Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Every expansion have featured high elves under the Alliance, one way or another.

They should have been the single most obvious allied race. Yet no…


your sense of humor is lost in the void :man_elf:

With Warbands, I think Blizzard have taken the lazier approach, so all races will just share a camp with a campfire in a forest. It’s not the most imaginative, because that doesn’t work for races like the Orcs, Dwarves, DI Dwarves, Nightborne, Darkspear etc

Yeah that’s true.

I just think their has to be more to it, because why else would the Blood Elves not use the regular coloured, “Golden Staff of the Sin’dorei.” Why only give that model to the High Elves in a blue and silver form; whereas Blood Elves, not only use something different - but it’s reflective to that of the Outland/Sunfury Mage days.

Is this a possible start to where the Midnight story is going (Sunwell destroyed; Blood Elves take up a more Sunfury-like stance…)

I think Male Void Elves can use the same beards as Male Blood Elves.

this thread is like the ancient regime. old, decrepit and out of time. but still alive to haunt the environment around ppl.

That’s because Void Elves are simply not what we asked for. I wouldn’t mind having the Void Elf hairstyles (without void bits) and natural High Elf hair colours and have them called “High Elves” as a playable race.

Void Elves are the biggest mistake to happen in WoW, period.


I mean your free to think that if you like… But after we got them though? I can’t help but being more drawn to void elves over plain pretty blond high elves…

There is nothing special about High elves besides being blond and blue… There is nothing interesting about them. Their just ordinary Elfs… Better looking humans with pointy ears and blue eyes and blond hair. In blue attires… The end. There is nothing else to talk about.

Just plain boring un interesting normal Elfs

High Elves are legendary and have been asked for. Void Elves are rip offs and yes, we do have High Elf features for Void Elves, but it’s not enough. High Elves don’t turn “void” every time they enter combat. I’m willing to sacrifice things on my end, such as not having the High Elves as playable, but I do want more of a concerted effort to bring the High Elf RP to life - therefore, I’d like a glyph that makes the passive combat void racial turn “arcane” which would be alright.

I have finally made a “Void Elf” Priest; but he’s as High Elf as I can possibly make him. I want as minimal taint of void on him as much as possible. (Yes, woman makes male character…nothing new, I’m going off the old High Elf Priest vibe from W3)


Can’t even show his hair because it’s not natural.


I fully agree with Kaiine, smurf elves are a big mistake.

Do I look like a smurf too you? watch it blondie…

I can comunicate with the cosmic forces of our universe. I can make you dissapear into a void of nothing…

What can a high elf do besides being blond and look blue and pretty?

Loas… Calm down Sila… their just high elf fans. Who want high elves… Chill please… No need to go for the throat like that.

Would you like to see space? Little rat man… I can show you the great dark beyond.

I apologize for looking into your eyes without permission…

You are so wrong, I gave this garbage company 13 euros just to tell you how wrong you are.

The demon seme- I mean gatorade drinking green aliens who invaded azeroth not being exterminated and instead being put into camps on the peoples’ coin.
The horde being turned into a bunch of shamanistic good boys who didn’t do anything at all, so Metzen can self-insert as their ugly green leader.
The entirety of TBC with its absolutely idiotic retcons, that were so bad Metzen had to write an apology letter and then later in an interview during MoP he pretty much admitted that the blood elves don’t fit in with the horde and that it’s “weird”.

The nightelves being turned into a bunch of essentially bimbos who don’t know their elbow from their butthole in vanilla.
Night elves somehow having “evolved” from trolls.
Sylvanus not being decapitated by Tyrande.
Ysera’s death being basically meaningless and her being brought back to accomplish essentially nothing.
Elune being turned into an incompetent dumb dumb.
Alexstrasza forgiving the horde after they’ve done to her and her flight.

The forsaken joining the horde.
The horde getting away with basically everything and everybody conveniently forgives them because there’s a new big bad that suddenly appeared (that started in WC3).
Characters being pulled out of thin air and already established characters pretending like they’ve always existed, yet were mentioned absolutely no where.

Everything involving timetravel or alternate universe nonsense (AU orcs being playable for the horde = perfectly fine, actual high elves for the alliance ? No, sorry we can’t do that.)
The already dogturd level story/lore being sacrificed at the altar of “”““dieversity””“” like dark-skinned high/whatever elves when Metzen called high elves “white chicks” in the same MoP interview.

All of those things are way worse, I could go on probably forever but I won’t.
But yes, schizophrenics smurfs existing because some fat chick at blizzard thought they would be “cool” is the worst thing to happen to this terrible franchise.
just lol


In The midnight expansions should be finally over, high elves silver covenant playable. paladin class for every race,

Jeeesus christ xD for the record this is not me on my alts. This is a first original Valeriah post.

Not me

Void Elves should have been High Elves.

Everything else in your post is just night elf fan victimhood to me and I haven’t got time for it.

To replace the Quel’dorei - a well established race within the lore, with a made up, 10 minutes ago race with some strange void-angle is the worst decision ever.

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Thing is they never replaced anything… the Quel’dorei are the blood elves… Who renamed them selves Blood elves after the fall of the sunwell and the slaughter of the scourge…

You had high elf remnants who still lived in Alliance cities who remaind ‘‘High elves’’ and Didn’t follow the horde…

But the void elves are a legitimate Elf faction that joined the alliance after being banished from Silvermoon for practicing the void.

Its not the Elfs you all asked for… But the Elves you guys wanted have always been in the game as the Blood elves.

You want them to create an entirely new race out of the remnants that stayed in Alliance territory and remained Alliance.

But the Void Elves are a two in one package for you guys… You get both your High elves. And a cool new Elf faction that is interesting…

With glyphs and what not… New hairstyles and everything. You guys can get a really cool race. Two for the price one package.

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i disagree, i love velves, but imho the problem is that you (not you you, but the dwellers here, with full respect) continue to write the same things about troll, nelves, belves, camp taurajo, silver covenant, high elves, antonidas, amani, the true alliance, garithos, the shape of the ears, alleria, vereesa, blood curse, sunwell, fel, green, light, merely a setback, since the belves introductions.

Its a bit redundant.

It’s not a two in one package, for me because it’s not the High Elf thing that I wanted. When a High Elf NPC charges into battle s/he doesn’t turn purple and become engulfed with the void for a few seconds.

I’m perfectly willing to sacrifice playable High Elves if Void Elves are given a glyph where their void based spells are made “arcane” based spells. (That would be the passive combat racial and the mini teleport.)

I think I’m more than fair, but it still doesn’t take away the Quel’dorei legacy of them being their own race with their own huge lore with the Rangers of the Hinterlands, the Hunters and Priests of Quel’Lithien and obviously the Silver Covenant.

Oh I’m not a High Elf supporter who wants everything at the expense of the Blood Elves. That is a fringe minority of the High Elf fanbase who are deeply fanatical and don’t know what it means to be a High Elf, post W3 and post Blood Elf era. To demand that the whole of Quel’Thalas is made “Alliance” and for the majority of Blood Elves to become high elves and go Alliance is absolutely stupid and only the fringe fanatics call for that. I’m not one of them.

I want High Elves as their own independence, in an ideal world. Crystalsong Forest would be my go-to zone for them.

But everything you’ve put regarding the Blood Elves is absolutely on point. Their is a reason why the Sin’dorei are Horde and why they do work on the Horde. They are named grim survivors and that is perfect for being a Horde race and I will not take that away from them, in the name of getting playable High Elves.

At least you’re honest enough to admit that you ignored that I wrote about way more than just your made up “night elf victimhood” argument.