Quit Whining about Ques

Well, we did this. We first moved on Shazzrah, too full, then to another, and now on Gehennas. It is full almost everywhere.

We have put out a message saying we are moving from realm to realm, but it’s not appriciated by people that are already well above level 10, do you understand?

It is not hard to message people, it is hard to coordinate a migration, this is basic human knowledge my friend.

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not making anything will make this thing die faster, because people will leave not being able to play

Moved twice, same problem with the Q. Telling people ‘‘JUST GO TO AN OTHER SERVER’’ is retarded. You know vanilla is about community, no one is going to move on its own. This is what you get when you releases such limited servers before a launch.


They should have added 40-50 servers 4 weeks before launch. Giving the players a big time window to spread out evenly across these servers. Once the tourist attraction is gone, and the low pop realms are dying. You merge them with other lowpop realms, and eventually, you’ll have 20-30 servers stable enough, with a great playerbase, great economy and lag free experience. This is not rocket science, this is common sense.

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So in your opinion, it’s fine that a company has botched every launch of their primary product for 15 years and continue to do so, despite knowing full well that tons of people want to play Classic?


Just go do one.

I queued for 5 hours before being randomly disconnected before even getting in. Now it’s 8 hours which is 1am.

Don;t you dare tell me I should be fine with this.


:smiley: Beta tests proven that well, there were not so many interested, well, who would like to pay 15$ to play beta to 40 lvl? Hmm? even at stress tests to 20. Not many. I bet 70% of nowadays population is …hmm guys that reactivated sub day before, what might suggest issues with blizz shop :slight_smile:

YOU think you do. But you QUEUE…

Ten Storms, Hydraxian. Medium population. :slight_smile: Join us, no que

Quit whining about whining.

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Untill tomorrow, when there will be 1+ hour queues.


Still less than 7 :slight_smile:

Queues did exist back then but they were not 25000+ long.

Quoting Ion Hazzikostas from Forbes article on Monday:

When Classic launched for the first time in 2004, even then things weren’t quite this bad. We had midnight releases of physical boxed products, people coming home in waves. People didn’t have the game pre-installed, ready to log in and play on day one. They were waiting for things to come in the mail the next day.

Even on the most crowded servers, you didn’t have literally everyone logging in that first second. We expect we are going to have thousands and thousands and thousands of people per server trying to log in in that initial second and that really requires much more aggressive layering that we can then back away from.

I never experienced a queue in vanilla. Not even one time. So please stop being a White Knight for Blizzard.


Didn’t read your post, only the headline. I won’t stop whining. Have a good day.

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It’s so easy to tell people to just “choose a low pop realm”. Okey so here we are 2 or 3 months down the line, and that nice low pop realm you started investing time on is suddenly a ghost town. Not that many ppl play on it, and it’s hard to find a group to do any content. That’s the reason people won’t play on low pop pve realms.

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Blizzard need to announce new realms and allow people to transfer from full realms before they launch them. It will allow people to keep their names, progress and help spread the population more easily. It’s also important they actually give the realms cool names to attract players to them. There’s only 2 medium pop realms right now as well with 100 thousand others in the full realm queues. They need to make more.

I dont mind the unbalanced classes. I dont mind the in game bugs.

However, I did not pay to wait 8-12 hours to get in game. That’s just stupid and NO it was not like that before. It’s just stupid. It’s an issue that should be fixed and dealt with.


Firemaw is at 974 minutes. That’s over 16 hours :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah I’ve been in que since half past 12 on Golemagg. Still 4500 before me :smiley:

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