Quitting when Cata comes?

This is why I have already cancel sub. They did not give as promise “Some like Vanilla” they said. I do, I love Vanilla, not Vanilla with cherries, or Vanilla with chocolate sproínkles. Just plain VAnilla.

I think it was mentioned that they plan a classic/vanilla fresh after SoD, maybe it’s true or not, but i do understand your decision.

Maybe it’s a good time to try another MMORPG, one that doesn’t make old content irrelevant.

No, for me it’s WoW or nothing.

I’d been perfectly happy with Era’s for the 3 Classics and HC. But not those too many changes :frowning:

What did they change in Era?

What did they NOT change in Era?

Some examples:
Mount on ship
Debuff countdowners
Character select screen
FP markers in mini-map
Also PvP (Don’t ask what, don’t do PvP)

look in patchnotes and inside your memoruy
Era is much changed.

Sorry i can’t look at my memory about Vanilla, i wasn’t playing WoW at the time.

If you currently enjoy WotLK, there’s no way you won’t enjoy Cataclysm. The only good arguments in favor of WotLK are, in oder from most to least relevant:

  1. I like the old world.
  2. I like the rpg aspect of ammunition/poisons/other reagents.
  3. I’m not good enough to clear Cataclysm content.
  4. I like WotLK music too much.

I can’t think of any other reason to dislike Cataclysm. Everything is the same, but better. They’re both an afk-in-main-city-waiting-for-queue-pop simulator, but Cataclysm gameplay is better.

I just wanted to tell you because i saw it just now that they released a pve RP server.

Yes I saw yesterday. And admitted error her:

But still I will not play SoD for 2 weeks at least. This full I not like.

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