Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

that would be perfect, third faction for elven races.


Exactly. They did this with blood elves already in Shadowlands (same race as the Silver Covenant, just different ingame political group)

And it’s also proof of the the return of Metzen has no real influence of the game desing, if they still allowed to mess with the lore.

Hi fellow helfers!
Not been following the forums much recently as I’ve been playing MOP Remix to get the cosmetics and mounts, but it’s great to see this thread buzzing! :star_struck:

Keep up the good stuff! Glory to the Quel’dorei! :man_elf:t2::woman_elf:t2:

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I just murdered 3 high elves :slight_smile:
I’m doing my part! :smiley:

No, you have Void Elfs, you have regular Blood Elfs, there is NO need for another “Re skin” just for you guys to have the same skins, eyes, just different underwear color, and hair styles, you guys are crazy actually.

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What about more trolls instead? You know what they say. Once you go troll you never want another elf allied race.

Anything but more Elfs, although Trolls are as close to the elf family as well, same with Naga, but we for sure do NOT need 5 Elf races in the game, from the looks of it, future seem to look scary, with possible Harronir (Lets hope not xD)

Looks like Orcs and Night Elfs that had babies :unamused:

They are the transition race between troll and elf
All their voices are troll style and if you look at the cinematic they are obviously more troll then elf
for some reason their ingame models look very smooth spongebob esque in comparison

Here’s how I would add playable High Elves to the game:

  • 1. Unification. Unify the Quel’dorei elves in Midnight, and let them all have access to Silvermoon. Instead of the Blood Elves controlling the city, it becomes neutral. Lorewise, the High Elves have truly unified, and allowed all their people to return home. As a consequence of this, and the years that have now passed since the events of the Third War, they deem it appropriate to be neutral. This is their historical approach to world politics, after all.
  • 2. New Race. Add a new neutral High Elf playable race. Fill that elf-sized hole in people’s hearts. Make it glorious, drawing from old High Elf lore, the Silver Covenant, and all sorts of stuff. This race should consist of all former High Elves sub-races, from Blood Elves who convert from the Horde, to High Elves that had been exiled, to Silver Covenant, to Void Elves who returned to normal through some holy ritual at the Sunwell. It needs to feel like the biggest Quel’dorei population in existence.
  • 3. Distinction. Blood Elves, Void Elves, and High Elves all need their own identities, while also sharing some common themes. They all need to feel like Quel’dorei one way or the other, sharing many of the same hairstyles, ear options, and so on. But also take this opportunity to carve unique nisches for all of them. Now that High Elves exist, it’s OK to let Void Elves lean even harder into the Void. Give them cool cyberpunk hairstyles, purple gems, more tentacles, perhaps voidy skin, and more. Let Blood Elves have some additional Fel-inspired options, but also lean hard into their legacy as vain spellcasters who sided with Kael’thas, etc.

Just as there different Dwarf and Human races (both have three races each, or arguably 4 for the Humans) lean into different Classes, the Quel’dorei could be a little bit thematically split in that same way.

Void Elves could feel a bit more natural for Shadow Priests, Affliction Warlocks, Subtlety Rogues, etc.

Blood Elves could be a more natural choice for Destruction and Demonoloy Warlocks, Demon Hunters, Fire Mages, Retribution Paladins, etc.

High Elves could be more about Arcane Mages, Holy Paladins, Holy Priests, and so on.

Naturally, all three go hard with the Hunter class.


Like why the need of a title, all that would change, is I’d say “High Elf” when you hover over your character…that’s the difference, and all the RPers out there that wants High Elfs, many RPers doesn’t even play the game, they do some content, but they mainly RP, and they can RP a High Elf, and they already do, I don’t understand the NEED for another re-skin of something you already have, 10000% would rather want something new, than having to forfill another ELF that’s already on the Alliance SIDE

I see your point, but the same could be applied to anything.

  • Why do we need additional specs for a Class (including Hero Talents)? The Class already exists!
  • Why do we need Earthen Dwarves when Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves already exist?
  • Why do we need new raids? Just update the old ones every expansion!

At the end of the day, it’s about variety, flavour, and personal expression. An MMORPG can be so many things to different people, and that’s a good thing. We won’t always like the direction of the game if it goes against our own particular preference or playstyle, but it’s still good that it caters to a lot of different kinds of players.

I personally would love a hundred gazillion different cosmetics, transmogs, playable races (and sub-races), classes and hero talents. Just give me more of it, because it’s fun to find our own personal nische that you enjoy to play.

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My Mechagnome have 4 faces, my other races have 5 some like Human, got 32, MANY more races should be given more love, and also brought to life, Void Elf from their first day in Legion, have gotten a lot more love than some races, and have also gotten less than other races as well, Taurens, Orcs, Night Elfs, Humans, all these gotten lots of love, yeah I can agree, Blood Elfs being such a popular race overall, are lacking cosmetics, the only thing I’d ever agree upon, is that Void Elf got such love as well, like MANY races deserves, but not a brand new Allied Race just to change a title to give that “High Elf” dream that everyone wants.

But as a brand new allied race, strongly disagree, we don’t need it, its already there…

The who, the what? :slight_smile: You know if you want more customizations for Mechagnomes then make a thread about it. Or has the thread been too quiet? Kultirans haven’t gotten much either since BFA. Just 4 new hair colors but that was for…other reasons.

Well they are Old races so ofcourse they gotten more customizations.

And yet they had the most customizations since TBC and got more in Cata but then again it was mostly copy paste Night elf hairstyles. Dwarves had some Human hairstyles, Humans had some Blood elf hairstyles. Was until Shadowlands they lost the first place with most customizations.

Also Blood elves was never meant to be in the Horde. They changed the entire lore to make any kind of sense why they joined the Horde. “We had to change alot of things to make it work!” as High elves was everywhere in Alliance areas in Vanilla wow. Horde been even killing High elf scouts in Dustwallow March since Vanilla wow. Was Any Blood elf in the Horde during Wow vanilla…noo as they were Hostile towards both Horde and Alliance as they were their own faction. Enemy faction.

Well do you want to know?.. Because nobody asked for them as they never existed in the Lore. We asked for High elves for years but Void elves was last minute decision because Blizzard decided to give Nightborne (Altough Im not against Nightborne joining the Horde as it gives them a Dark elf race which makes sense and they also have a little Dnd vibe to them as some of them turned to spider-like creatures as we may…? have doomed the Nightborne, the tree they get their mana from…well its the same tree that turned Nightborne in a flash to the spider like creatures when it became unstable) to the Horde even though both sides asked for them but because one journalist asked to play Night elf in the Horde and knew there be backlash from the Alliance if Horde gets Nightborne as they were very similar to the Blood elves…in many ways. But they just didn’t want to give what was asked (That has been asked for years) so they gave us a compromise…again. As Blizzard have been doing since TBC. A Carrot on a stick for many, many years.

But they are there now but that’s not going to stop us from asking for High elves. But it seems Blizzards choice now is to make Silvermoon Neutral in Midnight. “Uniting the scattered Elven Tribes”. And seems Silver Covenant and Sunreavers will be friends in TWW. But maybe the Void elves will be neutral as well as the Void elves are not happy with Alleria Windrunner as she has not kept her end of the bargain over the years since Legion. Only Locus-walker been teaching them. And the Bargain was if she teaches them, then they will fight for the Alliance.

But Holish, We are asking is for the High elves that stick through and through and stayed with the Alliance for years. Believing in the Alliance just like Alleria and been fighting with the Alliance forever, with Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes like a family. Even when their King ordered them home at the end of Warcraft 2. They stayed and have been fighting and working with Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes. And now…now we know there is more High elves been working and fighting with Humans far longer in the past.

You done that since Wow Vanilla, if you remember where. Or have you forgotten about that? As High elves have “always” been in the Alliance. Only those that calls themselves Blood elves, that left the Alliance. Even though there has been conflict in Silvermoon since TBC which faction they “should” have joined.

Well you are missing the Beefy Trolls. The Forest Trolls and the Ice Trolls, but they…probably will become only as customizations for the regular Trolls. Much like the Broken probably will for the regular Draenai.

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We have four types of elf races in the game, we don’t need more.

I only saw this post today but the “highvale elves” didn’t need to make friends with the wildhammer dwarves, considering the high elves and wildhammer dwarves were on friendly terms way before the whole scourge thing even happened, at least according to one of the rpg books I think
You could make the argument that those aren’t “canon” anymore but to that I would just say, don’t care because Blizzard also clearly doesn’t care about their own lore. :^)

like blizzard ever even knew what’s canon and what isn’t in their own IP lol

Which is why the blood elf retcon makes absolutely no sense, let’s betray all of our previous allies on the continent we’re on because of some guy that had nothing to do with them and ally with the creatures who tried to wipe us out and a bunch of walking corpses, then again the characters (especially elven ones) in warcraft have never been the smartest.

The Dalaran Survivor NPCs have been updated. There are high elves who have void elf hairstyles.

Blizzard should also share hairstyles between VE and BE.:man_shrugging:

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better take all the elf’s from the horde and the alliance and make their own faction , we need ogres for the horde , and the alliance something else related

Void Elves getting generic pale skin and hair colour options is what allows you to essentially be a High Elf if not RP as one. Functionally Blood Elves are also High Elves, just on the Horde side.

It’d be the most wasted slot for an Allied Race we’ve ever had, besides maybe Mechagnomes with the less than 1% of the playerbase that roll one.

I have a strong belief a High Elf allied race would have a lot of people race changing, especially if they had paladins.

I think any estimation that claims it would be a pointless and unpopular addition is entirely moot. If you want to talk about pointless additions look at the -third- dwarf flavour we are getting in TWW.

High elf has been the single most asked-for playable race since the beginning.


I don’t see myself rolling a high elf any soon but high elves have been with us since Vanilla and people have been asking to be able to play them for so long that I fully support this initiative. Back in the day, when the Horde received the Blood Elves, there was an uproar both on the Alliance and the Horde side. I don’t know how many here still remembers this video:


They were standing out like a sore thumb. I’m not saying to replace blood elves and void elves with high elves, those clearly have their flavour but it would be really nice if people could receive what they have been asking for a very long time.