Ok, How I see things, You guys, dont want to go other realm, that’s not on “full” population, right? And you whine about que? Right. Why? Who orders you to play “full” realm. Who?
I am sure that the people telling others to “stop whining” don’t have jobs, or school.
Time is not a luxury like it used to be when we were younger playing Vanilla. People are employed, attend university, kids to take care of, loved ones etc. Time is the most precious thing you have and you want to make the most of it, not sit in a queue forever.
Don’t tell people to stop complaining, they have the FULL right to do so. We are consumers, and we are not happy with the product, simple as that you dense rat.
Too many assumptions , I took week off work to play, and my daughter is 10 months, yet, I find time to take care of her when I’m in que, and when I play, my wife does that, And sometimes I go afk to help her. Tududud Missed!
Im at 1007 min estimated time rn, thats almost 17 hours
Different realm maybe?
Noway, I followed Blizz advice and have now moved two times and all my servers are now FULL. I cant keep move just to be able to play!! Blizz are WAY to slow on new servers, so a move is just a temp fix, then that server will fill up as well!
You took time off to stay in queue. I see.
And you’re taking care of your daughter, whilst in…queue.
Fair, but your life situation is not the same as for everyone else. It was just an example. Everyone does not have TIME, and what little time they do have, maybe they want to spend some hours down memory lane once in a while. But it is not possible.
So, naturally, people are upset. Are you unable to see why people are upset?
I was upset aswell, at the launch day, me and my friends, we were unable to play. Well, launch was a failure, at 27th afternoon we logged in to check population of realms, somewhere about 6pm. And we chose different realm, with back then, low population. Now I have ques upto 50-60 minutes, It’s populated very well. And’ I’m going to stick to it.
I found solution!
how things really are
everyone who ever followed their advice to migrate to new realm ended up in a desert in a half a year.
That’s good that you swapped servers.
But its not as easy for others, again. You need to understand that YOUR experience is not the same as for others.
People already formed guilds with hundreds of players, friends, family, etc, you name it. Coordinating a migration to another server is a very difficult task.
50-60 minutes queue is absolutely infinitesimal compared to other queues. You found a solution for you, and your friends, i’m glad, but you cannot tell other people to stop being upset.
Overpopulated realms will get free migrations to those low populated, It always been like this.
Free Horde Migrations from Shazzarah - To - XXX
What about the real classic experience. Lets wait 4 hours to get in to a server and then play for 1 hour and get dc and then right back to waiting.
Ok, So how many friends you brought with you? Or How many you followed to the realm?
Our guild is currently housing over 120 people, and 14 friends included scattered in others guilds on the server. Coordinating a migration is not easy. And people don’t wanna move now since they are all well above lvl 10, some even 25+.
they will not
or they already would
and those XXX will die out
It’s two days after launch, every expansion proves that people come back to WoW for two/three months maximum, making any moves now would be just pointless, because the things will turn upside down, seriously.
housing. Ok, lovely, and … When they joined the guild? Just after crest turn in? I bet they don’t.
And, I forgot to mention. This is not a random guild that picked up strangers along the way. These players have played together for years, and since retail went down the toilet, people dropped off one by one. Now, classic is a way for us all to re-unite and once again have a good time.
Ok, that was somethin I was missing. And You have discord right? I’m sure you do, Making a message, We won’t play “golemagg due to high ques, we’re moving to ashbringer” Is hard right?
Its damn 15 years ago! LOTS have changed the past 15 years. THis should not be a damn problem.