Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

I would say making the void a completely optional part of the void elf experience dilutes what the race is.
No other race in the game gets to change their racials to pretend to be a different race.

The race needs a solid identity.
Not to be an rp tool.

If you want to propose options that work for the void elf fantasy but also work for your means, that i could get behind.

That’s already compromised because of the high elf/blood elf skin tones anyway.

Even further if you want to add the Darkfallen features to that remit as well. Void Elf is just a part of the race. Darkfallen and High Elf are now added sections.

As of the last patch, thats all canonically void elf options now :slight_smile:

And what I want can easily be additional void elf options :slight_smile:

Not really.

But having the racial be a choice between a random proc and a cd you activate would probably do the trick.

Yes really, because mine is optional and sets high elf fans back some gold. Darkfallen and Blood Elf skin tones are forced onto the race.

I dont know why you think throwing a few gold at it makes a difference either way here.

But really, whatever midnight does is going to be the final say on the matter.
I just hope blizzard treats the void elves and their fans with respect during it.

You can’t really complain about void elves being all parts of different races when High/Blood Elf skins and Darkfallen skins are also attached to them.

It’s just moaning for the sake of moaning with no real back up

Void elves having normal and undead skin tones are canonically options of void elves who are infused with the void.
While they may have seemed like just rp options at first, we now see that it is not the case and they are fully fledged void users.
Void users who still glow with the void.

Go back a few month and that argument might have had some weight.
But now they’re just options to be a void elf like alleria is.

And the Silver Covenant Mages using Void Elf hairstyles are also canonically High Elves and they don’t glow a void purple when they fight.

So, it’s either a racial glyph or turn off the void passives, as you suggested. Either way, it’s not fair on void elf fans to demand no cosmetic options to the high elf fanbase.

Yeah high elves use blood elf and void elf cosmetics as theyre an npc race thats not bound by player options.

And its not fair for high elf fans to try and steal void elves for their own. Get your own race XD

Who is stealing when the high elf features are already on both anyway? xD

Blizzard made void elves into 3 separate races by their own choosing. You just have to accept it.

As i point out earlier, the options have now been shown NOT to be for different races or groups.
Theyre all canonically void elf options for void users.


I go with what Blizzard said and they said “High Elves for both factions” and now Darkfallen Elves for both factions as well.

There’s nothing you can do about it, especially since Blizzard themselves re-created this thread, so they know the High Elf topic is still up for debate - whether it’s a new race or something added to void elves…either way, Midnight should delve into this further and there’s nothing void elf fans can do about it.

Wow that got unhinged real fast.
Ill accept your defeat and move on.

Except I’m right and you don’t like it.
Concession of defeat accepted now goodbye.

Lets look at the facts.

Void elves are playable, high elves are not.
Normal skin tones are shown to canonically be void elf options for void users.
The void elf racials are not optional.

The only person who doesnt like the reality of the situation is you. And thats why youre trying to change it.

And the fact youre trying to use an automated system where part 2’s of threads get made to say blizzard supports you… you completely lost touch with all reality there.

So far, youve been right about nothing.
You say youre different to other high elf fans, but youre not.

Void Elf fans seem very confused

Void Elf fanatic: No no, you need your own race! Stop asking for more of Void Elves!
Me: Ok, so the High Elves should be a seperate race.

Void Elf fanatic: No, no - if High Elves are playable then nobody will play the void elves!
Me: Ok, so we’ll add a few optional cosmetics to Void Elves then?

See above.

Confusion, confusion, confusion - maybe void elf fans shouldn’t be involved with this debate if they’re this confused over what should happen.

The reason high elves shouldnt get their own race has nothing to do with void elves.
Its because a high elf with no connection to the void… is just a blood elf with a different name.
I assume thats why you play a blood elf no? Because its the exact race you wish was alliance?

I don’t wish for the Blood Elves to be Alliance because those who didn’t leave with Jaina have their reasons for not being part of the Alliance and both Tyrande and Jaina reinforced why they aren’t Alliance.

High Elves are their own thing - even different from Blood Elves now, who seem to put faith in the Light above all else and this wasn’t a common practice in High Elven society, pre Third War. The Silvermoon Priesthood was it’s own smaller thing and likely acted of it’s volition to send representatives to Lordaeron, to aid in uncovering the plague.

High Elves are more than capable of creating their own settlement, like Void Elves and being their own thing, within the Alliance. They can have their own hairstyles as well.

High Elves can essentially re-establish a place like Shandaral in the Crystalsong Forest and be an allied race within a semi-restored Shandaral. Kick the Sunreavers out of the zone and bam - High Elves are their own playable race, own playable zone and have nothing to do with Quel’Thalas, the Blood Elves or Silvermoon. High Elf fans need to think outside of the box, in order for High Elves to be playable.

Unless they do that, High elves will never be playable. You have to disassociate High Elves from Quel’Thalas because it isn’t their home anymore. Void Elves have Telogrus, High Elves can have many places but it takes somebody with guts to state them and not back down to the mob of the lunatic fringe of the High Elf fanbase.

What I wish for Blood Elves is that they were more into the darker forms of Arcane Magical practice, like Fel and Blood Magic.

As mentioned above, I’d love for the new Sunreaver NPC’s to be Warlocks and Fel casters whilst the High Elf NPC’s are the Arcane Mages. A clear distinction between High Elves and Blood Elves.