No they aren’t.
They are all 1D characters that are uninteresting, that’s why not a lot of people like to play Alliance.
The races don’t look as cool as horde races.
The lore isn’t as interesting as horde.
And the characters aren’t as interesting as horde counterparts.
The alliance players are hellbent on having the alliance faction having the moral highground and since blizzard is listening to them, they will never be interesting.
Tyrande? a literal damsel in distress, how the hell can the leader of a mythical race of immortals get lectured by a human less that 10% of her life spans old.
Maiev… vengeance! justice! that’s all, she was fun when illidan was around and even then she was still 1D, now she’s irrelevant and she makes no sense.
Yrel, she was a fun character and actually interesting, until the whole " crusade 1D holy light changes "
Captain fareeya? who?
Moira is literally known as the kidnapped princess and magni’s daughter, that’s it. her biggest achieved feat was to almost break the alliance between the dwarves and humans.
Where as look at horde counterparts.
Thrall : wise, neutral wants to fix stuff, regrets the horde previous actions and tries to better the world, he actually can get angry, makes mistakes and tries to fix stuff.
Sylvannas : a literal case where someone because the thing they hated the most, from an arrogant elf commander to a hateful banshee to a semi-lichking.
Cairne ( I will ignore bain because he’s actually an alliance character ) Surivor, chieftan and friend of thrall, has actual feelings and actually does mistakes, unlike the alliance counterparts who never ever done mistakes.
Lor’themar : doesn’t wanna lead, forced to lead, diplomatic and always seeking the interest of his people, a character that actually thinks and weighs in their judgement instead of acting brashly unlike Gen who killed the only chance for peace between the horde and alliance and that’s a king btw, and even then blizzard made him be right by making it that sylvannas was upto something bad.
The only alliance character with atleast abit of interesting character behind him is velen, and even then he is 1D peacemonger, but atleast he’s a likable 1D peacemonger unlike the go into a war with plague using enemy without bringing plague masks anduin.