Quiting the game because of warrior

:abacus: imagine there not being a calculator emoji

I just wanna get on this discord where all the real stuff happens
If there isn’t a channel dedicated to me I’ll be dissapointed

Yeah it’d be embarrassing to flame a player that’s higher than you in every bracket, has more glads than you & doesn’t have a god complex after no lifing a meme bracket on one of the easiest classes to get ‘rank 1’ in.

Make sure you stick to solo shuffle bro, can’t be clowning on you beating your DH/DK’s with lfg clowns as splay again

Yeah but i get it why some people rating shame all the time, you have unchained season 2.9 players having an ego for a decade straight.

The channel that lockfromwish bought the services?, idk you have to ask devsnowork

Meanwhile you couldn’t even get a 2.7 achievement :clown_face:

And now you’re a 2.5k xp dk calling yourself a r1 after spamming 1k rounds with a 50% win rate. Btw, 2k warlocks got to 3.1 in 200 rounds. Are they better than you?

You realise how awful you have to be to have Drainer literally stop playing the game because you’re feeding so hard? That was great content

Yes please I would also like to know who boosted me. I think you guys are just jealous that I’m better than you without the need of discord and dedicated partners and can actually get my goals with randoms :\

Aryash you were sweating so much over a r1 cutoff that had no competition that you cheesed it on Blood as well. I’ve seen you play on streams, I’ve seen you get steamrolled by me playing splay and you as dk dh, you are genuinely awful and I’m not even trolling

Cba reading all this, emotional andy, my tip for you is to get good and get r1, stop being jealous.

Maybe I should play a spec that nobody plays, with one of the lowest cutoffs out of any spec, and then play 1000+ rounds with a 50% win rate and then if I’m still not certain, I can just play a tank spec and get it for being 1900! Sound good mr 2.5 max DK?

You’re so in denial that I genuinely hope you’re just trolling at this point to reflect better on your ‘intelligence’.

Idk, whatever you do make sure you watch less streams and play more so maybe you break 2.5 in solo queue for once.

You don’t even have 2.7 in 3s by the year 2023 yet you think solo shuffle rating is anything? 2k warlocks, DH’s and rets were playing at 3.1-3.4 in that clown bracket. Buddy I was at your ‘r1’ push mmr in 100 rounds. It took you 1000 :skull:

Btw guys, why can’t we all be nice to each other? :(((

And now 400 rounds in and not even top 20 of your spec, how the mighty have fallen.

I’m always nice to you, but you just flame me because your ego cannot handle me being r1

2400 is all I wanted buddy, most of the shadow priests around me on the ladder are all insane players as well

YOUR ego can’t handle the fact you got one of the easiest ones to get in the game, and that if the ‘r1’ worked the same as normal r1, you wouldn’t have even been close. People 400 rating higher than you didn’t even get r1. :skull:

‘R1’ solo shuffle players can’t be taken seriously when you can be a 1900 tank and still get it :+1:

Most of them are fotm first timer spriests. or last ssn r1s rerolling sp

This is just your opinion.

It was announced way before season ended that that’s how they are gonna treat the system so everyone acted accordingly.

Getting r1 on tank has always happened in the game since tbc, especially in those times where even 2v2 gave r1 title.

Wrong, I’ve played against many of those Shadow Priests since Shadowlands. (The MMR was a bit too high though so np if you didn’t know).

Such as?

It’s a fact. You had some of the most spots, least competition, one of the lowest cutoffs = one of the easiest. You spam played (1000+ games, 50% win rate). And because you were STILL sweating you also cheesed it on Blood just to make sure.

Yeah, but to the point where you can finish a season over 1000 rating below a DPS player and still get r1? Dunno about that one my guy.

Naming is against forum tos.

Warriors and warlocks had like 30 spots, not to mention healers like disc had like 40.

Still 3 spots for all tanks, and it’s different than ladder where you can play blood dk tsg and get 2200 like a blood dk rn on the ladder, or last season brewmaster arms warrior and get into r1 cutoff with comfort, so that’s why tanks lack so much cr in solo queue it’s just because simply they are not viable.

So if I said to you - who played in last week’s AWC, you wouldn’t name them? Convenient!

Do you want to provide a more accurate breakdown for the classes that have 3 specialisations? Fury alone had like 25 spots.

Yet 2200 isn’t even close to r1 cutoff. Meanwhile you could just play the MMR of S1 and get to 1700-1900 and sit rating all season lmao

I’d like to think you are a bit more intelligent and could acknowledge how your r1 solo shuffle title is a meme, but if not I sincerely wish you the best in your world of delusion. Go ask any reputable player what they think of solo shuffle and tell them how wrong they are about it.

Because no one is playing 3v3, solo queue has destroyed legacy brackets.

Solo queue is the only bracket imo and is the future of pvp in this game, whenever you like it or not.

Same ones who afk mid round or throw the game because of an overlap?

Both arms and fury had around 30 spots each, and most healers around 40 spots, while activity dropped significantly for alot of healers because rsham and mw were super broken, last month.

DF S1 did* for more reasons than just the giga inflation of the bracket.

This has nothing to do with the quality of the gameplay and how it is prevalently viewed. More popular also does not make it better. Go watch how people react when they play solo shuffle and then how they react when they play with their friends.

If you’re referring to Drainer here he went afk cus you did the opposite of what you were told to do

Arms and Fury had 30 spots each yet the cutoff for Arms was 3400 and the cutoff for Fury was 2900? Makes…sense?

You contradict your points by your actions, you say solo q bad, meanwhile you casually throw 400 games sweating for that rank 1, while barely touching legacy brackets.

Didn’t know listening to other players in shuffle is requirement.

Because fury was horrible and getting above 3k with fury was insanely hard.

Solo q is still played 15x times more than other brackets, just checked checkpvp activity.

YOU contradict your own by saying that ‘solo queue has destroyed legacy brackets’ and now you’re scratching your head over why I have way more games played in solo shuffle than legacy. Is it really that much of a mystery?

And solo queue IS bad, the gameplay is horrific. But, it’s the only reliable way I can actually play arenas.

Generally being on the same page as your partners is a pretty good idea.

Arms wasn’t horrible, so how were there 30 spots with a 3400+ cutoff? :rofl:

‘For more reasons than just the giga inflation of the s1 bracket’. Nobody is playing 3v3 because they’re high on copium and ‘waiting for the MMR to kick in’. Similar to how you’re waiting and hoping for a broken rework before you log back on.

Me a 1700 DH shuffle player having no idea what is going on xD

Seeing as you gonna bash Aryash this way, who seems like a sound dude, can you at least bash the guys that go off at me that reach their peak in shuffle ?
On second thoughts, I’ve seen how you go off and can go 0-100 so maybe don’t incase you actually cop a significant ban

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Way too many of those.

Yeah until you’re a threat to his ego and he won’t respond well to you.