Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

The story justification is there, its just that the race as a whole has been taken by blood elves.
A new spin on what the race is would be needed to make it a worthwhile addition to the game.

Shrink down the night elf model, change the ears a bit, and slap normal skin tones on top. Call it a high elf, and then you have something thats not a complete copy paste of a blood elf.
Or something like that.

But that’s essentially what we have with Night Elf Mages and Nightborne. They’re both the same, more or less.

Same with Sunfury Blood Elves in TK and Void Elves.

The stories of Night Elves using Arcane Magic and Blood Elves meddling with the Void is also there.

The High Elf story is there and yes, it would be similar to that of Blood Elves, Night Elf Mages and Nightborne…but as mentioned, other races also have theme overlap.

Shandaral would be a great place for the playable High Elves to start out, but it wouldn’t be a quest hub…you essentially start at Windrunner Overlook and go through a portal to Stormwind.
But you can go into Shandaral and see restored Highborne towers (like in Azsuna), with High Elven Arcane Sanctums.

Both Blood Elves and Void Elves are losing their “Magister/Mage” vibe and there’s no real hope of it returning. High Elves can be that bridge for a Thalassian Arcane Mage vibe, once again.

If you put it like that then I’m all up for giving High elves to any fan of the blue eyed elves.
As someone that really likes void elves I would rather have them be… well, void elves with cool void options instead of having more players that play the race.
It’s already annoying that I have to be Alliance if I want to play a void elf.

Personally I don’t like the idea of High elves but could just be my long lasting hate towards Vereesa’s character that High elves fans seem to like (and honestly I don’t really like any of the Windrunner sisters), although it could be a misinterpretation from my part. However, I realized that me not liking something should not mean that others can’t have it, which seems to be the idea of not allowing High elves?

As a void elf would be hypocritical to say that High elves should not be playable cause is a small group of elves, void elves should be even rarer.
And if Blizz gives High elves we’ll finally see the end of the debate between all the skinny elves.
Then debate of who gets more customizations will start eh…

“dont like the idea” of the most legit and wanted race in world of warcraft since 2007 and maybe before '07 but Rotqt is a void elf fan.


Void elves are litteraly a loreistic fraud and a middle finger to all high elves fans.

Hmm haven’t heard about that but yeah it makes no sense even today why Blood elves is with the horde, the enemy. In the clip/video about the Blood elves that came before TBC was released metzen did not look happy that Blood elves was playable for the Horde and that they had to change alot of things to make it work, aka change the entire lore to make any kind of sense even if it doesn’t make sense. But could have been if Blizzard have kept the Blood elves as they were back in the beginning of TBC were they used the fel as their new source of power to rebuild their empire. As they were more like Dark elves from Dnd or Warhammer.

We have given that suggestion with Crystalsong forest to be their home or Hinterlands, even Dalaran and the Silver covenant to be the faction for the Alliance High elves as they are diffrent from the Blood elves and have their own mounts (Unicorn, Silver Hippogryphon) tabard/banner and trying to revive their old ways as they were in Warcraft 2 and before that. Before the High elven king changed their theme with Hawkstriders and Dragon hawks and change their banner/tabard to a bird.

But the Alliance High elves might get their own theme in war within as the Arathi have High elves among them. Increasing the amount of High elves in the Alliance. And its Blizzard themselves that decided to make Silvermoon neutral for Midnight. “Uniting the scattered elven tribes”. And seems Silver covenant and the Sunreavers are becoming friends in War within. I really looking forward to War within and Midnight. Just sad to have to wait so long for High elves to be playable.

I quess we see “if” the Void elves still be part of the Alliance. Umbric did say during the recruitment of the Void elves. That if Alleria would train them, then they will join the Alliance. However Alleria has not uphold her end of the agreement. As we saw in the latest patch in Telogrus rift. The Void elves are angry at Alleria for not teaching them as she promised. And Umbric said she is busy right now but they should seek guidance from Locas-walker and basicly that is what Locas-walker been doing, he been teaching them the entire time, not Alleria. Even Locus-walker was disappointed in her. But I don’t think she be able to train them as what will happen begining of War within. Too busy doing other things. And who knows, maybe Xal’atath will come visit them and promise to teach them all about the Void when Alleria wouldn’t.


While I raised my eyebrow at the void elves being introduced (Their introduction was just weird ok, their rep was tied to broken draenei while the lightforged rep actually gave you lightforged leaving speculations that that was the original plan was to offer alliance broken draenei) but I feel like the lore has solidified enough, they have found their place.

I would even say I enjoy their place in the story more then I enjoy the high elves place in the story. They are essentially the continuation of the sunreaver, the subfaction of magic casters that doesn’t shy away from darker magic if they believe it can serve their people.

I do hope they give us class skins so that if they give void elves they lock void paladins into a void class skin because void + light is just whack outside of discipline priests which do not live an easy life balancing the two out if you know their lore, a lot of them end up ripe for a madhouse because their pendulum swinged a bit too hard towards void 1x time

I’ve said it before but High elf pressence is just near non existant outside of the silver covenant NPC wise and Silver Covenant is Dalaran which isn’t alliane all my horde homies know it secretly is tho

So yeah based on what I see in the story (and not neccesarily on what I want to see) the void elves are in a more interesting place then the high elves are now

I wish they added a way to hide the purple void elf shadow form thing and they added velf costumisation to blood elves and belf stuff to velf. I dont see a reason for them not to do it either way i still enjoy the race and i think more reskins of races and marketing them as allied races is a bit silly

My issue with the Hinterlands High Elves is that they are basically a poor man’s Night Elf pre-Cata. They are basically just Rangers and Hunters, like Night Elves, except Night Elves have the few extra bits with Druids, Priests and Wardens.

Shandaral can bring the “High Elven Ranger” fantasy; but also maintain that “High Elf Mage” and “High Elf Priest” vibe. If nothing else, since Blood Elves and Void Elves seem more akin to the Light and Void respectively, High Elves do need that “Arcane” vibe because we shouldn’t forgot that the Thalassian Elves also make up some of the best Mages across Azeroth.

That’s true, but I doubt this will influence playable races because every playable race must act of it’s own accord. High Elves would be no different.

For High Elves to be playable, they must start and be set up in their own place, which is away from Quel’Thalas and Silvermoon. Latching them onto the Blood Elves provides no individuality and sadly, that does not and should not, qualify them to be a playable race.

It has to be one or the other, in terms of playing High Elves.

Do we go down the route of more High Elf features on Void Elves, along with void features? Or do we make High Elves their own race, but have their own hairstyles?

Vereesa is a -meh- character for me. I quite liked her in MoP because even though she hurt the Blood Elves; it gave a story and really interesting story, at that.
Now she just seems like WoW’s biggest crybaby, which shouldn’t be her character…not the one we saw in MoP who thought nothing to murdering the Sunreavers because she was under the impression that they were complicit in the theft that took place in Darnassus.

Void Elf fans don’t want the race to be diluted with high elf stuff.

Well I was/am strongly for Crystalsong forest to be their new home. The leylines there and the Mana wells in Northrend would give them all the mana they needed to survive and rebuild. As the Blue dragons have left Northrend for Dragon ilses and left few guardians, they could speak to Kalecgos to help protect Coldarra the nexus and the mana well in dragonblight. Also if they fix/heal the man leylines in Forlorn woods. Those birch trees would be filled with mana and the forest would look similar to quel’thalas forest.

Yeah I know and Northrend would have made sense as its were we met the Silver covenant for the fist time and at the time they were more pale than Blood elves due to the mana withdrawl and had more human like eyes as the glow in their eyes had stopped glowing but it doesn’t seem to be the case for Midnight. Seems all elves (Of the High elf branch) is coming home to defend thier homeland (Sunreavers, Silver covenant, Scryers Sunfury, Highvale elves, Alliance High elves etc, Maybe even the Darkfallen.) Perhaps in the updated version of Silvermoon after the last main quest, they let the player decide which faction they fight or believe in. As there has been conflict in Silvermoon, some Blood elves did not agree in TBC to join the Horde and wanted to go back to the Alliance. But that Silvermoon has priority over the two factions.

Well yeah, they choosed to in order to survive the mana withdrawal they had to abandon all Mana together as the other Alliance High elves choosed to siphon mana from magical artifact to survive but they barly did, the very young and the oldest High elf perished and the Higvale elves made friends with the Wildhammer dwarves, So they choosed to take the more Farstrider route. Perhaps even learned from the Wildhammers dwarves how to be a shaman. Even a Draenai priest is there to teach them about the Light.

Well I like Vereesa but could happen the Silver covenant might get a new co leader with Alleria, as her new model she wears the colors of Silver covenant. Strange there is no sign of Vereesa or her children. as Her children should be adults now as they are older than the dwarf prince. So if he is there, then Vereesa’s children should be there too. Or did Blizzard again. Forgot they even existed, same way as they treated the Silver covenant High elves for years now.

Well Blizzard only made the Veeresa and Silver covenant “the bad guys” in the Darlaran event “in Hopes” we High elf fans would stop asking for them. That failed as you know. But doesn’t matter, as Blizzard is changing alot of things in War within.

Well Blizzard might let High elves be playable (Neutral) in Midnight and remove all High elf customization for Void elves and let the Void elves go their own way. Perhaps they get infused again in Midnight and get transformed again, to what they were suppose to become when the Void ethereal Nether-prince Durzaan tried to change Umbric and his followers into some new void creature but this time they learned enough to comtrol the Void and don’t all mad/crazy. And they transform into a new race and no longer be void “Elves” but something else. And explore more of what the Void has to offer them.

Probably was the broken that was going to be the new allied race as we did encounter void infused broken at Eredath and other broken. But as Blizzard was planing to make Nightborne for the Horde due to a game journalist wanted to play Night elf in the Horde they knew there be backlash from Alliance players as both sides wanted Nightborne. (But im totally fine with Nightborne being with the Horde as they are as Dark elf can be and even have spider Nightborne in Suramar, which also could happen to the current NIghtborne as the spider Nightborne transfomed when the mana tree became unstable and in a flash turned the Nightborne to spiderlike creatures.) And they knew Alliance players wanted High elves for long time but just dident want to give us want we asked for, Then someone had the idea of void elves. Pretty sure is the named npc in Stormwind (When Blizzard said they never have Devs name on npcs in the game ever again, boy did they lie) But void elves don’t make sense even in the Light worshipped Alliance (Alliance have always been about Light, Magic, Nature.) All the other races in Alliance have something in common. Void elves don’t as the Void is everything against the Light.

Um no. High elves been everywhere in Alliance areas. Blood elves in vanilla wow was Hostile Npc to both factions. Also Silver covenant have always been Alliance since Wrath (Said it numerous times) recruited by this man, Halford Wyrmbane 7th Legion High Commander at the Wintergarde Keep.

And yet a non existed group of Blood elves that turned into Void elves, and waaaayyyy less in numbers than Alliance High elves was made playable so the entire thing about too few in number to become playable is laughable now.

And we are only asking for the High elves that is loyal and always been loyal to the Alliance through out History, who choosed their friends over their homeland at the end of Warcraft 2 to stay in the Alliance and fought for the Alliance as they belived in the Alliance just like Alleria and still do. And they became more when Lor’themar exiled Blood elves to stop a civil war when they did not like Grand Magister Rommath new technique/magic of siphon mana from magical creatures they long ago swore to protect. And those exiled Blood elves change their race name back to High elves and was living in diffrent Human settlements in eastern Kingdoms. Then the High elves in Outland that was part of the first expedition to outland and still part of the Lordaeron Alliance (As they did not know that Lordaeron Alliance did not exist anymore or that Silvermoon had fallen untill the Alliance told them)and joined the Grand Alliance of Stormwind. They knew about the Blood elves as they have encountered the Blood elves in Outland.

Well that is true and they make more sense to be in the Horde than the Alliance as the Void elves are more like how the Blood elves were in the begining of TBC. “Power is power, its what we do with it that matters” Aethas Sunreaver.

As Blood elves now make more sense in the Alliance. They become more and more as they once were and more and more Alliance than Horde and maybe Turalyon been to Silvermoon trying to finish what Varian wrynn started/tried all those years ago in Mist. Trying to get the Sin’dorai back to the Alliance. He seems to been the few times now talking to Lady Liadrin. Even got her to let his son to join the Blood knights and live in Silvermoon. (As Arator never been to Silvermoon before as his entire life was in Stormwind after Alleria and Turalyon left for outland in the first expedition. It does explain how he got his yellow/gold eyes even if Arator has never been in Silvermoon before). Could be that Lor’themar maybe also had a talk with Turalyon and the best option was to choose to make Silvermoon neutral than go back fully to the Alliance as bad blood between both factions. As there are orcs still in the Horde that was part of the Blackhands/Doomhammers Horde that killed High elves back in the second war. The very same green orcs. But he can’t deny any longer that some Blood elves wants to be with the Alliance again and some that despise the Alliance (Kael’thas Blood elves) for what Garithos did to the Blood elves.

I wonder how Grand Magister Rommath ever let Lor’themar let Alliance into Silvermoon as He despise the Alliance the most as he was with Kael’thas when Garithos betrayed the Blood elves and Rommath fully support the Horde. And we are now doing mist of pandaria remix, we are in the past and and the Infinite dragonflight who we are helping is known, known to change history (As we before fought Infinite dragonflight to stop them from changing history, now we are helping them, so like any time travel we might have triggered a change) so maybe the outcome what happens in Dalaran has changed in MoP. Maybe that’s why the Silver covenant and Sunreavers are friends in War within.

Here’s the exact quote from the engadget interview if you’re interested

I’m trying to think of Horde races. I guess only blood elves feel like the odd man out for the Horde. I hope that we’ve engineered that into it as deftly as we could, but you know, it’s the equivalent of a bunch of white chicks hanging out with goblin or tauren. It’s weird.

They engineered them in so deftly that they still make no sense, kind of funny but I don’t really have a horse in this race anymore I’m just here to laugh at people who still think that after 20 years blizzard is going to add high elves now when they’re too busy creating 30 eurodollar reskins and even if they added them tomorrow as a proper separate race and not a customization option, it’s too little too late.

EDIT: I forgot to add he also goes on about how the draenei and worgen were a stretch for the alliance which despite me not particularly liking the guy, he’s right.

Blizzard should kept the Blood elves as they were in TBC as they were more like Dark elves. Losing their souls for their quest for more powerful arcane magics, And everyone can see that the Fel magic was their theme begining of TBC, becoming more and more obsessed/insane for power. And that would have made them diffrent from Alliance High elves. The void would have been their next step for power and they would eventually turn into Dark elves/Void elves.

Well I always thought Worgen would be Horde, however to be as a full race and not humans that turns into worgens. And the Draenai well they make sense for the Alliance as they have alot of common, like the Light and Nature. However when Blizzard decided to give the Blood elves to the Horde. They did not know what the Alliance would get. So Draenai was announce months later. So they used “the Broken” lore and changed it abit and created the Draenai and as Draenai and Orcs were common enemies it would not make sense for them to be in the Horde. But I like the theme they had and mystery when starting on Azuremyst isle. And those Islands, Azuremyst isle and Bloodmyst isle look very old and alien and does not look anything on Azeroth.

Well like I said they are changing alot things for War within. And making so you can see far away who is High elves and who is Blood elves. But hey War within is the last chance for me. If I don’t like it and its just the same as it been few years now, then I will leave Wow. But so far I like what I see from War within so Im crossing fingers it will be good.

I’m shocked how many High Elves and Blood Elves are actually in TWW and their role in the new capital city.

This saddens me because it just states that the High Elves can’t do it without the Blood Elves.

When we know that they actually can do it and they have foundations which can be used.

Yeah, that’s how I feel about it.

But Crystalsong has ancestral historic value which combines Highborne and High Elves together, both of which are politically aligned with the Alliance.

Aye, would have been the perfect place, love the mystical music there too. If a Handful of Tauren and a Handfull Darkspear trolls is able to rebuild and replenish their numbers in significant number in few years which is incredible, but Alliance High elves can’t? is full of BS by Blizzard. The Taurens were just one small village…barly that and was being hunted by the centaur in WC3. The Darkspear was also one small village that barly suvived because of the Naga in WC3…but by Blizzard magic they exploded in numbers in Wow. “How does that even work professor?” “…Um…That’s above my pay grade Son”.

Well they are going to do something with Crystalsong forest in The Last Titan as we helped the Blue dragonflight there to help the Shandaral elves to move on.

Yeah Im looking forward TWW. Same for Midnight and The Last Titan and hoping they all be good. Last Titan will most likely be more story about the Vrykul, they might even become playable race (the Vrykul can be shrunk to be just above tauren and still be able to fit through a door as Tauren was in WC3 was as tall as Vrykul are now, the Vrykul toy can make you to that size and still be taller than other playable races) or Stormwind/Kultirans/Gilneas Humans get Vrykul customizations.

Beta TWW is soon here so I can experience it myself.

“exact”? High elves are in the alliance, just not allowed to be playable, yet.

A simple fix by showing the difference between High and Blood since the schism - indulging in the Fel and more.


But… The Alliance do have High Elves in form of Void Elves? So what are people whining about?
They even gave you all the Blood Elf skin colors, so you didn’t have to look like Void Entities.

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Silver covenant spellcaster, give it to me!

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better they would make new faction based on elf’s races , and add new related races like ogres for the horde