What nonsense are you rambling? By becoming a void elf I have learned abilities and knowledge you can only dream off…
We can give us all a fighting chance against the void and their ill intentions to Azeroth.
I don’t care for your need too remain blue and pretty… That wont save us from the coming conflict.
The void didn’t save us from Arthas? We had no knowledge or practitioners when that happen… But we did have the Sunwell and the holy light… Did it save us? No…
In fact our people lost so much faith in the light after that historical moment… They had too enslave a Naaru too believe in the light again.
You re trying to say to all azeroth player that the only opportunities to defend themselve is between void elves hands
In fact our people lost so much faith in the light after that historical moment… They had too enslave a Naaru too believe in the light again.
stop talking about past.
Sunwell is recovered and there is no Enslaved Naaru in Silvermoon actualy.
You talking about future to argue for your mistake race but you re talking about past to discredit Blood elves
what about argue with past to credit/discredit void elves ? Aww there is no past/lore
what about argue with present / future to credit for blood elves ? Awww you dont want to because you know that we are 90% of survivors with paladin order, culture, big city, our lands etc etc
then you have nothing more than a rock lost in the space.
remember and keep in your mind, i let the propositon on the table. I offer you the ritual to purify you in the sunwell and back to your home with your brothers and sisters in ears.
Because we have to be realistic. High Elves just aren’t likely to be there own thing.
We have to sacrifice something on the High Elf side and that is the race as a stand-alone. Instead, just get a racial glyph that changes the passive void spells to arcane-like.
High Elves are very unlikely to be playable considering Silver Covenant High Elves are now using Void Elf hairstyles. The debate is practically done…
Stupid jokes aside, this is a serious question for everybody who so desperately wants to play as an actual alliance high elf.
I might get into trouble just for mentioning this but whatever, why not just play on a dare I say it, a p-server?
Sure “everybody’s beloved” blood elves are actually in outland where they belong and quel’thalas isn’t going to be magically half intact with a small skid mark going through the middle of it on the particular server I’m talking about but that’s how it should’ve been from the start, especially considering that Blizzard just doesn’t care about what the playerbase actually wants.
(Still no fat stinkin’ Ogres for the horde after 20 years but here’s a city that has been supposedly destroyed and you walked through the ruins of it in warcraft 3)
You might as well just show them the middle finger and move on.
Incorrect. Blood Elves turned their back on everything they once was as High Elves. Then Elves that are a Magical race indulged themselves with the Fel. For some even becoming Fel Elves / Felblood Elves.
They are not the same Elves they once was. The High Elves are uncorrupted. The corrupted Elves are the Blood Elves.
You mean like quelthalas? And silvermoon city? And their people as they tried to recover and restore both quelthalas and silvermoon city?
No wait that was the high elves
Tongue in cheek aside, void elves are more thalassian core then the modern high elves are who really only exist as their own entity in the silver covenant.
Maybe Blizzard will fix this with writing for the Silv. Covenant in TWW, but I am not convinced that Blizzard has a midas touch yet, being the focus of the story hasnt done nelves any favour
I’m not jealous. Not by a long chalk…but I can guarantee that if Blizzard just gave us High Elves instead of Void Elves, then no talk about making any new race called “Void Elves” would happen.
High Elves have been most requested, but I’m willing to comprimise on quite a lot, I’d say:
First - no High Elf stand alone race, but make a racial glyph where the passive void based spells are changed to arcane based-looking spells. Then, if people want the full “High Elf” thing, then they pay for said glyph. If I’m playing my Void Elf Holy Priest, who is basically a High Elf in everything, then I don’t want him turning void-purple everytime he enters combat and heals. At least, changes to that and giving an arcane-outline glyph option would make sense…even for a Priest because I could RP as a “High Elf Mage-Priest” from Culling of Stratholme.
Second - High Elves as playable must NOT come at the expense of the Blood Elves. Period. End of. Any idiot who wants that is just an idiot and doesn’t understand the High Elves at all. So, no to Alliance/High Elves getting Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas because they aren’t necessary.
So, I’m more than willing to sacrifice, but it’s mainly the void elf fans who say “no” even to an optional glyph which they don’t have to buy. The blood elf fans don’t want a copy/paste clone, well it’s too late for that and the lunatic fringe of the high elf fanbase who are idiots and basically want all things “Blood Elf” but painted Blue and Alliance. Total idiots.
Of course.
You say you dont want high elves to come at the expense of blood elves, but youre more than happy to have high elves at the expense of void elves.
I dont want void elves to become nothing more than a proxy for a different race.
Especially when those who want it to become one have no respect for the race theyre trying to take over.
But what I want isn’t at the expense of what you want though.
What I want comes with a, very likely, hefty gold cost. If you don’t want to use the racial glyph then that’s fine…but I, as a High Elf fan, would like it.
Void Elves are still Void Elves; but an option is open for the full RP of a High Elf. If you don’t want that option, then you simply don’t have to use it.
Perhaps. But as one of the fundemental forces of creation the Void overwrites that.
It seems that Void Elves wanted to get back at the Blood Elves that exiled them since BFA. A new Elf rivalry / civil war is born.
Exactly. High Elves must stand unique. A clear distinction. Since High Elves love nature. Not quite a Druidic connection to nature. But that having walked down a different path they are Unique from the Blood Elves. Proving that the separation runs deeper.