Quit Whining about Ques

Pretty much all realms have a full population on evenings, making it difficult for people to play on another realm. I can see why people are getting annoyed as they are paying for a service and not being able to play or enjoy the game, it is literally like being stuck in peak time traffic with the huge influx of people.

stop whining about people whining… ur opinion doesn’t add any value

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90% of the people complaining are over-exaggerating the situation. People sit in a queue for around 15 mins, get fed up and then come storming around here saying they have been waiting 5 and a half hours…

It’s not nearly as long as people are making out, they are just angry.

how about no, how about a company the size of blizzard actually solve the problem, there is NO EXCUSE for queues of 18k, which are only there because people reserved names etc on those servers beforehand, there is no point switching servers because its 6 hours+ of doing the same boring stuff and then they get queues as well. there are people on these servers getting into the 30s already, while I can only play 3-4 hours at silly o clock. I played US in vanilla, and no queues.

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RP-PvP server - no other options available.
Was low at name reservation.
Was medium at launch.
5000+ (2 hour) queues at the moment.

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See this is the problem with the WoW community these days, ya’ll petition for #NOCHANGES but then ya’ll want changes when it suits your situation?..

“Dont change anything! No changes pls”
“Actually maybe update this, and update that”
“Hey Blizzard wat u doing? This isn’t like vanilla”


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You take the prize for being the most deluded person on this forum.
People are LITERALLY waiting for 5-6 hours to get in to play.

I work nights, I come home at 06.00 AM, I sleep untill 13.00pm. I log on Classic.
I queued from 13.05 - 20.30pm. I played for 35 minutes before I had to leave for work.

You cannot be this dense, it is not possible.


2nd day im waiting in a 8-10 hour que so no idea what ur talking about

yday from 2 till 10
today from 1 till IDK when 7k more in que so around 10 again

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From what I can remember the queue times weren’t 10-12 hours long back then like they are now.

changes? we want changes done to the backend so we can actually pay the game we are PAYING FOR. was playing last night after the update and it took half an hour+ to do a single kill NPC task because people kept pulling it away from the group waiting to do it, oh and general chat being filled with spanish for 20 minutes none stop, why no spanish servers?

Queues also existed back then. 30 maybe 120 minutes at absolute peak.

Never before in history, EVER, were there such long queues to get on a server. Blizzard SEVERELY underestimated the demand. It’s embarrassing. They had 15 YEARS.


They had 15 years to what? To overpopulize realms? To … what? There are realms constantly opening, two are medium population, no need to open new ones since the old ones aren’t full.

Take a look at your behaviour “whiners” You have 10 glasses in front of you, yet you only decided to fill 8 of them, and yet, you yell to bring you more, while, you overfill these 8. Pointless, really, so childish.

Thjat’s the point im makin

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“Queues were back then” Yeah bro this isn’t 2004 anymore, We don’t have technology on USB sticks now. Sitting in a queue for 10 hours only to be disconnected and put into another one isn’t acceptable in 2019, Rather than adding ONE low pop server a day-ish (Which no one wants to go to because everyone they know arn’t there) they should actually have a decent solution

Something like Gehennas 1, Gehennas 2, Gehennas 3 etc would fix the problem, And in a few weeks/months they can merge the servers back to original Gehennas.

We are paying for a service we arn’t getting.


So I suppose you don’t complain when your internet provider just decides to say ‘‘screw it’’ and makes you wait 660 minutes before you can start using it every day you come home?

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So ya’ll want a game that’s EXACTLY like it was in 2004…But a 2019 version…

Wtf is wrong with you people, seriously? :joy::joy::joy:

Ya’ll acting like your houses are gonna collapse and world is gonna burn because the first few days of a game launch is seeing high demand

I love the way they underestimated “full” label on a realm.
I know that since crossrealm, even full realms have maximum of 5 minute ques.
That wasn’t in vanilla, FULL meant TOPS TO BOTTOM FILLED. Not even a needle might get in :slight_smile:

yes we want to play the 2004 game, not sit in queues forever and a day

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All of the realms are full.

  • Where are free realm transfers to spread the load?
  • Where are new servers? All others are full? Even RPG servers are Full - like what the actual F

i don’t care if you have stocks in Blizzard. This is the worst launch of any game i have ever witnessed. it’s insane beyond measure.

10 hours is almost a full day - I honestly can not fathom being so pathetic to not acknowledge this


oh yea and server is full of spanish, general chat is full of spanish, why are there no spanish servers to get rid of a massive chunk of load?

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AFK Scripts are why people are whining.