Quit Whining about Ques

massive titles with one milion sold copies? with servers on a map which is shared by upto 64 players in Battlefield. You are sooooo far away from understanding that.

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I’m not the expert its up to blizzard to invent better tech, they have had 15 friggin years! stop defending.


F*** you, get out.


But you are the only one using said PC, not 1 mill other ppl at the same time.

I am sorry but losing people because of 8h+ queues every day , while having job.family , things to do is not acceptable,it is not competition who has more patience, everyone has different situation and I want my servers to be populated.
It is Blizzard fault for making such huge server pop cap without being able to provide good enough system to increase amount of people able to play.


Mentally ill? Nope.

Mad? Yes. But not the same type of madness like yours, apparently.

Why am I mad?

If you have an ability to use that little brain of yours for something else out of writing insulting and 9gag posts, you would know the difference of final product and the sold out situation you mentioned in your first post. My final product doesn’t work in the way it’s supposed to, so I have every right to be mad at the provider of the service.

Discussion closed.

Bother someone else, please. Thank you.


All realms are full now? Rly?

I started playing since the launch of vanilla and I have never experienced such heavy queues. The most I had was like 2k maybe. The servers would lag, crash but not queues. So nope, this isn’t a vanilla-like experience to me.


Well, If you remeber 2/3k ques were quite long aswell back then. 2hrs/3hrs. yes, really it was like that, because traffic on a realm was much smaller.
And also, Me any my friends, we wanterd to play different realm at the beginning, but we had to switch after gettin level 8, because we couldn’t play together on full/high pop realms.

Well, I’m not the one offending here, I’m just asking, You keep on using this really bad comparsion, It doesn’t fit at all, doesn’t match, and your attitude, lack of adaptation, selfishness only proves me that you don’t fit classic wow, especially now, where we are waiting for mobs to spawn for almost a minute, and yet, we fight who will tap it first. And you want more population on realms? It would’ve destroy whole fun. Remeber the launch day? hope you do.


this game never had 28k queues, it’s their fault they made this possible. They could just stop allowing people creating characters on servers after certain point. It’s their problem this situation exists :slight_smile:

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there were 10 hour average queues back then? If you log in in the evening you can expect queues that take up to 24 hours

There never was a character limit, It only players fault that they chose high/full realms, while new were opened, If you would log in at 11pm night before launch and think, you wouldn’t be in this situation, am I right? Nickname reseved? Well, two realms were launched 1 hour or two before the start, noone would take your nickname so fast.

Never said 10hours ques, It’s only players fault that ques are so huge.

This makes 0 sense. It’s the players fault for buying blizzards product, what? :thinking:

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And you’re being so productive.

What are you basing on that there is no player limit, your BFA megaserver experience?
Well knowing Blizzard I would not be surprised, but I find it stupid to not lock servers that are full, or not have limit on theme.

Here we go another stupid boy in the house please welcome him guys. You know i will give you the best advice youu will ever get in yr life. If youu dont know wht you are talking abt and that stupid be quiet and say nothing simple.

there were never such a demand on server space

it’s not players fault server is falling apart under que. It’s not about me logging in in the wrong time, it’s about them not being able to provide proper services. bruh, we even have layering, they can just put layers on some crz and don’t even tell us.

legion and bfa launches were smooth, why would I expect such sh*t here?

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They had stress tests , they had time to see what people logged , how many accounts reactivated and by their words said , they do not wish to recreate the 2005 experience.
It’s worse now considering the tech we have now compared to what we used to have.

Because it’s what community wanted? lul. Still, Not all realms are “FULL”

Overpopulated realm is worse than que

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you are making no sense