I will quit rather than lose wrath and play Cata… anyone else?
i would not worry they will keep at least 1 wolk server most likely tbc’s problem was that it just wasen’t as popular as people remembered
i’ll be playing sod
If Wrath isn’t kept as a non-“progressive” server option I’ll dump my characters and just play “vanilla” classic. I have literally no interest in Cataclysm and beyond. Been there, done that, didn’t like it. I was curious how a Panda character would be and bought Pandaria after that but could get past Panda intro due to stupid pole jumping quest and never bought another expansion. Cataclysm and Pandaria killed my interest in Retail. Only Classic HOW IT WAS BEFORE CATACLYSM got my interest back. Pre-Cataclysm is Classic, Cataclysm and beyond is just “delayed Retail” and dead to me.
Nope and you won’t either haha.
I’m going to try it.
I enjoyed levelling up in the new zones on release but did not like the new starting areas or the levelling experience after the first rodeo plus the classes all became one and uninteresting. I quit shortly after reaching max level because there was zero appeal for me in it. I believe this will be the same issue this time around but I’ll give it a go. Can’t say I’ll stick with it but I’ll go in with very low expectations and see how long I can tolerate it.
I wouldn’t be so sure. I don’t believe WLK is as popular as you think it is by comparison to previous versions(Classic Era and TBC).
If I’m reading WCL correctly for TBC P3 - Hyjal/BT - during the last two weeks, there were roughly 5-6million parses for DPS alone. For healing there was around 3+million healing parses. That’s around 9-10million parses between both raids for the last two weeks of P3. Even if you were to halve those numbers to try represent parses for one raid you’d still see the numbers completely eclipsed ICC and GOTC combined(At only 1.3m-1.4m+ parses) yet still TBC didn’t get it’s own server.
Even when looking back at Naxxaramas in vanilla P6 for the last two weeks there were 6.5million parses for DPS which completely eclipses WLK’s launch numbers(Which should be the highest really) of roughly 1.4m.
I doubt they’ll justify keeping WLK alive if we see in two months time no one is playing WLK because they all raided ICC and got it out of their system… meanwhile Naxxaramas CURRENT has roughly 400k+ parses(DPS + Healer) in the last two weeks and has been cleared for three years(December 2020) now. Clearly Classic Era has stood the test of time.
WLK really isn’t as popular and has some serious issues: People raid log and they also do not raid outside of the latest raid judging by the numbers.
yea will not play cata nor the s h i t season , wanted classic + an that shet aint it…atleast they could give fresh era or even freak fresh tbc server instead of that shet…–___–
Okay, aint nobody going to miss you.
Moving on: I’ll be playing Cataclysm, up until Dragonsoul at least. T11 was a fun tier, and Firelands was awesome. But unfortunately, the Hour of Twilight patch was just… poor.
Aside from that, SoD actually looks fun and I’ll be playing that whilst raidlogging in WoTLKC. People often blame retail for being a raid-or-die game, but I think WoTLKC finally proved that WoTLK was the initiator of that game philosophy.
i d o n t give a shet what you think play what you want and i do play what i want
edit you dont think i know what you did there kid
They announced on the Q&A that they don’t have any plans for a Wrath era.
I’ve no desire to play cata - honestly I thought I wanted LK but it was apparent after a month that I just wanted classic 1-60 stuff.
I’d rather proper 1.1 stuff but I realise that ain’t possible…….but each to their own
I quit when wrath came. Now i can finally return
Can’t wait for you to quit and stop seeing the same post over and over about “Im the only one who”.
See you vs Omnitron.
Yea I’m about ready for all the " I’m guna quit when Cata comes" to just quit now to be honest…
I spoke with a guy yesterday and he made me laugh, he’s like Cata was the downfall, their numbers dropped for first time…
I’m like ok but that doesn’t mean it was bad… You also had 2 major competitions at the time launch that year… FF online and Star Wars ToR… So you were bound to have people go try something fresh and have fun on a new game?
I have nothing but fond memories of Cata for what I enjoy doing in the game. It doesn’t logically make sense for the game to just stand still for years. Like why would u still be doing the same raid for 4 years? I can’t think of anything more dull…
I mean hell most of the raid groups on my server don’t even look like it’s raiding with friends… It’s just all GDKP group looking for blah blah /w achieve and GS will be checking logs!
Hopefully that vanishes with 10 man I’m Cata
Where are these Q&A? YouTube? Forums? Reddit?
Can’t understand them being so stupid.
For me is waste of many and time from now. Probably i quit classic soon…is no point to waste money and time when cata come in few months…i quit wow 10years ago bcse of cata …cant understand why y going to ruin claasic with cata…
There wont be many players in Cata classic. A pve and a pvp server will be probably enough then.
Im sure the wrath babies just love to buy their way up with swiping their creditcard.
Prob used to warmane.
It was literally the beginning of raidlogging behaviour with wow and you blame cata for dropping subs.
Cata is just as classic like it is now with wrath lol. With all the changes they made, cata is on the same level.
Hope they will hear the feedback from the community and leave woltk in peace. I play woltk for more then 12 years and it’s a really easy way to keep me sub