Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

to be fair half the WoW lore has a DnD equivalent :smiley:

They belong to Horde deal with it finally. Leave our roots on this side.

I read it as saying they’re open to allowing the player to represent their heritage properly (afaik maybe nametags like “High Elf” for example) as opposed to adding an entirely new race to the game.

So i’d say it’s probably a sign they’ve been looking at player feedback on stuff like subrace naming, and they may work towards stuff like that in future, so having “many races in one” achieved through tags and customisation.

Not a distinct high elf race on their own. I mean at this point, with the options velf have (and likely will get for hair) there would be absolutely no difference between a velf and helf in appearence so adding helf as a new race would be almost entirely pointless. You can acheive exactly the same outcome by simply letting players select their racial nametag and perhaps allowing them some flex in racial templates that reflect that as well. As a bonus you’ll make a lot of other people happy as well (forest troll fans, sand troll fans, wildhammer fans) in doing so, rather than just making high elf fans happy and then having the others question why they’re stuck to being called a generic troll when to be fair they look more different than a jungle troll than a helf does to velf.


I am a huge supporter of this kind of approach for exactly those reasons. The more happy people the better!

And, Moira’s mockups to promote the idea were awesome.


Fair enough.

I think you’re making a wild guess there, some of the people who play Void Elves -like- Void Elves, I don’t think the race would effectively disappear as everyone rerolls to the new Alliance Blood Elf Skins.

Got a Source for that? No, you don’t. Because none of us have an accurate source for that.

And if this guy is backing you up on any elf related, you -know- you’re wrong and making stuff up, he actively wants the races deleted and thinks they run a shadowy cabal, possibly in league with Blizzard Developers specifically designed to keep him down.

Yes…I can well imagine that -you- would say that 70% of Horde are blood elves.

You’d be wrong, but I can certainly imagine you saying it.

Thats a time honoured tradition around these parts…


Yeah that’s the thread that immediately popped into my head as well. Tbh this approach works far better for adding new “races” that are superficially very similar to others. Just add some more options on char creation including racial abilities and boom, done.
This leaves future new additions as properly new races and you could always make new templates unlockables in the game when you win over a subset of that race. I’m sure people wouldn’t mind that because they’re not flagged as “new races” rather more customisations for existing races that you can unlock.

This would be for future additions mind not those promised in SL. For example say we mooch around with the frostborn dwarves again, it’d be a cool way to offer a “well if you want to unlock this appearence go for it.”

Something like:
Base “subrace” templates
Wildhammer Dwarf
High Elf
Lightforged Draenei
Dark Iron Dwarf
Mag’har Orc
Highmountain Tauren
Sand Troll
Forest Troll
Dark Troll

Frostborn Dwarf
Leper Gnome
Highborne Night Elf
Worgen Night Elf
Lightforged Undead



Permission to quote you on my own thread?

These are all awesome ideas.

(Or feel free to also repost them there yourself ofc)

Thanks. :heart:


that would be nice, but if they actually would be called or named with template above your name for e.g. if you choose to be elf - subrace highelf, then it should be highelf, not void elf looking like highelf.

Go for it, sorry for late reply

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But whats the point? If it looks like a High Elf then its a High Elf, you don’t need a name changer?

Seriously, I just think they should come up with better customisation options than the ability to change your name.

Honestly, does it matter for PvP? No, it makes no difference.
Does it matter for PvE? No, it makes no difference.
Does it matter for RP? No it makes -no- difference. If it looks like a High Elf its a High Elf! It isn’t like any other character can look at you and see your name in blue over your head in RP is it? No, you just ignore that, Suspension of disbelief, massive thing RP’ers need to avoid all the things that make no sense, like summoning horses or dragons out of your pocket to ride around on. So what if it says Void Elf on your character sheet, no one can see it!

So thats all three aspects of how people play WoW, and in none of them does it make a shred of difference whether it says Void Elf or High Elf on your character log in screen.

Do you not think they should work on some cosmetic adaptions for Void Elves to make them look more like High Elves instead of faffing about changing the racial name?


it make difference for me :slight_smile: They can look even identical, as long as they dont have highelf tag above their are void or blood elves.

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Okay let’s be fair now We got to be gratefull that we are getting high elf options. and I am not playing WoW untill Void elves get normal hair colors. And we don’t need the high elf tag because we have RP addons for that.

Ohh looky, more high elf fans… kinda cool I guess and I knew this would be asked for eventually.

And it would be nice to have. It’s unreachable to ask.

as long as we are playing this game we can ask this? No reason to not have them playable, even after void elves get blood elf look a like option.

And I agree with you but we are on the right path :3 But in my opinion looking like a high elf is good enough ^^…

Yeah not bad, but actually nothing can change that but highelves :herb:

Nobody is getting the high elf tag officially. The current approach is to allow both Blood Elf and Void Elf players to claim they are high elves without allowing one side or the other to appropriate it entirely.

So whilst getting the tag may be important to you personally, it would also piss off many Blood Elf players who Blizzard told in the past were the high elves.

So what does this mean? It means they changed the meaning of what high elf is.
Rather than Blood Elf equalling High Elf, now High Elf is a catch all term encompassing all groups. So a Void Elf, even a blue one, is as much a High Elf as Veressa is. As much as Liadrin is.

Of course the irony here is that if, in your mind, you are seeking the high elf ideal as it was a few months ago or was during the Second War, then that is still a Blood Elf. Light orientated and sunwell linked.

A Void Elf maybe a High Elf, but they are a different kind of high elf. Linked to and corrupted by the void, regardless of the new skin tones they have received. In the same fashion, Zandalari Trolls and Darkspear Trolls may both be Trolls but they are different kinds of Trolls. Dark Iron Dwarves and Bronzebeard Dwarves may both be Dwarves, but different kinds of Dwarves. Blood Elves and Void Elves may both be high elf but different kind of High Elves…and one of those two groups is closer to the ideal than the other.

Just like classic never happened, :innocent:

Lets be fair, It seemed like far more people wanted Classic, than wanted High Elves. To be honest, the whole Classic thing is probably why Blizzard won’t make High Elves playable, on the ‘Once bitten twice Shy’ principle.

“Guys, the players really want Classic, why don’t we just give them Classic?”
“Because they’ll whine about it not being the way they wanted it, and wanting bugs fixing and all sorts, Then they’ll be asking for TBC servers, and beyond”
“No, no really, they’re all very insistent on it, they want Classic, warts and all, no changes, just Classic”
Sighs “Alright, they think they do, but I bet they don’t, so sure enough, we’ll listen to them and release it”

Classic goes on to be an immediate success…for a few weeks…until even Streamers get bored of it

“You See! They didn’t want it!”
“Its still really popular, but uhh, you I said they wanted ‘No Changes’? Well, it turns out they do want changes, and uhhh…uhhh, well…”
“Just spit it out won’t you, they’ve started agitating for TBC now, haven’t they?”
“Uhh Yes”
“I warned you, I told you so…”

So I wouldn’t use Classic as an example there, because it is showing an example as to why Blizzard was -right- The playerbase -said- they just wanted Classic. Except they didn’t. The playerbase -said- they just wanted Classic and not other expansions, but thats not true either, is it?

Its a pretty good example as to why Blizzard -shouldn’t listen-.

Now look at the current scenario.

“We Just want to look like High Elves”
Blizz makes it so players can look like High Elves
“Now we want the Blood Elf hair colours”
Blizz roll their eyes, ‘here we go again’
“Oh, and Paladins, yes we must have Paladins (Because they were -such- an iconic High Elf race, right?)”
Blizzard is like, when will these people ever be happy?
“Oh, and we should get an arcane glyph so that we don’t use the Void stuff anymore, and whilst we’re at it, we want Void Elves to be called High Elves because most people would call themselves that”
Blizzard is like ‘But that makes no freakin’ difference, what racial name it says over your Void Elf makes no difference to anyone, when your character looks like a High Elf
“We don’t care, We Want it!”
Whats this ‘We’ business, most people just wanted to look like High Elves
“It what -I want, and that is more important.”
OK, anything else on this increasing list of demands?’

Blizzard: Get out

Now obviously the later demands are getting crazier, but they are all actual demands made in this very thread in seriousness.

The funny thing about that, is that some of those demands there, are not what actual High Elves would have. Would they really have all the Blood Elf hair colours? Even the red one? I don’t mean Liadrin colour, I mean the stark red one meant to represent dyed hair colour to be Blood red as a further affirmation of loyalty to the Blood Elves. Is a High Elf really going to be doing that?

High Elves don’t have Quel’thalas, or rather, the 90% of the race of High Elves that call themselves Blood Elves do, but the Exiles do not.

So why are suddenly people asking for it to be something that should be given to these Void Elves as part of the customisation, when it is not something that the Actual Alliance High Elves possess!

Now obviously thats a request from the crazy end of the spectrum of arguments here, but the depressing thing about all this, is that because High Elf fans can’t make up their mind as to where to stop making requests, Blizzard are going to become less and less inclined to listen. They’ve just been burned with the Classic situation, I’d tread lightly with the Void Elf customisations issue, in case they go “Ungrateful people, spend not a single more cent on Void Elf customisation!”

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