Quitting wow

No they aren’t.

They are all 1D characters that are uninteresting, that’s why not a lot of people like to play Alliance.

The races don’t look as cool as horde races.
The lore isn’t as interesting as horde.
And the characters aren’t as interesting as horde counterparts.

The alliance players are hellbent on having the alliance faction having the moral highground and since blizzard is listening to them, they will never be interesting.

Tyrande? a literal damsel in distress, how the hell can the leader of a mythical race of immortals get lectured by a human less that 10% of her life spans old.

Maiev… vengeance! justice! that’s all, she was fun when illidan was around and even then she was still 1D, now she’s irrelevant and she makes no sense.

Yrel, she was a fun character and actually interesting, until the whole " crusade 1D holy light changes "

Captain fareeya? who?

Moira is literally known as the kidnapped princess and magni’s daughter, that’s it. her biggest achieved feat was to almost break the alliance between the dwarves and humans.

Where as look at horde counterparts.

Thrall : wise, neutral wants to fix stuff, regrets the horde previous actions and tries to better the world, he actually can get angry, makes mistakes and tries to fix stuff.

Sylvannas : a literal case where someone because the thing they hated the most, from an arrogant elf commander to a hateful banshee to a semi-lichking.

Cairne ( I will ignore bain because he’s actually an alliance character ) Surivor, chieftan and friend of thrall, has actual feelings and actually does mistakes, unlike the alliance counterparts who never ever done mistakes.

Lor’themar : doesn’t wanna lead, forced to lead, diplomatic and always seeking the interest of his people, a character that actually thinks and weighs in their judgement instead of acting brashly unlike Gen who killed the only chance for peace between the horde and alliance and that’s a king btw, and even then blizzard made him be right by making it that sylvannas was upto something bad.

The only alliance character with atleast abit of interesting character behind him is velen, and even then he is 1D peacemonger, but atleast he’s a likable 1D peacemonger unlike the go into a war with plague using enemy without bringing plague masks anduin.

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true they will never be as deep as regent who or atheas the incompetent or rommath the forgotten :stuck_out_tongue: i pray we get more aethas where another sunreaver betrays him just to keep up the routine

i liked the sunreavers back in wolk but seriously i’d be embarrassed if i was aethas where a group that carries my name constantly betrays me and makes me look bad and incompetent

The problem here with the things you mentioned is coming from the way how the alliance is portrayed by the Blizzard in WoW, the night elves in the Warcraft RTS were portrayed in a different way as a fearless amazon warriors.

Than also some of our new characters even tho they have potential didn’t received the same attention as the new horde characters did like Talanji or Thalyssra .

Than the bad thing with the alliance is that Blizzard is not giving any attention to the other races, because it centers everything around humans.

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don’t you know the root of wow is orcs vs humans as ion have said time again :stuck_out_tongue: if your not a human or orc you dont get a good cutscene well unless your sylvanas :stuck_out_tongue:

True, compare the Wow original cinematic elfs with the current iteration of them, this is partly to blame on the alliance players though, they some so stuck to the alliance being the ideal holier than though and make no mistake faction and blizzard caters to just that.

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Bwomsamdi begs to differ :< the best thing to come out of BFA was him.

Also that Rastakhan vs Zul cutscene was fire.

he’ll be a dungeon boss before the shadowlands is even finished maybe even in his own dungeon

he’ll be like "nothing personal but I was on the jailer’s side the whole time! "

Besides Yrel could have a great potential if Blizzard would bring her to the Azeroth, I want to see the characters with a more shade of gray moral approach, and not a boring goodie two shoes like Anduin. We need in the alliance the light crusaders.

if she comes over she will just be dungeon or raid fodder blizz don’t want morally gray in their pristine captain america alliance

This approach Blizzard currently has with the alliance with the storytelling is one of the major reasons which is turning the players away from the faction. Blizzard needs a better writing team for the alliance.

well the biggest irony is that one point blizz said they don’t like to write for the alliance because its a boring faction but its within their power to make the alliance not boring but they won’t do that because the would require effort and blizz is out of that

Blizzard recently hired the guy which worked on the Witcher 3 storytelling, if it would give to him the position of the leading writer for the game I’m sure how he would find a way to make the alliance different and more appealing.

doubt he’ll work on wow most likely one of their other secret projects he might be on diablo 4 for all we know

i think the problem with anduin is that his to much of a naive peacemonger he don’t seem to understand that true peace would require strength varian was trying to tell him that in his letter but it seems to have gone over blondie’s head

heck if you play any complicated RTS the enemy won’t take you seriously if your force is 2 pikemen and a balista if they have 20.000 troops because you spent all your time not building up your forces but building those 400 farms :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean look how shi*ty and weak was alliance portrayed in the end of the war campaign, even with all the recruitment we had with the lightforge and dark iron dwarves, we couldn’t face the Sylvanas alone but needed Saurfang and his horde faction to face her for us.

Or look how were night elves portrayed in the Darkshore, Tyrande empowered with the Elune power didn’t even scratched the Nathanos, pathetic.

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Please no :< I wanna take his side!

And where the fack are worgens, why we cant see them in the game reclaiming and rebuilding the Gilneas ?

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That’s also one of the disadvantages given to the alliance.

The alliance troops are considered weakling fodder while the alliance heroes are given OP demigod powers, along with a combined IQ of a monkey.

How can the Alliance heroes be so strong yet so dumb is beyond me, and a lot of these " powers " are straight up BS-anime power ups.

Since when Anduin can cast that mass heal and since when can his melee attacks create a friggin shockwave.

Since when did Jaina become so powerful she can lift a gigantic ship and launch all it’s cannons then thanos snap the plague away?

These powerups force the writers to write impossible scenarios in order to balance things, which ends up in making the powerful characters look dumb.


they had to be dumb or they would destroy the horde it’s a truth that most people have long accepted is it good story tell no but thats what we have

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Yeah Jaina is portrayed as super strong mage, but Sylvanas is portrayed also as a super OP char currently even more with the way how she did took the Saurfang and later on the Bolvar down.

Anduin is a holy priest, and what he is casting is salvation, and that’s the major power he has, but otherwise in the combat he is weak I think.

The way how the alliance was portrayed in the attack of the Undercity is bad, I mean the faction was shown as an incompetent one, without the good strategists, and in a way that if Jaina didn’t showed up to save the day that everything would fail for it.

That’s true, how does Thalyssra not know how to do this???