you deserve to control ever piece of land that is not Durotar. But it won’t happen no matter how hard you cry.

Actually it seems to be about High Elves. Also what their future could be. Even though the Alliance defeated the Horde after the 4th war. The Alliance did not expand it’s territory or claim new territories.
So you are wrong again.
Should the High Elves come back to the Alliance then their return to Quel Thelas the very nation that they built has to be addressed.
A claim Blood Elves can not deny the High Elves.

Blood Elves became as low as to become Felblood Elves when they followed Kaelthas Sunstrider and revelled in the Fel.
Kul Tiran Tidesages could look into restoring lands such as the Plaguelands. Emmerseus is the healing waters that kept the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in such a state.

New reasons to revamp or explore old territories. Is important.
The Horde are constantly trying to expand their territories nothing ever being enough. Tauren began a settlement in Ohnarian Plains until the old Centaur grudges came back.

Cope is all you have and Blizzard’s Not going to reverse Cataclysm just because you think the alliance should have even more land.

I don’t think them being “unknown” is the problem. I think the problem here comes from using a very loose end to Dark’han’s lore and trying to shape these Blood Elf exiles around the High Elf traitor.

If they’d have made the Void Elf introduction more “other wordly” and based it’s narrative around the Sunfury Blood Elves in the Netherstorm, I think that would have been better because it would have been far more interesting because it connects the old Blood Elf ways to the current Blood Elf exiles and harkens back to the days of TBC. It also keeps the idea of Thalassian Arcane addiction alive and thriving.

Also, basing it around Kael’thas would have felt more connecting for all Thalassians.

The main issue I have is that the first Ren’dorei are all former Sin’dorei. None of them identified with the High Elves so trying to use the High Elf traitor felt very off. It would have been better to connect them to the Blood Elf traitor, who did try and help all his people.
If the Void Elves were former Quel’dorei, then the whole “Dark’han” story would have made more sense.

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Without human assistance Quel Thelas will be Amani Trolls territory. As High / Blood Elves are completely unable to defend their own territories.
The Bloodhoof Tauren would be hunted to extinction by the Centaur the Undead abominations that are Forsaken would have been destroyed - Darkspear Trolls crushed in Troll rivalries - the Bilgewater Cartel would have been taken over or enslaved by the other trade Princes.

Horde “territories” is more containment considering. There is a place where they stay and hunt and raise the next generation of orphans.
The Night Elves were fighting Horde deforestation as the Horde Druids done nothing to protect Nature.

The Alliance simply neutralized the Horde threat and moved on. Just as we did so with the Zandalari Trolls. But Talanji now chose to join the Horde. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: This changes things.

Alliance fans are surley the most bloodthirsty of all people in the community.

Oh that is cute.
The Horde go out of their way to start a War but the sons and daughters of the Alliance can not answer the Horde. After the Horde picked the fight in the first place?
Yes some among the Alliance are indeed blood thirsty. But the Alliance is not the Horde. You see Horde will slaughter every man woman and child regardless if they can defend themselves against the Horde or not.

But the Alliance showed restraint. With the Zandalari Trolls - Once Rhastakhan was slain the Alliance left. The Vulpera aggression their unprovoked attacks a mere hindrance and annoyance to Alliance war efforts in Voldun. The Alliance was restrained.
Alliance leadership ordered not to press the attacks as it would have made the Alliance no better than the Horde no better than Sylvannas.

Simply put. Should the High Elves join the Alliance. Able to gather their scattered forces and even have a new leader. Then neither the Horde or the Blood Elves can deny the claim of the High Elves to Quel Thelas.

The Tauren are few in number and have not really increased their population but are still a viable part of the Horde.

Do not underestimate the fanbase. People called for Manari Eredar as part of the Draenai and so now here they are.
Actual High Elves are different. For all of you Blood Elves that thiink they are similar to High Elves then do not deceive yourselves. Felblood Elves were as low as you stooped and many did not follow Kaelthas so there is Felblood descendants among Blood Elf populations and society.


Says the Felblood Elves. Some among your kind did not stoop so low.
The Alliance will safeguard the High Elves from Bloodthirsty Blood Elves and your Horde.

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Well yeah but they are also Unknown group. The Sunfury we know about, But Umbric and his followers are unknown, unfamiliar to Warcraft and the Sunfury used anything to gain power. We see that everywhere in Outland where the Sunfury was. We also saw a group of Blood elves in Thrall’mar and back in old TBC if you were non Blood elf character you could ask Nazgrel “What are the Blood elves doing here?” and He answered “They are looking for a new home” which is strange as they already retaken Silvermoon so why would this group be looking for new home unless they were looking for new place to learn more about the fel and Outland would be the perfect place or they could been Umbric and his followers that was exiled, who knows.

However I don’t think the Sunfury would ever join the Alliance as they were there with Kael’thas when Garithos betrayed them. So they would have alot of hate. So they would most likely join the Horde. If they became Void elves after long time training Void powers in outland. However they would be missing something and that would be Locus-walker to teach them how to control the voices so they might just have gone mad on those ships. But then again dident the last of the Sunfury became Felblood elves and attacked the Sunwell with the Legion under the orders of Felinfused Kael’thas and we well…killed them all. So not sure the Sunfury is still around.

I agree they would have made more sense but as I said the Sunwell patch ruins that and also they would need Locus-walker (to control the voices) that we didn’t know existed until Legion.

Don’t think that would have made sense either way. It would been enough if Alleria and Locus-walker just trained them. The Alliance High elves did not betray its people. They just choosed not to go home when their King order them home. How is that a crime? They choosed their friends over their Homeland, why? Because they believed in the Alliance, just like Alleria. Always have and still do to this day. Even those that went home to Silvermoon there, there was High elves that still worked with the Alliance side by side from time to time behind the Elven King’s back as we see in Warcraft 3. And they would fight for their Homeland if need be which they will in Midnight.

I don’t think there is need for a claim as all elves are coming home to defend the Homeland in Midnight. There is already Alliance High elves there helping the Blood elves with rebuilding Silvermoon offscreen.

The Alliance High elves are already in the Alliance, but they are in the same boat/ position as Dark Iron Dwarves, They haven’t “officially” joined the Alliance but They always been part of the Alliance since Warcraft 2. The Dark Iron dwarves joined the Alliance since Cataclysm but was not had not “officially” joined the Alliance which they did in BFA later on but not all Dark Iron agreed to join the Alliance back in Cataclysm and the player needed to root out those Dark Iron that still worship Ragnaros and plotting against the Alliance.

Besides I don’t know if there needs to be a new Leader. I like Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron as the Leader of the Blood elves and He has always been conflicted if they should go back to the Alliance several time and he still does. Even after what happend in Dalaran he still thinking about it. But as we know now that he has allowed Alliance High elves to come home to help with rebuilding Silvermoon from Alleria’s short story. Only shows that there will be a reunion between Alliance High elves and Horde Blood elves and the High/Blood elves will become neutral in Midnight. We also see in the Dornogal that the Silver covenant High elves and Sunreavers Blood elves are working together. Fighting side by side.

I wonder though how Grand Magister Rommath would allow Alliance High elves into Silvermoon, he hates the Alliance as much as Erevien does. As Rommath was there with Kael’thas when Garithos betrayed them back in Warcraft 3.

So Erevien your best bet is to side with Grand Magister Rommath. He was a friend to Kael’thas and hates the Alliance as much as you do.

Well Im sure the Cenarion circle will appreciate all the help they could get. They should be finished with western plaguelands and begun the work with eastern plaguelands that is even worse state than western plaguelands. So if they get updated in the future, Western and Eastern plaguelands would look alot different and maybe even have new names or got their old names back before they became plaguelands.

Race traitors won’t be spared. high elves made their choice when they decided to be stooges for the dirty work of Stormwind.

What is your source?

It is a similar situation to Ogres for the Horde.
Some Ogres have assisted in Horde operations but the Ogres as a race are not members of the Horde.
A few exceptional individuals in the 7th Legion or the Silver Covenant. Is not High Elves as part of the Alliance.

They do. First of all a leaders main strength is unity. Someone to rally the scattered High Elves under. Like a trickle of water from multiple sources then forms into a river with a strong current.

Then there is the schism. So complete and utterly was the seperation that those that rejected everything that they once stood for now call themselves Blood Elves. There has to be a leader that can speak on behalf of and represent the High Elf people.

Raice traitor does not apply to the High Elves. It was those that followed Kaelthas Sunstrider that bow down to Illidan Stormrage. That fell so low to become Felblood Elves their blood and dna forever tainted by the Fel by the Burning Legion.
These are traitors.

At least the High Elves are pure blood and untainted.

Alleria’s short story. Alleria’s son is there too and have been living there for some time and has joined the Blood Knights. Turalyon spoke to Liadrin and she allowed Arathor to join the Blood knights. There is peace after all between the Horde and Alliance and the peace has been going on for…5 years now, Blizzard just skipped 3 years when DF came after Shadowlands so while we were in Shadowlands for 2 years. So 5 years has past ingame since Shadowlands towards Dragon flight. There was peace between the Horde and Alliance. Alleria was only allowed to see her son briefly before the Blood elves force her out Silvermoon again. Also Veeresa Windrunner had moved away from Dalaran, that’s why we didn’t see her in Dalaran in TWW and its “…possible” that she’s moved back home to Silvermoon with her Adult Children, I mean they are older than the dwarf prince Dagran Thaurissan so they should be adults by now. Its not confirmed that she has, moved back to Silvermoon but its most likely.

And Chris Metzens own words for Midnight “Uniting the scattered Elven tribes” So all Alliance High elves, Scyers (Blood elves), Highvale elves, Silver Covenant High elves etc etc , All are coming home to Silvermoon.

Alliance High elves were everywhere in Alliance areas in Vanillla wow. All red for Horde players and it also said Alliance on them for years. And they were been there since Warcraft 2, Fighting side by side with their friends. (Well its Alleria’s fault as she gathered all like minded High elves back in Warcraft 2 to go help the Alliance when the King didn’t want to interfere with the war with the Horde, so even when the Elven King broke the allegiance to the Alliance and told them to go home, those like minded High elves stayed with the Alliance against the Elven King’s order to this day) Like the Dark Iron they were never officially joined the Alliance like it was back in Warcraft 2.

And yes the Ogres are in the same boat as the High elves (And how it was for Dark Iron Dwarves) and Blizzard can’t say more that they can’t make them playable as they already have models to use to make a female ogre. But they could also just go for Mok’Nathal as they were considering joining the Horde at the Green orcs Heritage quest.

Uniting will happen anyway as their homeland will be attacked in Midnight by the Void. And Lor’themar Theron will most Likely be forced to become King. The Blood elves has asked him many times to become King but he said that “There will never be a King again in Silvermoon”. But I think he will have no choice than to become King of Silvermoon because his people demands it and I think that’s why he went to see Kael’thas in Shadowlands, for counseling on what he should do. Should he become King or remain as Regent lord or step aside and let someone else lead. But He will also have to make a council that each Elven faction to represent their elven faction or He might face another civil war on his hands…again.


They are not considered part of the Alliance.

It’s the same as the Shattered Sun Blood Elves, whom are still loyal to Quel’Thalas, which is still a Horde-aligned nation.
Just like Bel’ameth is an Alliance-aligned nation.

For High Elves to be playable though - they need to be completely devoid of Quel’Thalas and all things “Blood Elf.” They’ve got to be their own thing, just like the Nightborne are now. Their are ways to do this - Crystalsong Forest and Shandaral; but it’s got to be their own.
The problem with the Silver Covenant is that their whole existence was created to oppose Blood Elves and it’s those stories that they have primarily been involved with.

The Scryer Blood Elves are dedicated to Shattrath;s defence, but they have more interesting potentional when it comes to the Illidari Blood Elves, than the Alliance Elves as a whole. Remember, Scryer Elves and Illidari Blood Elves all fought under the same banner of Kael’thas…only 1 group chose the extreme ways of the fel, whilst others chose the ways of the Light and Arcane. I have no doubt Rommath, Kayn Sunfury and Voren’thal the Seer would have an interesting conversation - considering they were all once Illidari.

Didn’t say that. I said they are going home.

Yes…we talked about that for long time but that doesn’t seem what Blizzard is planing. Blizzard is going to do the easiest way. “Uniting the scattered Elven Tribes”. Make Silvermoon Neutral. Wouldn’t be no point to Unite the Elven tribes unless they going to be gathered in one place. And since Alliance High elves are…well Alliance, It would be odd for them go to Silvermoon to unite and still be Alliance in a Horde city unless it becomes Neutral. Easiest way for Blizzard, make them like the Pandaren and now like the Earthen Dwarves even though Earthen Dwarves would have been better as an Alliance allied race as the Earthen are the Ancestors of the regular Dwarves. Well one of the Ancestors.

Yes, but you do know that Outland is falling apart. It has become even more unstable and brittle, as the years have past. Eventually everyone in outland will have to flee to Azeroth. Also Velen and the other Draenai are going to build a new Draenai city in Azuremyst isle. They also cleaned up any threat left on Bloodmyst isle so Both Isles going to become new permanent home for “All” Draenai Tribes (Draenai Factions, Lightforged, Broken etc etc) So im pretty sure they will send a message to the Draenai to come to Azeroth to their new Home. So there be no point for the Scryers to stay in Outland.

Yeah I know. Scryers are its own Elven Tribe (Elven Faction) “Uniting the scattered Elven Tribes”

Midnight is were they will probably meet.

Midnight is going to be an interesting expansion.

Uniting the High Elves under Lorthemar Theron is a terrible idea.
After what the Blood Elves have becomes. Even went as far as becoming Felblood Elves. They are a tainted race. Should focus on the High Elves replenish and rebuild. Not shackled to those that followed Kelthas Sunstrider and revelled in the Fel.

Dark Irons was often neutral and not a part of the Alliance. Just those that “shared” Ironforge. It was High King Varian Wrynn that caused Dark irons to be brought into the fold.

For this to work the High Elves need to be completely independent of the Blood Elves. Even if they build a new nation and city they can’t be looking to the Blood Elves which is their past. It is possible to mishandle this. Just as Gilneans returning to Gilneas was greatly mishandled.

Well I can guarantee you that playable High Elves won’t happen, because they don’t qualify on the basics to be an allied race.

We will have what Blizzard have done with the Silver Covenant NPC…just give them Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elf hair colours and skin tones and call it there.

Unless the race can be absolutely independent from it’s core race (Blood Elves), then an allied race just simply can’t happen. It’s got to be shown as independent and not just leeching off the core race.
Mag’har currently have this, despite having Draenor as their set up.

The only way playable High Elves can be made playable is if they expanded Quel’Thalas to include a mountain region, where a group of High Elven Magi and Priests remained hidden and later affiliated with the Alliance.
The same could be done for Felblood Elves with joining the Horde, which is now more than plausible since Eredar joined the Alliance.

Doesn’t matter. Draenei have been returning to Outland because that was their home. We know that some of the Priests and Paladins have returned…likely due to the Aucheani sending forces, since the time of BfA.

Rub it in your face? What if they killed them all instead? Or just have them vanish. You’d cry harder. Everything is an insult to you people.

You are so deluded you see a blue colored thing in game and you hype yourselves up thinking it’s the prelude to your blue elves. There are not gonna be any blue elves. You got velfs and they got belf visual options. At this point you people are arguing over a name tag.

Not to mention that some of you are so mental you legit believe Blizzard is gonna take the Belf city and give it to you. And when that won’t happen, cause let’s be honest, it’s stupid and not only but mean to people who actually like belfs, you are gonna act like you were robbed. Cheated out of something you “deserved”.

Just let it go already. Holy crap.

The best solution in my view:

  • Update Quel’thalas and Silvermoon in Midnight. The city turns Neutral, in part because they are now responsible for an important bastion of Azeroth’s defenses against the Void–the Sunwell–and in part because the faction war has long since ended. It is time to rebuild, to replenish, and to open up trade routes with all of Azeroth.
  • The scattered elven tribes return home, as per Metzen’s own words. The Void Elves and the Blood Elves each have their own sanctums within the resplendent city: flavourful embassies of the Horde and Alliance, if you will. Similar to the recent ‘Tishamaat’ festival within the Exodar, even sub-races of elves that are considered ‘fallen’ will be present, like the Wretched and the San’layn. Somehow.
  • Void Elves get voidy new customisation options, and Blood Elves get ‘blood elfy’ new options. You know, jewellry, arcane runes, extravagant hairstyles and so on. In my view, Blood Elves still represent the city-dwellers among the Quel’dorei. The ones who lingered within the confines of Silvermoon as their exiled brethren ventured into the rest of Azeroth. Almost stagnating, awaiting their eventuall corruption and fall. Their customisation could easily showcase this difference.

Okay, now the groundwork has been done and WoW is ready. What comes next could be done in one of three ways:


Add a proper new Allied Race called High Elf, available to both factions (or only the Alliance in case the Horde gets Forest Trolls). Both factions fit well with Silvermoon going neutral, however.

Distinguish it from Void Elves and Blood Elves somehow. Either by leaning into the ‘Exiled Woodland Ranger’ fantasy, giving them a more robust body, earthy colours and perhaps a Shaman class. Obviously lots of ranger tattoos. Or, go the other direction and make them very silvery and arcane, sort of like Vereesa and her buddies within Dalaran. A third choice could be to turn them towards the Light, but I’m not sure how well the Blood Elves of today would react to being outshined (harhar) in this regard.


Overhaul the race system and tie sub-races together under a sort of ‘primary race’. For example, both Mag’har and Durotar Orcs are called simply… Orcs. But there’s a secondary choice between Mag’har and Durotar or whatever they’d call it.

In the case of High Elves, the primary race would be Quel’dorei or High Elf, and then the two sub-races would be Void Elf and Blood Elf. In this system, not only would all elves get to call themselves High Elves once and for all (while retaining their unique flavour), but there’d also be room for some shared racial abilities or customisation options imo.

For example, a Void Elf could be customised to such an extent that they are no longer in the slightest visually distinguishable from Silver Covenant High Elves of Dalaran. Not even turning blue in combat anymore (if Dracthyr did it, why can’t Void Elves). It also says “High Elf” in their title. So the whole Void Elf thing is now more of a background lore choice than an actual race, sort of like when you choose between Corpo, Nomad or Street Kid in Cyberpunk 2077.


No major changes, but both Void Elves and Blood Elves gain access to a number of additional ‘High Elf’ customisation options, turning them virtually indistinguishable if you want to.

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